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研究生(外文):Kuan-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on The Choice of E-Business Model─The case study of 7-Eleven in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:E-Commerce7-ELEVENOrganizational Ecology Theory
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Since 2002, the annual growth of Taiwan e-commerce has getting more than 60 percent. According to a survey of III(Institute for Information Industry), market size of e-commerce has more than 180 billion till 2007. Online store also becomes one of the most frequently place to buy goods, just secondary to convenience stores, supermarkets and discount stores. However, in the B2C market, the payment of travel tickets accounted for nearly 60% of the market size, followed by 3C, books and clothes. We are not difficult to find the consumer purchasing habits are deeply influenced by Yahoo, Pchome, books, etc., which also highlighted the diversity of Taiwan e-commerce is still restricted by the major e-commerce platform.
President Chain Store for the country''s largest retailers, its affiliated companies up to more than 40, many of them have a well-known brands, such as President Chain Store, Muji, Cosmed, Starbucks, and Mister Donut. For e-commerce, in addition to Books and Unimall, in 2007, President Chain Store also started to cooperate with Rakuten, the biggest shopping website in Japan. It must give an impact to Taiwan''s e-commerce industry.
The purpose of this study was to make a reasonable explanation and clarify that in the process of cooperation between President Chain Store and Rakuten, the largest website market in Japan, What kind of resources that President Chain Store has? What kind of role that it can play? Examining why the President Chain Store eventually chose to cooperate with Rakuten platform to enter the Taiwan market. It will provide Taiwan''s traditional industries with fast internet access management and will deliver services to the end consumers.
In the course of this case study, we found that President Chain Store already have a crucial role in e-commerce for a long time. For example, 7-ELEVEN stores across the province provide e-commerce owners services that buyer can get the goods and pay at the same time. Besides, T-Cat Delivery Company(黑貓宅急便) provides a speed up delivery to the place buyers ask. Through contact and interview with the industries, we can also understand the evaluation prior to President Chain Store in cooperation with Japan''s Rakuten market and the evaluation of entering the field of electronic commerce.
目 次

摘要 ii
誌謝 vi
目次 iv
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與背景 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究流程與架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 電子商務經營模式 4
2.1.1電子商務的定義 4
2.1.2電子商務的發展軌跡 6
2.1.3電子商務的類型 7
2.1.4電子商務的相關研究 10
2.1.5台灣電子商務發展趨勢 11
2.2組織生態學 12
2.2.1組織演化的觀點 15
第三章 研究方法 17
3.1研究方法 17
3.1.1次級資料分析 17
3.1.2個案分析 18
3.1.3深度訪談 19
3.2研究設計 20
3.3組織生態學的推演模式 22
第四章 個案研究與訪談資料分析 24
4.1個案研究分析 24
4.1.1台灣主要電子商務平台經營模式 24
4.1.2統一超商發展的歷程 26
4.1.3統一超商旗下事業型態的彙整 29
4.1.4個案電子商務相關的經營範圍 30
4.2訪談資料整理 33
4.2.1受訪者對台灣電子商務的看法 33
4.2.2受訪者對於電子商務評估條件的選擇與看法 35
4.3個案電子商務型態的演進與背景 39
4.4綜合性的分析 42
4.4.1個案經營模式的要因彙整 44
4.5小結 46
第五章 研究結論與建議 48
5.1 研究結論 48
5.2 研究貢獻 50
5.3後續的研究建議 50
參考文獻 52

表2.1 電子商務學者研究的面向 10
表2.2 自然界與組織間共生關係之比較 13
表2.3 嘗試以生態學觀點探究組織變化的研究 13
表2.4 平台共構的演進概略 15
表3.1 受訪者背景 20
表4.1 台灣主要電子商務平台的經營模式 23
表4.2 電子商務經營模式倉庫管理模式的優缺點整理 24
表4.3 統一超商發展的重大歷程 25
表4.4 統一超商轄下關係企業的彙整表 28
表4.5 統一超商評估電子商務所會評估的條件 35
表4.6 統一超商內部評估的條件彙整 35
表4.7 從生態學的觀點對照統一超商電子商務的演進 39
表4.8 統一超商經營電子商務所具備的條件 42
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