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論文名稱(外文):A Pulsed Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Supply System and Applications
指導教授(外文):Fuh-Liang Wen
外文關鍵詞:Atmospheric pressure plasmaPulsed parameterSurface modificationPlasma jetting streamPCB surface treatment
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本論文研究之重點分成兩個部分,第一部分是利用實驗室現有的直流電源供應器與直流脈衝電源控制器,結合自行設計與製作的一組乾式高頻脈衝變壓器,構成一組脈衝式高壓電源供應器,以此作為常壓電漿之電源:其電氣規格為最大功率2 kW、最高頻率25 kHz、最高電壓20 kV,輸出模式為雙極性脈衝(Bipolar)。透過RS232介面由遠端個人電腦來設定脈衝參數與監控電源的功率輸出,並搭配示波器、高壓探棒、電流探棒等量測設備記錄負載波形的變化。
第二部分是將脈衝式高壓電源供應器供電輸出,通入乾燥的壓縮空氣,調整電壓與氣壓,使電漿噴射頭(Atmospheric pressure plasma jet,APPJ)產生低溫的常壓電漿,於腔體內置入試片進行表面處理,並藉由水滴接觸角量測儀與3D表面輪廓儀,量測試片表面的變化,以驗證表面處理的效果。
實驗結果顯示,脈衝式常壓電漿供應系統藉由調整直流電源、脈衝參數及氣體壓力,可輸出穩定的噴射電漿。於25 kHz、Duty cycle 50%、空氣壓力0.4 kg∕cm2、功率0.77 kW條件下,試片從原材料表面到電漿表面處理12秒後,水滴接觸角由65.1°下降至34.1°;而材料表面平均粗度亦從原材料表面到電漿表面處理10秒後,由表面粗度(Ra)1.19 μm提昇至2.17 μm,證明此裝置對於PCB板表面清潔與活化有顯著的效果。PCB板經常壓電漿處理後,親水性增加,表示其附著力提昇,對元件焊接的良率有很大的幫助。
In industrial application, usually the plasma is used to surface modification to improve the surface function and quality or yield rates for products. Since an atmospheric pressure plasma could be applied to surface modification for products with complex geometry in a lack of vacuum environment, it definitely saves a lot of operation cost. The pulsed atmospheric pressure plasma supply system (PAPPS) has unique features in lower surface charge accumulation and higher processing repeatability due to pulsed parameter adjustment from clever tuning technique in manufacturing recipes.
There are two important sections described in this thesis. First section, the practical design is performed for one set of a pulsed high-voltage power supply involved a high-frequency pulsed transformer which was adapted a DC power supply and a pulsed power controller. Its electrical specifications are maximum output power of 2 kW, the operating frequencies within 25 kHz, and limited working voltage at 20 kV with a bipolar pulsed output mode. Through RS232 interface, the PC remote control system was built for setting the pulsed parameters and for monitoring the variation of electrical power outputs, which also consisted of an oscilloscope, a high voltage differentiate probe, and a current probe. Next, under appropriate dry-pressure air and high-pulsed voltage supply, the atmospheric pressure plasma jet was generated via a plasma jetting nozzle. This low-temperature plasma jet would be employed as the tool of surface treatment for work pieces at an atmospheric chamber. Through measured instruments of contact angles and 3D surface profiles, the surface characteristics were detected after surface treatment.
Experimental results have demonstrated that the pulsed atmospheric pressure plasma supply system is able to offer a stable plasma stream while a tunable DC power source, pulsed parameters and air pressures. One of optimal parameters includes the operating frequency of 25 kHz and 50% duty cycle, air pressure in 0.4 kg∕cm2, and electrical power of 0.77 kW, resulting in contact angles of drop-shape varied from 65.1° fallen into 34.1° after 12 second plasma surface treatment. Also, the surface average roughness (Ra) was carried from 1.19 μm levitated to 2.17 μm after surface modification in 10 seconds. It is an obvious proof of the PAPPS system useful capability in PCB surface cleaning and activating. After plasma surface treatment, the hydrophilic feature of PCB plates has been enhanced that meaning of adherent substance ability on PCB surface is improved for component welding and in robust yield rate.
摘 要 I
誌 謝 V
目 錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 研究動機與目的 1
1.3. 論文架構 2
第二章 電漿的基本原理 4
2.1.1. 電漿的產生與定義 4
2.1.2. 電漿的分類 4
2.1.3. 局部熱平衡電漿與非局部熱平衡電漿 5
2.1.4. 常壓電漿放電的基本原理 7
2.1.5. 典型電漿之電壓對電流關係 8
2.1.6. 電漿的基本特性 10
2.2. 脈衝電漿理論基礎 14
2.2.1. 脈衝電漿簡介 14
2.2.2. 脈衝電漿的方程式推導 14
2.2.3. 理想脈衝方程式推導 15
2.2.4. 實測脈衝方程式(Practical pulse function) 18 非理想波形函數(S)探討 20 系統轉移函數(S)探討 23
第三章 常壓電漿發展回顧與應用考量 25
3.1. 直流及低頻放電(DC and low frequency discharges) 25
3.1.1. 連續工作模式:Arc電漿火炬(The arc plasma torches) 25
3.1.2. 脈衝式的工作模式 26 電暈放電(Corona discharge) 26 介電質放電(Dielectric barrier discharge,DBD) 27
3.2. 射頻放電 28
3.2.1. 電感耦合式電漿火炬 28
3.2.2. IST系統 (Information society technologies,IST) 28
3.2.3. RF低功率放電 29 常壓噴射電漿(Atmospheric pressure plasma jet,APPJ) 29 低溫電漿火炬( Cold plasma torch) 30 中空電極系統(The hollow cathode systems) 30
3.3. 微波感應電漿(Microwave induced plasma,MIPs) 31
3.4. 常壓電漿的應用 32
3.4.1. 電漿火炬式 32
3.4.2. 電暈放電式 33
3.4.3. 介電質放電式 33
3.4.4. 噴射式電漿 35
3.5. 系統發展的考量 36
第四章 系統建構與實驗步驟 37
4.1. 直流電源供應器 37
4.2. 直流脈衝電源控制器 38
4.3. 高頻脈衝變壓器 41
4.3.1. 脈衝變壓器之規格 41
4.3.2. 變壓器設計與材料選用 42
4.3.4. 封裝作業 49
4.4. 噴射式點狀電極 53
4.4.1. APPJ的特點 53
4.4.2. APPJ的構造 53
4.5. 腔體與氣體供應系統 57
4.6. 量測系統 58
第五章 實驗結果與討論 63
5.1. 負載電壓電流波形之量測 63
5.2. 水滴接觸角的量測 71
5.3. 表面粗糙度的量測 74
第六章 結論與未來努力方向 79
6.1. 結論 79
6.2. 未來努力方向 79
參考文獻 81
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