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研究生(外文):Luo,Yu Ren
論文名稱(外文):The Study on Text-dependent Speaker Verification Using Support Vector Machine
指導教授(外文):Chen, Shi Huang
外文關鍵詞:linear prediction coefficient (LPC)line spectrum frequency (LSF)mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC)support vector machine (SVM)speaker identificationspeaker verification
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首先,本演算法採用語者選擇的語音字句為密碼,然後利用SVM來針對語者語音字句的特徵參數進行訓練,進而產生了語者的特徵模型,之後SVM就可區別語者本人或其他冒充者。在語者辨識系統的特徵參數方面,本論文主要運用線性預測係數(LPC)和線頻譜頻對(LSF)參數和梅爾倒頻譜(MFCC)參數、線性預測係數結合梅爾倒頻譜參數(LPC+MFCC)、差量倒頻譜參數(ΔMFCC)、2次差量倒頻譜參數(ΔΔMFCC)六組參數做效能比較,接著進行語者識別。實驗採用Aurora- 2.0數位語音資料庫進行測試。

從實驗中可以發現,採用2次差異量梅爾倒頻譜參數(ΔΔ MFCC) 做為語音特徵參數的語者識別系統上,會比採用LPC、LSF、MFCC、LPC-MFCC與ΔMFCC識別率來的好,在僅使用22階2次差異量MFCC的情況下。本論文提出之語者驗證演算法得到平均準確率在95.37%、而EER則是0.0%,明顯發現2次差異量梅爾倒頻譜參數在語者識別上的總辨識率比其它參數較佳。
With the progress of speaker recognition, such technologies have been widely used in speech-related applications, e.g., entrance guard, database access, credit card, telephone banking, and security system. However, there is still a need to improve its reliability. In order to increase the performance of speech recognition system, this thesis proposed a new text-dependent speaker verification system using various speaker features and support vector machine (SVM).

First the proposed algorithm makes use of speech signal spoken by user as password. The SVM then is applied to train a speaker model using the speaker features extracted from the speech signal. Finally the proposed algorithm can perform text-dependent speaker verification by the trained speaker model. This thesis studied six sets of speaker features on the proposed SVM-based speaker verification system. They are linear prediction coefficient (LPC), line spectrum frequency (LSF), mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC), LSF-MFCC, delta-MFCC, and delta-delta-MFCC. Experiments are conducted on Aurora-2 speech database with different order of the speaker features.
It follows from experimental results that the delta-delta-MFCC has the better speaker verification performance than the other five features, i.e., LPC, LSF, MFCC, and delta-MFCC. The proposed text-dependent speaker verification system based on the 26th-order delta-delta-MFCC and SVM gives an equal error rate (EER) of 0.0% and average accuracy rate of 95.37%.
摘要 I
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 語者辨識系統概述 4
1.3 相關研究 7
1.4 研究方法 9
1.5 論文架構 10
第二章 語音訊號處理與特徵參數擷取 11
2.1語音訊號前處理 12
2.2梅爾倒頻譜 13
2.2.1取框 14
2.2.2預強調 15
2.2.3漢明窗 15
2.2.4離散傅立葉轉換 16
2.2.5梅爾濾波器組 17
2.3差量倒頻譜參數 20
2.4線頻譜對 22
2.4.1線性預測介紹 23
2.4.2線頻譜頻率介紹 26
2.4.3 LPC至LSF轉換 27
2.4.4 LSF至LPC換轉 28
第三章支持向量機法 32
3.1 線性支持向量機 33
3.2 非線性支持向量機 37
3-3 核心函數 38
第四章 語者辨識方法與結果 41
4.1 語者識別實驗 42
4.1.1 語者驗證系統 - 實驗一 45
4.1.2 語者驗證系統 - 實驗二 46
4.1.2 語者驗證系統 - 實驗三 47
4.1.3 語者驗證系統 - 實驗四 49
4.1.4 語者驗證系統 - 實驗五 51
4.2 不同特徵參數的結果 54
第五章 結論與未來展望 57
參考文獻 59
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