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研究生(外文):Hiep Do Duc
論文名稱(外文):A study of blood types influence on consumer cognitive oriented and perceived risk
外文關鍵詞:Blood typespersonalitycognitive orientedrisk.
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1927年,日本心理學研究會上,日本著名心理學家古川竹二提出的古川學說引起了一場大沖動。他認為:人因血型不同,而具有各自不同的人格特質;同一血型,具有共同的人格特質。人格特質指的是人在各種不同場合,表現出相當一致性的行為特質。人有自己獨特的性格特質,不同的人即使在相同情境下的行為表現,也會有差異所以人格特質將會影響人的行為。現代心理學家一般認為行為是身體的外顯活動,購買尌是一種行為。行為也尌是人對刺激所做的一切反應。根據行銷大師Phillip Kotler‚刺激將經過人的‚黑箱‛變成行為‚。若針對購買行為來說,這些刺激可能是購買的風。有人會接受風險,有人不會。會接受風險叫做冒險。‚黑箱‛包含消費決策過程其說明消費者是理性還是感性。對企業來說,消費者的這些特徵都很重要,讓企業以最適合,最有效果的方式接近市場。 本研究探討210位受訪者的血型,人格特質,認知導向以及感知風險,發現:的確不同血型的人有不同的人格特質,也會有不同的認知導向,不同的感知風險。不同的人格特質也會有不同的認知導向以及感知風險。尌感性程度來看,A型與O型屬於感性購買,AB型稍微偏向理性雖然程度不高而B型是最理性購買者。不同血型的人在感知風險表現有所差異。AB型比較會接受風險而A型剛好相反不太接受風險。B與O型的人為中間但稍微偏向會接受風險的人。
In 1927, at the Japan conference on psychology, a doctrine by a famous psychologist caused a heated debate among contemporary psychologists. The doctrine was that “Due to different blood types, humans have different personalities. Those who belong to the same blood type have similar personality”. The personality of a certain person dictates that in different situations or circumstances, that person will conduct consistent and repetitive behaviors, manifestations. Each person has his own personality; hence, different people facing the similar situation still have different behaviors and manifestations. Therefore, the personality of a person will affect his behavior. According to modern psychology, behaviors are the actions which are manifested of a person, thus shopping is a manifestation of behavior. Besides, behaviors are also the responses of a person to the external stimuli. Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing, affirms that “stimulation, through the “black box” of human, is turned into behavior”. In terms of purchasing behavior, this stimulus could be a risk in purchasing decision. The person who accepts the high risk is adventurous. Besides, the purchasing decision of each person shows that whether he is dictated by rationality or emotions. It is very important for an enterprise to understand these characteristics of consumers; it influences the market approaching methods of an enterprise in introducing the most suitable and effective stimuli. This research has surveyed 210 voluntary participants in terms of blood types, personalities, the rational and emotional levels in purchasing process and their acceptable degree of adventure. The research has found that a person’s blood type does influence his or her personality, rational and emotional level, and the acceptable degree of adventure. People with different personalities have different levels of rationality, emotion, and adventure. This research pointed out those having A and O blood types belong to the group of people who have emotional purchasing behavior; the AB blood type group are more inclined to rationality though the degree is not high. Those in B blood type show the highest degree of rationality in purchasing. Different blood types also lead to differences in taking risks. The AB blood type people are very willing to take risks, while the people in A blood type are not. The people of B and O blood types are at the medium level, although they are more likely to take risks.
目錄 i
表目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
第一章. 緒論 1
第一節. 研究背景 2
第二節. 研究動機與目的 4
第三節. 研究方法與流程 5
第二章. 相關文獻探討 7
第一節. 血型對人的影響 7
一. 血型是什麽 7
二. 血型對人格的影響 10
第二節. 人格特質 14
一. 人格特質的定義 14
二. 五大人格 17
第三節. 消費者行為 20
一. 消費者行為,黑箱概念 20
二. 消費者決策過程 21
三. 認知導向,理性與感性 24
1. 認知導向 24
2. 人的行為是理性還是感性? 25
四. 風險,冒險與感知風險 27
1. 風險與冒險 27
2. 感知風險定義 27
第三章. 研究設計 29
第一節. 研究架構與假說 29
一. 研究架構 29
二. 研究假說 30
第二節. 研究變數之操作性定義 32
一. 血型 32
二. 人格特質 32
三. 認知導向程度 33
四. 感知風險 34
第三節. 問卷設計 35
一. 量表來源與結構 35
1. 人格特質量表 35
2. 認知導向程度量表 36
3. 感知風險量表 37
二. 計分方式 38
第四節. 研究對象與抽樣方法 39
一. 研究對象 39
二. 抽樣方法 39
第五節. 資料分析方法 41
第四章. 調查結果與分析 43
第一節. 樣本特性分析 43
第二節. 信度分析 44
一. 人格特質信度分析 44
二. 認知導向信度分析 46
三. 感知風險信度分析 47
第三節. 因素分析 48
第四節. 人格特質集群分析 49
第五節. 血型在人格特質,認知導向及感知風險間之差異分析 51
一. 不同血型與人格特質之差異分析 52
二. 不同血型與認知導向之差異分析 56
三. 不同血型與感知風險之差異分析 58
四. 不同人格特質與認知導向,感知風險之差異分析 59
第五章.結論與建議 61
文獻探討 66


圖1-1:研究流程 6
圖2-1:血型分類解釋圖 8
圖2-2:不同血對腦袋興奮程度顯著差異 12
圖2-3:消費者行為模型 20
圖3.1:研究架構 30
圖4.1:兩組人格特質之中心點 50
圖4.2:各血型在同理性的得分情況 54
圖4.3:各血型在勤勉自律性得分情況 54
圖4.4:各血型在向外性得分情況 56
圖4.5:各血型在神經質的得分情況 56
圖4.6:各血型在經驗開放性的得分情況 56
圖4.7:各血型在感性的得分情況 57
圖4.8:各血型在感知風險得分情況 59


表2-1:父母與孩子的血型表 9
表2-2:人格特質定義整理表 15
表3-1:人格特質量表 35
表3-2:認知導向程度量表 35
表3-3:感知風險度量表 36
表4-1:樣本的血型分配 43
表4-2:人格特質信度分析結果 44
表4-3:認知導向信度分析結果 46
表4-4:感知風險信度分析結果 47
表4-5:因素分析結果 49
表4-6:樣本集群分析之分層結果 50
表4.7:兩組人格特質之中心點 50
表4.8:兩組人格特質之描述 51
表4.9:血型影響人格特質 52
表4.10:各血型在人格組別的得分情況 52
表4.11:不同血型與 Big Five 構面ANOVA分析結果 53
表4.12:各血型在同理性的得分情況 54
表4.13:各血型在勤勉自律性得分情況 54
表4.14:各血型在向外性得分情況 55
表4.15:各血型在神經質的得分情況 55
表4.16:各血型在經驗開放性的得分情況 56
表4.17:不同血型與認知導向ANOVA分析結果 57
表4.18:各血型在感性的得分情況 57
表4.19:不同血型與感知風險ANOVA分析結果 58
表4.20:各血型在感知風險得分情況 59
表4.21:不同人格特質與認知導向,感知風險之差異分析 60
表5.1:假設1,1-1到1-5檢定結果 61
表5.2:假設3-1檢定結果 63
表5.3:假設3-2檢定結果 63
表5.4:假設2-1,2-2檢定結果 63
1. Clark, L., Manes, F., Antoun, N., Sahakian, B. J., & Robbins, T. W. (2003). "The contributions of lesion laterality and lesion volume to decision-making impairment following frontal lobe damage." Neuropsychologia, 41, 1474-1483.
2. D.W. North (1968) "A tutorial introduction to decision theory". IEEE Trans. Systems Science and Cybernetics, 4(3), Reprinted in Pearl & Shafer. (also about normative decision theory)
3. David Hillson (2007). Practical Project Risk Management: The Atom Methodology. Management Concepts. ISBN 978-1567262025.
4. Dirk Proske (2008). Catalogue of risks - Natural, Technical, Social and Health Risks. Springer. ISBN 978-3540795544.
5. Drake, R. A. (1985). "Decision making and risk taking: Neurological manipulation with proposed consistency mediation." Contemporary Social Psychology, 11, 149-152.
6. Drake, R. A. (1985). "Lateral asymmetry of risky recommendations." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 11, 409-417
7. Glenn Shafer and Judea Pearl (1990). Readings in uncertain reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA.
8. Goode, Erica. (2001) In Weird Math of Choices, 6 Choices Can Beat 600. The [[New York Times. Retrieved May 16, 2005. 9. Hansson, Sven Ove. (2007). "Risk", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (summer 2007 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), forthcoming [2].
10. Holton, Glyn A. (2004). "Defining Risk", Financial Analysts Journal, 60 (6), 19–25. A paper exploring the foundations of risk. (PDF file)
11. Howard Raiffa (1997) Decision Analysis: Introductory Readings on Choices Under Uncertainty. McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-07-052579-X
12. J.Q. Smith (1988), Decision Analysis: A Bayesian Approach. Chapman and Hall. ISBN 0-412-27520-1
13. James O. Berger Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis. (1980). Second Edition. Springer Series in Statistics. ISBN 0-387-96098-8.
14. Khemani, Karan (2005), Ignorance is Bliss: A study on how and why humans depend on recognition heuristics in social relationships, the equity markets and the brand market-place, thereby making successful decisions.
15. Kim Heldman (2005). Project Manager''s Spotlight on Risk Management. Jossey-Bass. ISBN 978-0782144116.
16. Knight, F. H. (1921) Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, Chicago: Houghton Mifflin Company. (Cited at: [3], § I.I.26.)
17. Landsteiner K.(1900)〃 ‚Zur Kenntnis der antifermentativen, lytischen und agglutinierenden Wirkungen des Blutserums und der Lymphe‛〃 ‚Zur Kenntnis der antifermentativen, lytischen und agglutinierenden Wirkungen des Blutserums und der Lymphe‛〃 Zbl Bakt., 27 :357-62〃 Zbl Bakt., 27 :357-62〃
18. Lev Virine & Michael Trumper (2007). Project Decisions: The Art and Science. Management Concepts. ISBN 978-1567262179.
19. Maton, Anthea,Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright(1993)〃 Human Biology and Health〃 Human Biology and Health〃 Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA:Prentice Hall〃 Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA:Prentice Hall〃 ISBN 0-13-981176-1 〃 ISBN0-13-981176-1 〃 ^ Table of blood group systems 〃
20. Morris De Groot (2004) Optimal Statistical Decisions. Wiley Classics Library. (Originally published 1970.) ISBN 0-471-68029-X.
21. Niklas Luhmann, (1996), Modern Society Shocked by its Risks (= University of Hongkong, Department of Sociology Occasional Papers 17), Hongkong, available via HKU Scholars HUB
22. Peter L. Bernstien. Against the Gods ISBN 0-471-29563-9. Risk explained and its appreciation by man traced from earliest times through all the major figures of their ages in mathematical circles.
23. Porteous, Bruce T.; Pradip Tapadar (2005). Economic Capital and Financial Risk Management for Financial Services Firms and Conglomerates. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1-4039-3608-0.
24. Robert Clemen (1996). Making Hard Decisions: An Introductionto Decision Analysis, 2nd edition. Belmont CA: Duxbury Press,(covers normative decision theory) Robert Clemen (1996). Making Hard Decisions: An Introduction to Decision Analysis, 2nd edition. Belmont CA: Duxbury Press,(covers normative decision theory)
25. Tom Kendrick (2003). Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project. AMACOM/American Management Association. ISBN 978-0814407615.
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