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研究生(外文):Tzu-Yen Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Force of Art in Jacques Derrida’s Writing Theory
指導教授(外文):Cristal Huang
  • 被引用被引用:3
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As far as art is concerned, Freedom is undeniable, especially when it comes to such issues as imagination and creativity. However, in explaining the problem of subject-object, theory and direct experience differs stage by stage under the predominantly historical-metaphysical structure of rationality, so that understanding is limited by rules and system. On the other hand, the coming up of art is not controlled by the structural thinking, and this scarce uncontrolled state is what philosophy needs to reflect. Just mentioning formal type of art without paying attention to this invaluable and undivided process makes no advance of our understanding of art.

In Derrida, the existing philosophical theories are shaken by strategies and practices of writing and opposition as well as division seems temporarily eliminated. The “side-effect” of duality and Derrida’s strategy becomes the most valuable product on practice; however, it is un-present like trace and neglected.

The discussion of art and force in this thesis starts neither from artistic from, nor does it follow style of operation manual, but from metaphor of art and internal experience. The multi-transformation of writing and reading reveals the working of metaphor and inscription in our experience.
序論 1
第一章 書寫理論作為方法論之影響力 4
第二章 書寫理論作為理解的策略 18
第一節 策略綜論 18
第二節 書寫與隱喻 29
第三節 心靈書寫與藝術經驗 34
第三章 書寫理論做為藝術創作的動力 38
第一節 理解與創作的問題 38
第二節 原則性 43
第三節 銘刻與解放 47
第四章 交互與回歸:書寫理論與藝術的交互影響 51
第一節 脈絡與理解 52
第二節 模仿之常態抑或新生 57
第三節 從替補到創造的方法歷程與限制 61
第四節 直接經驗與藝術符號的書寫角色 65
結論 69
參考書目 73
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