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研究生(外文):Sung-Ying Huang
論文名稱(外文):Oxidative stress caused by intermittent hypoxia induces cell death in rat cerebellar granule cells
指導教授(外文):Kun-Ta Yang
外文關鍵詞:intermittent hypoxiaOxidative stressrat cerebellar granule cells
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本實驗取 Sprague-Dawley rat 新生鼠的小腦組織,培養小腦顆粒細胞,
藉以探討間歇性低氧(20%氧氣和5%氧氣各30 分鐘交替,維持一天到四天)
力就逐漸增加;再來利用Hoechst,PI 和TUNEL 等染色,偵測間歇性低氧
阻斷引發細胞死亡的路徑,包括Fe chelator (phenanthrolin)以及PARP
inhibitors (3-AB,DPQ),再觀察細胞死亡比例,當間歇性低氧時間逐漸增
細胞死亡的比例就減少了;進一步探討導致細胞死亡的路徑,caspase 3 的
caspase 3 也沒有看到活化的情形,而AIF 的染色發現,當給間歇性低氧時,
AIF translocation to nucleus 的比例增加,給予PARP inhibitor 3-AB 後比例
是因為PARP 活化,導致ATP 被消耗掉,以及AIF translocation to nucleus,
Episodic cessation of airflow during sleep in patients with sleep apnea
(SA) syndrome results in intermittent hypoxia. The condition with cycles of
hypoxia and reoxygenation resembles ischemia-reperfusion injury. Increased
oxidative stress caused by reoxygenation in SA patients has known to be
associated with increased risks of cardiovascular diseases and with
neurocognitive deficits.
The purposes of this study are to examine whether intermittent hypoxia
(20%O2 and 5%O2, 30minutes alternatively, 1 to 4 days) will induce increased
cell death of cerebellar granule cells and to find the mechanism of cell death
induced by intermittent hypoxia. Cerebellum from Sprague-Dawley neonatal
rats were removed for primary culture of cerebellar granule cells.
The results of our study were mainly from the pictures by confocal
microscope and then the pictures were analyzed with confocal software. At
first, cells were stained with HE and DCFDA to detect the cellular oxidative
stress (O2-•, H2O2, OH•). When the duration of intermittent hypoxia
increased, cellular oxidative stress elevated. Then cells were stained with
Hoechst, PI, and TUNEL to measure the percentages of cell death (apoptosis
and necrosis) induced by intermittent hypoxia. We gave several inhibitors to
block the cell death pathways, including Fe chelator (phenanthrolin) and
inhibitors of PARP (3-AB,DPQ), and measured the percentages of cell death
later. When the duration of intermittent hypoxia increased, the percentages of
cell death (apoptosis and necrosis) increased, and it decreased after inhibitors.
To examine the cell death pathways, cells were stained with caspase 3 and AIF.
The fluorescence of caspase 3 was not different in different duration of
intermittent hypoxia and caspase 3 activation was not detected by western blot.
However, we found that the ratio of AIF translocation to nucleus increased after intermittent hypoxia, and the ratio reduced after inhibitor of PARP (3-AB).
Therefore, intermittent hypoxia caused elevated oxidative stress, and then
induced cell death, which are mediated at least partly through activation of
PARP resulting in ATP depletion and AIF translocation to nucleus.
(3) AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor) - caspase independent
小腦神經顆粒細胞初級培養 (Primary cell culture)…………...10
螢光染色偵測細胞氧化壓力…………………………………. …12
(1) 偵測O2
(2) 偵測H2O2 及OH•…………………………………….….12
(1) 確認小腦顆粒細胞…………………………………….……13
(2) 偵測細胞凋亡(Apoptosis)…………………………….……13
(3) 偵測細胞壞死(Necrosis)……………………………………13
(4) Materials…………………………………………………….14
(5) 給予blockers 去抑制細胞死亡的步驟…………………….14
螢光染色偵測細胞內 caspase 3 及AIF…………………….……14
(1) 偵測caspase 3………………………………………….…..14
(2) 偵測AIF……………………………………………….…...14
共軛焦顯微鏡(Confocal microscopy)……………………………15
西方點墨法 (Western Blot)………………………………………15
(1) 全細胞蛋白質萃取(protein extraction)及蛋白質濃度測定
(2) 分離粒腺體及粒腺體的蛋白質萃取……………………….16
(3) 蛋白質濃度測定…………………………………………….16
(4) SDS-PAGE 及Transfer……………………………………..16
(5) 免疫染色……………………………………………………17
(1) 間歇性低氧導致細胞凋亡 (apoptosis)……………………20
(2) 間歇性低氧導致細胞壞死 (necrosis)……………………..20
(1) 使用inhibitors 阻斷細胞死亡路徑………………………..21
(2) 偵測細胞內caspase 3 活化情形…………………………...21
(3) 偵測細胞內AIF 變化情形…………………………………22
(4) 西方點墨法 (Western Blot)……………………………….22
間歇性低氧的傷害與 ischemia-reperfusion……………………..24
PARP 活化與細胞壞死……………………………………………25
細胞凋亡與 caspase 3 活化之相關性…………………………….25
細胞凋亡與 PARP 活化和AIF 之相關性………………….……26
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