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研究生(外文):Che-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and Study of Nano-Porous-Silicon (NPS) for Applications on Photo-Voltaic Devices
指導教授(外文):Kuen-Hsien Wu
外文關鍵詞:NPSphotovoltaic devicesporosity
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多孔矽材料具有可調變之光電特性,如能隙的調變、折射率的變化,應用在光電元件的研製中深具潛力。本論文中,吾人利用電化學蝕刻技術在矽基板上製備奈米多孔矽(Nano-Porous-Silicon, NPS),並將之應用在光伏元件的結構設計中,探討其作為元件的光吸收層與光反射層之光電特性。
吾人使用中摻雜(n-type;(100);1-10Ω-cm)及重摻雜(n-type;(100);0.001-0.003Ω-cm) 矽基板來進行電化學蝕刻。實驗過程中發現,使用重掺雜矽基板進行電化學蝕刻,不僅較易形成奈米多孔矽結構,對於奈米結構的控制與再現性也較穩定。
Due to the controllable optoelectronic characteristics of porous silicon such as modulation of energy gap、refractive index changes, this material has much potential in applications of optoelectronic devices. In this paper, we used electrochemical etching techniques to prepare nano-porous-silicon (NPS) structures on silicon substrates. Optoelectronic characteristics of these as-formed NPS serving as light-absorption layers and light-reflection layers of photo-voltaic devices had been measured and analyzed, respectively.
N-type, (100) silicon wafers with resistivity of 1-10Ω-cm and 0.001-0.003Ω-cm were used for starting materials. From the experimental processes, we found that to prepare NPS with controllable structures and with much higher reproducibility, heavily doped silicon wafers (0.001-0.003Ω-cm) were more preferred.
When NPS structures acted as light-absorption layers, devices with NPS layers of 70% porosity got 40nm and 100nm increases in FWHM of responsivity spectra and 3.57-time and 25-time larger conversion efficiency as compared to those with porosity of 55% and 20% respectively. While working as the internal light-reflection layers of devices, NPS layers with low/high-porosity double-layered structures showed 8% higher reflectivity in near-infrared (0.8~1um) ranges than that of single-layered NPS structures.
From the experimental results, we found that NPS structures with higher porosity can get higher light-absorption efficiency when acting as light-absorption layers. While working as the internal light-reflection layers of devices, multi-layered NPS structures with larger differences in high/low porosity and more numbers of periods of high/low porosity exhibited higher reflectivity. Therefore, we believe NPS structures has much potential in applications on photo-voltaic devices.
第一章 序論
1-1 前言
1.2 研究動機
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 多孔矽之形成
2-2 電壓電流特性曲線
2-3 多孔矽之孔隙率
2-4 多孔矽的量子侷限效應
2-5 吸收波長對材料能隙的關係
2-6 孔隙率與折射率之關係
2-7 布拉格反射鏡
第三章 實驗方法
3-1 實驗流程圖
3-2 實驗設備
3-3 柰米多孔矽之製備
3-4 實驗步驟
3-5 量測與分析儀器
3-5-1 高解析掃瞄電子顯微鏡
3-5-2 光響應頻譜量測系統
3-5-3 太陽能光源模擬器
第四章 結果與討論
第五章 結論
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