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研究生(外文):Yu Hsun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Innovation Contradictions of the Manufacturers – and Application of TRIZ Methods
指導教授(外文):Hsieh Sheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Innovation contradictionsTRIZMatrix of contradiction
  • 被引用被引用:4
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If the manufacturers want to maintain their business in the highly competitive environment, they themselves must obtain certain competitive advantages. At this point, given the abilities and resources owned by each manufacturer, the managers are able to develop appropriate strategies to meet consumers’ needs. “Innovation” is one of the strategies highly advocated by many manufacturers in recent years. However, innovation itself is full of uncertainties which are affected not only by the techniques, but also by many contradictions. As a result, it is necessary to analyze the contradictions of the innovation and solve the consequent problems. There are many kinds of problems happening during innovation activities. First, in order to provide projects unique than others, the manufacturers have to spend more time on innovation relatively. Second, when taking the cost into account, they usually have to make a decision between quality and price. Third, the manufacturers frequently face many choices during innovation activities. These examples above are the contradictions frequently happening within innovation.
The main purpose of this study is to build a matrix of contradiction in innovation activities by means of TRIZ theory in order to help manufacturers use the principles of innovation to solve problems. The three main purposes of the study are:
1. To investigate the bottlenecks, problems, and contradictions within the innovation activities,
2. To build a new mold for innovation through applying TRIZ methods and explaining the phenomenon of innovation contradiction,
3. And to conduct case investigations to explore the application of TRIZ to solve the problems of innovation contradiction.
The study population is Taiwan screw manufacturers, and TRIZ approach is used to analyze the case investigations. Over the period of time, the screw manufacturers have many innovation activities in order to exist continuously, but under a series of innovation activities, contradictions also happen. The study expects that the research will provide a reference for manufacturers when developing innovation strategies. The author interviewed ten experts and expected that this will allow manufacturers to be able to plan a thorough series of solution which can deal with the problems happening during innovation activities. There are 21 attributes in the matrix of contradiction which is derived from the bottlenecks, problems, contradictions, and 40 innovation principles of TRIZ while conducting innovation activities. The 21 attributes are applied to build the matrix of contradiction for the manufacturers. In addition, by means of exploring each case investigation through the attributes of the innovation contradiction matrix, the author realized that most of the manufacturers face certain kinds of bottlenecks, problems, and contradictions while doing innovation activities.
The study receives following results.
1. The 21 attributes from innovation contradiction show that innovation is really crucial to manufacturers under current business situation. However, manufacturers encounter many bottlenecks and problems during innovation activities. The matrix of contradiction built by the study is able to explore the conflict of the innovation. It is also able to provide suggestions and solutions for the process of dealing with problems.
2. By applying innovation contradiction attributes to analyze case investigations and exploring screw manufactures’ innovation activities, the study receives the unchanged and desired attributes and provides feasible solutions based on the matrix of contradiction.
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景動機 1
第二節 研究目的 13
第三節 研究對象 14
第四節 研究流程 15
第二章 文獻探討 17
第一節 創新理論 17
第二節 TRIZ 26
第三節 TRIZ在管理領域的實務研究 28
第四節 矛盾矩陣 40
第三章 研究設計 45
第一節 研究設計與研究方法 45
第二節 研究步驟 45
第三節 研究範圍與對象 47
第四章 創新矛盾矩陣建構與創新原則之應用 48
第一節 創新矛盾矩陣之建構 48
第二節 TRIZ理論屬性與影響廠商創新矛盾現象屬性之配適 51
第三節 訪談過程與確認分析結果 56
第四節 矩陣之建構 58
第五節 實證個案與分析 61
第五章 結論與建議 73
第一節 研究結論 73
第二節 研究貢獻 76
第三節 研究限制與建議 76
參考文獻 78
附錄1:問卷 85
附錄2:矛盾矩陣表 87

表1-1主要國家研發支出(前20名) 4
表1-1主要國家研發支出(前20名)(續) 5
表1-2主要國家研發投資強度表(前20名) 5
表1-2主要國家研發投資強度表(前20名)(續) 6
表1-3主要國家研發經費來源比重(前9名) 6
表1-4主要國家研發經費執行比重 7
表1-5各國之研發人員規模 8
表1-6各國產學合作比重 8
表1-6各國產學合作比重(續) 9
表1-7國內創新系統成員相互引證概況 10
表1-8台灣在美、日、中國專利獲准概況 11
表1-9台灣研發與創新優、劣勢 12
表2-1國內外學者對創新所下的定義 18
表2-1國內外學者對創新所下的定義(續) 19
表2-2各國學者對創新的分類 20
表2-2各學者對創新的分類(續) 21
表2-3 TRIZ之40條原則與適用於非技術領域之原則 30
表2-3 TRIZ之40條原則與適用於非技術領域之原則(續) 31
表2-3 TRIZ之40條原則與適用於非技術領域之原則(續) 32
表2-3 TRIZ之40條原則與適用於非技術領域之原則(續) 33
表2-3 TRIZ之40條原則與適用於非技術領域之原則(續) 34
表2-3 TRIZ之40條原則與適用於非技術領域之原則(續) 35
表2-4電子化企業的TRIZ創新法則及內容 37
表2-5矛盾矩陣中的39個屬性 40
表2-5矛盾矩陣中的39個屬性(續) 41
表2-5矛盾矩陣中的39個屬性(續) 42
表4-1 TRIZ之40條原則與適用廠商創新之原則 48
表4-1 TRIZ之40條原則與適用廠商創新之原則(續) 49
表4-1 TRIZ之40條原則與適用廠商創新之原則(續) 50
表4-2原先TRIZ屬性與影響廠商創新屬性之配適 51
表4-2原先TRIZ屬性與影響廠商創新屬性之配適(續) 52
表4-2原先TRIZ屬性與影響廠商創新屬性之配適(續) 53
表4-3十位專家之意見彙整表 56
表4-3十位專家之意見彙整表(續) 57
表4-4矛盾矩陣表簡圖 58
表4-5廠商創新之矛盾矩陣 59
表4-5廠商創新之矛盾矩陣(續) 60
表4-6台灣螺絲產業2003~2007產值、進出口值、量表 61
表4-7各類問題之需維持及待改善之屬性彙整表 61
表4-8螺絲廠商創新矛盾矩陣表 62
表4-9巨大集團-捷安特之各類問題之需維持及待改善之屬性彙整表 67
表4-10巨大集團創新矛盾矩陣表 67

圖2-1影響創新之三因素 22
圖2-2 TRIZ理論創新流程 26
圖2-3 TRIZ系統化創新流程四步驟 27
圖3-1應用TRIZ理論探討廠商創新矛盾問題之研究步驟圖 46










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