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研究生(外文):Wen-Jen Hu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of a Resource Broker with Monitoring Service on Multiple Computational Grid Environments
指導教授(外文):Chao-Tung Yang
外文關鍵詞:Grid computingMulti-GridResource BrokerMGRSS
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Grid computing is now in widespread use, which integrates geographical computing resources across multiple virtual organizations to achieve high performance computing. A single grid often not provide a huge resource, because virtual organizations have no the adequate of computing resources restriction on the scale of organizations. In this thesis, we present a new grid architecture, which integrates multiple computational grids, named Multi-Grid, from different virtual organizations. We build a resource broker on multiple grid environments, which integrates a number of single grids from different virtual organizations without the limited of organizations. We can efficiently use the multiple grid resource avoid waste of resource. In addition, we proposed a Multi Grid Resource Selection Strategy for the resource broker to select the better allocation of resource before submitting job avoid network congestion caused of decrease of performance.
Table of Contents
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contributions 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 3
Chapter 2 Background Review 4
2.1 Grid Computing and Middleware 4
2.1.1 Globus 4
2.1.2 EGEE 6
2.1.3 CrossGrid 6
2.2 System Development Tools 7
2.2.1 Java CoG Kit 7
2.2.2 Parallel Application Development Tool 8
2.2.3 Machine Information Provider 9
2.2.4 Network Information Provider 9
2.2.5 Performance Benchmarking 10
2.2.6 JRobin 10
2.2.7 JFreeChart 10
2.3 Related Works 11
Chapter 3 System Design and Implementation 13
3.1 Resource Broker 13
3.2 Software Stack Diagram 15
3.3 Cross Grid Authentication Service 16
3.4 Cross Grid Information Service 18
3.5 Web Portal 19
Chapter 4 Multi-Grid Resource Selection Strategy 31
4.1 Parameters and MGRSS Algorithm 31
4.2 MGRSS Flowchart 33
Chapter 5 Experimental Environment and Results 35
5.1 Experimental Environment 35
5.2 Tested Programs 36
5.3 Experimental Results 37
Conclusion and Future Work 43
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18.C.T. Yang, P.C. Shih, and S.Y. Chen, “A Domain-Based Model for Efficient Measurement of Network Information on Grid Computing Environments,” IEICE - Trans. Inf. Syst. 2006, vol. E89-D, pp. 738-742.
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26.Multi Grid, http://gamma2.hpc.csie.thu.edu.tw/
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29.Bio Grid,
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48.The Earth Simulator Center, http://www.es.jamstec.go.jp/index.en.html.
49.JRobin, http://oldwww.jrobin.org/
50.JFreeChart, http://www.jfree.org
51.HPL, http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/hpl/
52.CrossGrid, http://www.eu-crossgrid.org/
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