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論文名稱(外文):Ontology-based Assessment Hypothetical by Using Rule-Space Model - Case in SCJP Course
指導教授(外文):Lawrence Y. Deng
外文關鍵詞:Rule-space ModelID3 AlgorithmDecision TreeSelf-RegulationScaffolding Theory
  • 被引用被引用:11
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科技的發展與網路的便捷,拉近了學習的距離,同時也降低了求知的門檻,許多人開始透過網路以達成遠距學習的目的。因此,數位學習(e-Learning)已經受到各國產官學界的重視;此外,在專業證照化時代,擁有國際證照足以證明對專業知識的認知與素養,也越容易找到理想工作。而遠距教學的蓬勃發展,使得國際證照的考取也不再需要隻身至國外;然而,在現今的遠距學習(Distance Learning)系統中,如何提供一個具智慧的學習評估系統,讓學習者更加瞭解知識中學習物件且能瞭解自己所學習的成果評估,是非常重要的。
本篇論文提出一個學習成效分析及回饋之線上考試系統,架構在SCJP國際認證考試實驗系統上,使用本體論(Ontology)定義SCJP知識體,將線上考試系統與本體論結合,藉由規則空間模型(Rule-Space Model)進一步分析使用者對知識中學習物件的認知,建構出線上考試系統,產生學習成效強弱分析之評估,作為學生自我學習之成果分析與自我調適(Self-regulation)的依據,輔導學生考取SCJP(Sun Certified Java Programmer)證照。另外透過決策樹(Decision Tree)分析實際學生考試結果,推論出影響認證通過的關鍵章節,輔助教師課程教材與試題改進的成效,產生循環輔導學生學習方向及補強較弱章節之學習物件,以達到社會學習之目的。
It is a challenge research issue to analysis and measure the student’s learning achievement in E-learning. How to provide an automatic assessment system in distance learning wasn’t only become more and more popular but more and more important in educational world. This paper was addressed how to provide a simulation testing system and to provide a diagnosing model and then to understand the student’s learning achievement. In this paper, we applied the ID3-like algorithm to build up decision tree by analysis the best information gain of the student’s SCJP testing attributes as the root of the decision tree and then to help the learners to regulate their learning topic/chapter to get the SCJP certification in near future. We used the rule-space model to diagnose the cognitive skills for assessment evaluation in SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer) course. The rule-space approach supports cognitive analysis of student’s Java programming skill. And then to comprehensive what learning tops are weaknesses or strengths by individuals. We implemented a web testing application for SCJP testing simulation. The primarily result showed that not only providing the self-regulation suggestion for testers but also helping the lecturer to adapt the priorities of their teaching topics/chapters. This approach is a helpful guidance in vocational education that could help the learner to get the professional certification in near future. We believed this approach can apply to more online professional certifications.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
圖索引 vii
表索引 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 2
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 國內外相關研究 6
2.1 數位學習(e-Learning)理論與應用 6
2.2 鷹架理論(Scaffolding theory) 10
2.3 決策樹(Decision Tree)理論與應用 12
2.4 規則空間模型(Rule-Space Model) 15
2.5 本體論(Ontology) 19
2.5.1 何謂本體論 19
2.5.2 本體論解決問題的概念 21
2.5.3 本體論應用 23
2.5.4 Protégé-3.1.1 23
第三章 SCJP本體論與規則空間模型 27
3.1 SCJP認證考試簡介 28
3.2 SCJP課程內容本體論 29
3.3 規則空間模型解析學習物件 35
3.4 關鍵章節決策樹 39
第四章 系統實作 43
4.1 系統架構 43
4.2 系統資料庫 45
4.3 本體論題庫分類與診斷 47
4.4 系統畫面 50
第五章 結論 54
5.1 結論 54
5.2 未來發展 55
參考文獻 56
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