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研究生(外文):Ping-Han Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Purchase Intention - An Example of Taiwan High Speed Rail
指導教授(外文):Chih-Wen Huang
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan High Speed RailService QualityCustomer SatisfactionPurchase Intention
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本研究經由實證分析結果發現服務品質與顧客滿意度以及顧客購買意願具有顯著正向之相關性,也就是說服務品質越高,顧客滿意度及購買意願也會隨之提高,而顧客是服務品質的決定者,企業要滿足顧客之需求,當消費者對於期望與實際認知一致時,就會對服務品質感到滿意進而影響消費意願;再來,服務品質對購買意願有顯著正向之影響,消費者以金錢或物質交換有形或無形等不同產物,並自我評估交換行為,是否達到相同等級的回報;滿意度對購買意願具有顯著正向之影響,顧客滿意度越高,就可以導致越高的顧客忠誠度、再購意願、越佳的競爭優勢以及越高的市場佔有率; 最後,服務品質、滿意度對購買意願有顯著正向之影響,經由以上之論點可統整為,服務品質與滿意度越高,消費者之購買意願亦隨之提高。
Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) was officially operational in January 15th, 2007, joining city to city transportation market services in western of Taiwan, allowing people to have another choice of transportation from Taiwan railways, buses, and aviation. Furthermore, THSR provides taxi stands, bus transferring service, and car rentals, not only it is convenient for people to go outdoor for leisure and recreation, but it also helps the congested freeways restored to normal traffic flow. This rapid growth of city to city transportation market demand, leads Taiwan into “One-Day Living Circle” life style. Moreover, out of THSR’s seven characteristics, energy saving - for every kilometer that an automobile travels, the energy cost is eight times greater than THSR, and five times greater for every kilometer an airplane travels; and low pollution - the operation of THSR is by electrical power supply, therefore its pollution is reduced to very minimum, are two most important characteristics. On the other hand, due to the reason of energy shortage, which caused the increasing price of international oil from the end of year 2007; and in July 2008, the international oil price reached the climax of $147 U.S. dollars per barrel, largely affecting public transportations that use heavy loads of oils.
The research results found out that THSR’s service quality, customer satisfaction, and purchase intention has significant positive correlation, meaning the higher the service quality, the higher the customer satisfaction and purchase intention; THSR’s service quality to purchase intention has significant positive influence, which customer uses money or item to trade with tangible or intangible products, and self-evaluate its own exchange behavior whether or not has reached the same level of return; The finding of THSR’s customer satisfaction to purchase intention has significant positive influence, which the higher the customer satisfaction, leads to the higher the customer loyalty, repurchase intention, positive word of mouth, competitive advantages, and market share; THSR’s service quality and customer satisfaction to purchase intention has significant positive influence, this finding is organized according to the above issues as the higher the service quality and customer satisfaction, the higher the purchase intention of customers.

ABSTRACT (Chinese) ii
ABSTRACT (English) iii
1.1 Research Background and Motives 1
1.2 Research Objectives 3
1.3 Research Process 4
2.1 Introduction to High Speed Rail (HSR) 5
2.2 Introduction to National Public Transportation 13
2.3 The Development of World’s High Speed Rail 15
2.4 Service Quality 18
2.4.1 Definition of service quality 18
2.4.2 The characteristics of service quality 21
2.4.3 Measurement of service quality and aspects 23
2.5 Customer Satisfaction 35
2.6 Purchase Intention 39
2.7 High Speed Rail Related Research Topics 43
3.1 Research Framework 46
3.2 Questionnaire Design 47
3.3 Research Hypotheses 50
3.4 Sampling Design 53
3.5 Analysis and Methodology 54
4.1 Sample Data Analysis 56
4.1.1 Questionnaire collection status 56
4.1.2 Basic characters of the sample 57
4.2 Factor Analysis 59
4.2.1 Service quality scale 59
4.2.2 Customer satisfaction scale 63
4.2.3 Purchase intention scale 64
4.3 Descriptive Statistic Analysis 65
4.3.1 Service quality scale 65
4.3.2 Customer satisfaction scale 68
4.3.3 Purchase intention scale 69
4.4 Analysis of Significant Variances 70
4.4.1 Significant variance analysis of different demographic variable to THSR service quality cognition 70
4.4.2 Significant variance analysis of different demographic variable to THSR customer satisfaction 79
4.4.3 Significant variance analysis of different demographic variable to THSR’s purchase intention 84
4.5 Correlation Analysis 88
4.6 Regression Analysis 90
4.6.1 The influence of overall service quality scale to overall purchase intention scale 90
4.6.2 The influence of overall customer satisfaction scale to overall purchase intention scale 92
4.6.3 The influence of overall service quality scale and overall customer satisfaction scale to overall purchase intention scale 94
4.7 Hypothesis Tests and Organized Results 96
5.1 Research Findings 99
5.2 Research Limitation 102
5.3 Future Research and Suggestion 103
Appendix1 111
Appendix2 115

Table 2-1 Major Event History of Taiwan High Speed Rail 11
Table 2-2 The Comparison of Japan, France, and Germany HSR Systems 16
Table 2-3 List of Definitions of Service Quality by Different Scholars 18
Table 2-4 SERVQUAL Scale 31
Table 2-5 Important Description of Development of Measuring Service Quality and
Table 2-6 Organized Definition of Customer Satisfaction 36
Table 2-7 THSR Related Research 44
Table 3-1 Service Quality Scale of Research 49
Table 4-1-1 Results of the sample collection 57
Table 4-1-2 Sample Data of Basic Respondents’ Profile 58
Table 4-2-1 Cumulative Explained Variance Percentage and Reliability Coefficient of Service Quality Scale 59
Table 4-2-2 Factor One of Service Quality 61
Table 4-2-3 Factor Two of Service Quality 61
Table 4-2-4 Factor Three of Service Quality 62
Table 4-2-5 Factor Four of Service Quality 62
Table 4-2-6 Factor Five of Service Quality 62
Table 4-2-7 Factor Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Scale 63
Table 4-2-8 Cumulative Explained Variance and Reliability Coefficient of Customer Satisfaction 63
Table 4-2-9 Factor Analysis of Purchase Intention Scale 64
Table 4-2-10 Cumulative Explained Variance and Reliability Coefficient of Purchase Intention 64
Table 4-3-1 Descriptive Statistic Analysis of Service Quality Scale 66
Table 4-3-2 Descriptive Statistic Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Scale 68
Table 4-3-3 Descriptive Statistic Analysis of Purchase Intention Scale 69
Table 4-4-1 Significant Analysis of Different Gender in THSR’s Service Quality Cognition 71
Table 4-4-2 Significant Analysis of Different Age in THSR’s Service Quality Cognition 72
Table 4-4-3 Significant Analysis of Different Education in THSR’s Service Quality Cognition 73
Table 4-4-4 Significant Analysis of Different Occupation in THSR’s Service Quality Cognition 74
Table 4-4-5 Significant Analysis of Different Marital Status in THSR’s Service Quality Cognition 76
Table 4-4-6 Significant Analysis of Different Average Income in THSR’s Service Quality Cognition 78
Table 4-4-7 Significant Analysis of Different Gender in THSR’s Customer Satisfaction 79
Table 4-4-8 Significant Analysis of Different Age in THSR’ Customer Satisfaction 80
Table 4-4-9 Significant Analysis of Different Education in THSR’s Customer Satisfaction 80
Table 4-4-10 Significant Analysis of Different Occupation in THSR’s Customer Satisfaction 81
Table 4-4-11 Significant Analysis of Different Marital Status in THSR’s Customer Satisfaction 82
Table 4-4-12 Significant Analysis of Different Average Income in THSR’s Customer Satisfaction 83
Table 4-4-13 Significant Analysis of Different Gender in THSR’s Purchase Intention 84
Table 4-4-14 Significant Analysis of Different Age in THSR’s Purchase Intention 85
Table 4-4-15 Significant Analysis of Different Education in THSR’s Purchase Intention 85
Table 4-4-16 Significant Analysis of Different Occupation in THSR’s Purchase Intention 86
Table 4-4-17 Significant Analysis of Different Marital Status in THSR’s Purchase Intention 87
Table 4-4-18 Significant Analysis of Different Average Income in THSR’s Purchase Intention 87
Table 4-5-1 K. Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Analysis of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Purchase Intention Scales…………………89
Table 4-6-1 Regression Analysis of Overall Service Quality Scale to Overall Purchase
Intention Scale 91
Table 4-6-2 Regression Analysis of Overall Customer Satisfaction Scale to Overall
Purchase Intention Scale 93
Table 4-6-3 Regression Analysis of Overall Customer Satisfaction Scale and Overall
Customer Satisfaction Scale to Overall Purchase Intention Scale 95
Table 4-7 Organized Research Hypothesis Results 96

Figure 1-1 Research Process 4
Figure 2-1 BOT Contract Model 6
Figure 2-2 THSR Estimated Travel Time 8
Figure 2-3 Concept Diagram of Continuum of Perceived Service Quality 20
Figure 2-4 Conceptual Model of Service Quality 24
Figure 2-5 E. K. B. Model 42
Figure 3-1 Theoretical Framework 46
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