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論文名稱(外文):12-T Full Adder Implemented by Using CMOS Deep-Submicron Process
指導教授(外文):Lee Po Ming
外文關鍵詞:adderDeep Submicrondesign
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In VLSI digital logic circuit design, low power consumption and shorten delay time are still primary pursuit of the designers. Full adders is critical in digital systems. Thus, we try to focus on full adder design in this thesis.

Among all traditional adder archives, 10-T (10 Transistor) architecture is the most condensed design. However, the output signal can be erratic due to the change of process. Many literatures are discussing the corresponding improvements but none of these is the best result.

In this thesis, we try to improve the modern circuits to prevent signal error. Five 12-Tfull adders are proposed and comparison are made along with other three circuit architectures.
摘 要 iv
誌 謝 i
目 次 ii
表 目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 vi
第一章 導論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3章節結構 3
第二章 加法器文獻研究 4
2.1深次微米製程之電晶體探討 4
2.2加法器功率消耗探討 9
2.3加法器種類 11
2.3.1傳統加法器 11
2.3.1傳統加法器 12
2.3.2深次微米環境加法器 16
第三章 晶片架構設計 18
3.1架構簡介、原理 19
3.2加法器之基本元件 21
3.3加法器單元架構 22
第四章 晶片模擬結果 25
4.1模擬環境 25
4.2模擬結果 27
4.2.1傳統架構模擬 27
4.2.2傳統架構分析 30
4.3架構實現 46
4.3.1晶片規格表 47
4.3.2晶片設計流程 48
4.3.3晶片佈局平面圖 49
4.3.4晶片量測辦法 51
4.3.5晶片量測結果 52
4.3.6晶片顯微實照圖 54
第五章 總結與未來研究方向 55
5.1本論文研究之成果 55
5.2本論文研究之優點 55
5.3結論及未來方向 55
參考文獻 56
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