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研究生(外文):Chih-wen Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):The Study of The Interrelationship Among IT Professionals Knowledge Absorbability, Training and Professional Competence - Take Financial Industry as an Example
指導教授(外文):Rei-yao Wu
外文關鍵詞:Knowleage Absorptive CapacityTrainingProfessional Competence
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本研究採用問卷調查法。以金融產業為樣本對象,回收有效問卷303 份。透過SPSS統計軟體與線性結構化方程模式AMOS,來驗證本研究的理論架構是否成立。經由統計結果得知,信度驗證之Cronbach’s α係數總信度為0.960,具有相當好的內部一致性。效度驗證由AMOS的計算結果可知飽和模式是0,獨立模式是0.170,所以表示適合度佳。在透過敘述性統計分析進一步的暸解本研究樣本人口基本資料後,更進一步的再採用獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe多重比較檢定,進行人口統計變項對知識吸收能力及教育訓練間相互影響之驗證,同時也透過相關分析的統計方法進行知識吸收能力、教育訓練與專業能力三者研究變項間的相關驗證,最後更利用複回歸分析法與徑路分析法更進一步的驗證本研究架構之合理性。
1. 人口統計變項對知識吸收能力與教育訓練,具有一定程度之影響力。
2. 知識吸收能力與教育訓練對專業能力三者相互影響之關係呈顯著結果。
Since September 2008, the Lehman Brothers even has been burst out from now; the world economy has entered into the storm of the financial depression. However, to deal with more and more competitive financial environment in the knowledge base era, the first priority is to control the key component. Applying high-technology and driving knowledge management so we can create the value of intellectual capital. Furthermore, we can enhance the core competencies and the competitive predominance that is also the most important point of management strategy to upgrade the competency for an enterprise. Thus, the key point of success is what capability that colleagues would have. In this circumstance, the role of IT department is becoming more and more important for an enterprise. IT department is turning into a strategic role as well. If we can grasp the status of absorptive capacity for an IT member, what the training courses they had been trained and what field they are good at, we may choose the right people for a proper job for hiring the new members faster and more accurately. So that we can perfectly arrange the right person to the right job, moreover, we can avoid the unnecessary spent and the waste of resource to save the cost and to become the key component for establishing the predominant of competition. Thus, how to use the internal recessive factor of knowledge management「the ability of Absorptive Capacity」; through various kind of training courses to solid the professional competence to financial IT member to upgrade the service quality and the efficiency; is not the main purpose for this study but what the things can not wait for an enterprise to upgrade the power of competition.
This study is adopting the questionnaire survey method. The target is financial industry. We received 303 valid copies of questionnaire. Through SPSS and AMOS, we proceed the empirical analyze on the absorptive capacity, effeteness of training to the professional competencies. The results found that the verify reliability of Cronbach α values is 0.767, it is not only base on “professional expertise” from the table of training, but also the Reliability standards, such as the scale of absorptive capacity and the scale of professional competence , are more than 0.8. It shows that the scale has a very high stability and accuracy. Harvest from associated analysis, Regression analysis and path analysis. There are an associated between the absorptive capacity for knowledge, training, and the professional competencies. We can find the evidence of support for these 3 coefficients: between Knowledge absorptive capacity and Training is up to 0.54, the coefficient between Knowledge absorptive capacity and Professional competence is up to 0.48, the coefficient between education and professional competence is 0.85. Besides, an overall assessment value of CMIN is 126.606, GFI is 0.920, AGFI is 0.849, PGFI is 0.491, less than 0.5. RMR is 0.039, less than 0.05 that shows the model we set is correct and achieved the expectation result of the study.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 5
1.3 研究目的 7
1.4 研究對象與範圍 8
1.5 論文架構 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
2.1 知識吸收能力 10
2.1.1 吸收能力的定義 10
2.1.2 吸收能力的影響因素 13
2.1.3 增強知識吸收能力的建議 16
2.2 教育訓練 17
2.2.1 教育訓練之定義 18
2.2.2 教育訓練的目的 20
2.2.3 教育訓練的方式與衡量指標 23
2.2.4 教育訓練之內容 27
2.3 專業能力 30
2.3.1 專業的定義 32
2.3.2 能力的意義 33
2.3.3 資訊專業人員 34
2.3.4 專業基本能力指標 37
第三章 研究設計 40
3.1 研究架構 40
3.2 研究假設 41
3.2.1 「知識吸收能力」與「教育訓練」之關係 45
3.2.2 「知識吸收能力」與「專業能力」之關係 45
3.2.3 「教育訓練」與「專業能力」之關係 46
3.3 研究變數之操作性定義與衡量工具 46
3.3.1 人口統計變項 46
3.3.2 知識吸收能力 48
3.3.3 教育訓練 51
3.3.4 專業能力 53
3.4 資料蒐集方法 55
3.5 資料分析方法 55
第四章 資料分析與研究結果 58
4.1 基本資料結構分析 58
4.2 信度與效度分析 61
4.2.1 信度分析 61
4.2.2 效度分析 62
4.3 金融業資訊人員於各研究變項之現況分析 64
4.3.1 金融業資訊人員知識吸收能力現況分析 64
4.3.2 金融業資訊人員教育訓練現況分析 67
4.3.4 金融業資訊人員專業能力現況分析 69
4.4 不同人口變項對金融業資訊人員於各研究變項之差異分析 72
4.4.1 不同性別於各研究變項上之差異情形 72
4.4.2 不同年齡於各研究變項上之差異情形 75
4.4.3 不同婚姻狀況於各研究變項之差異情形 76
4.4.4 不同教育程度於各研究變項之差異情形 78
4.4.5 不同畢業系所於各研究變項之差異情形 79
4.4.6 不同工作年資於各研究變項之差異情形 82
4.4.7 不同職級於各研究變項之差異情形 83
4.4.8 不同工作類別於各研究變項之差異情形 84
4.4.9 不同證照於各研究變項之差異情形 85
4.5 知識吸收能力、教育訓練與專業能力之相關分析 87
4.5.1 研究變項之間的相關性分析 87
4.5.2 知識吸收能力與教育訓練之相關分析 88
4.5.3 知識吸收能力與專業能力之相關分析 89
4.5.4 教育訓練與專業能力之相關分析 90
4.6 複迴歸分析 91
4.7 徑路分析 95
4.8研究假設驗證結果 96
第五章 結論與建議 99
5.1 研究結論 99
5.2 研究建議 105
參考文獻 106
中文部分 :
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