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研究生(外文):You-Mu Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Design of Jump Shot Decision-Making System for a Billiard Robot
外文關鍵詞:Billiard robotExtension theoryjump shot decision-making systemcushioning offensive/ defensive decision-making systemExtension defense strategy
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The objective of this thesis is to develop the jump shot decision-making system and offensive/defensive decision-making system for the billiard robot by using Extension theory. The main purpose is to make billiard robot possess the imitation ability of how human beings to make the jump shot and offensive/defensive decision-making in the nine-balls pool games. The billiard robot will do the straight shot if there is no block ball, and execute jump shot、cushion offense shot or cushion defense shot in the block ball game of the nine-balls pool games.
The jump shot decision-making system and offensive/defensive decision-making system is developed by Extension theory, which can judge what is the best strategy (jump shot or cushion offense/defense shot) in the block ball game. If it is not suitable for using jump shot attack, the offensive/defensive decision-making system will judge to make offense cushion shot or defense cushion shot.
In the research, the CCD camera captures the image of the balls on the pool table. Then, the positions of the balls are calculated by the image processing technique and the developed software program (VB). If there is no block ball between the cue ball and the object ball, the billiard robot will make a straight shot to pocket the object ball. If there is a block ball between the cue ball and the object ball, the robot will evaluate the possibility of making a jump shot based on the two factors. They are (1)the distance between the cue ball and the block ball, and (2)the distance between the block ball and the object ball. The jump shot will be executed if the relationship of these distance conditions are appropriate. Otherwise, offensive/defensive decision-making system is be considered. The robot will culculate the hitting positions of cushion which are determined by the distances between the object ball, the cue ball and the rail of the table for decision-making. The system is developed by the following three conditions which are (1)the traveling distance from the cue ball to the hitting positions of cushion and to the object ball, (2)the offensive angle and (3) the distance between the object ball and the pocket by the Extension theory.
The offensive strategy of cushion means to pocket the object ball. The defense strategy is developed by the following four parameters which are (1)the distance between the cue ball and the object ball, (2)distance between the object ball and the corresponding pocket, (3)the angles between the cue ball, the object ball and the corresponding pocket and (4)the information of the block ball by the Extension theory. Finally, the billiard robot will execute the hitting command to let the cue ball contact the object ball and make a safety play.
The simulated and experimental results show that this developed offensive/defensive decision making system work very well in the pool game. According to the result of experiment, the successful possibility of straight shot、cushion offense shot and cushion defense shot all are more than 60%, and the successful possibility of jump shot is 40%. The billiard robot possess four ability of pocketing accomplish offense/defense and making a safety play to expect next better shot in order to win the billiard game successfully.
誌 謝 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 V
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XV
符號表 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 5
第二章 理論基礎 7
2-1 顆星技巧 7
2-2 可拓理論 9
2-2-1 物元的概念[27] 9
2-2-2 可拓集合[28] 10
2-2-3 關聯函數[28] 12
2-2-4物元識別與評判:優度評價法[28] 19
2-3 球座標搜尋法 23
第三章 實驗與研究方法 25
3-1 實驗設備 27
3-2 障礙球偵測 29
3-3直線打擊與跳球攻擊整合 31
3-4 跳球決策系統設計 32
3-5 偵測顆星撞擊點 39
3-5-1 一次顆星撞擊點 40
3-5-2 力道參數設定 41
3-5-3 撞擊點修正 43
3-6 顆星攻擊 45
3-7 一次顆星解球之防守決策 46
3-7-1可拓球袋選擇 47
3-7-2 可拓防守決策 57
3-7-3 可拓防守決策流程 62
第四章 實驗驗證與結果討論 64
4-1 攻守決策控制器設計 64
4-2 實驗驗證 72
4-2-1 跳球決策實驗驗證 72
4-2-2攻守決策實驗驗證 79
4-3 實驗結果與討論 84
4-3-1 直線攻擊 84
4-3-2 跳球攻擊 91
4-3-3 顆星攻擊 100
4-3-4 顆星防守 109
4-4 綜合結果討論 120
第五章 結論與討論 122
5-1 結論 122
5-2 討論 126
參考文獻 131
附錄 135
A 撞球術語 135
B 九號球世界標準規則 138

圖2-1 一次顆星鏡射示意圖 8
圖2-2 關聯函數描述問題之流程圖 13
圖2-3 點 與有限區間 的「距」( 在區間外) 14
圖2-4 點 與有限區間 的「距」( 在區間內) 15
圖2-5 點 與兩區間的「位值」 16
圖2-6 簡單關聯函數示意圖 17
圖2-7 優度評價法之步驟 21
圖2-8 座標平均法示意圖 24
圖3-1 攻守決策流程圖 26
圖3-2 撞球機器人的架構 28
圖3-3 撞球機器人之機檯 28
圖3-4 進球袋選擇參數示意圖 29
圖3-5 障礙球偵測示意圖 30
圖3-6 跳球決策衡量條件示意圖(側視) 33
圖3-7 跳球決策衡量條件示意圖(鳥瞰) 33
圖3-8 未加裝塑膠圓柱之撞擊頭 38
圖3-9 加裝塑膠圓柱後之撞擊頭 39
圖3-10 一次顆星擊球示意圖 40
圖3-11 一次顆星撞擊點示意圖 41
圖3-12 不同撞擊力道之預測位置圖 43
圖3-13 力道與角度 44
圖3-14 一次顆星誤差修正 45
圖3-15 顆星攻擊示意圖 46
圖3-16 衡量條件示意圖 47
圖3-17 一次顆星解球前之狀態圖[22] 50
圖3-18 一次顆星解球後之預測圖[22] 50
圖3-19 上檯邊解球後之預測分解圖[22] 51
圖3-20 下檯邊解球後之預測分解圖[22] 52
圖3-21 左檯邊解球後之預測分解圖[22] 53
圖3-22 各球袋之預測母球撞點示意圖[22] 54
圖3-23 可拓防守決策流程圖[22] 63
圖4-1 攻守決策控制器輸入輸出變數示意圖 65
圖4-2 攻守決策流程圖 65
圖4-3 母球移動路徑長度之模糊集合歸屬函數 66
圖4-4 顆星攻擊角之模糊集合規屬函數 67
圖4-5 顆星攻擊成功可能性之模糊集合歸屬函數 68
圖4-6 攻守決策系統之模糊控制器模擬結果放大圖 69
圖4-7 跳球決策衡量條件示意圖 73
圖4-8 顆星跳球過程 74
圖4-9 實驗編號1之完整實驗過程 78
圖4-10 攻守決策衡量條件示意圖(案例一) 80
圖4-11 攻守決策衡量條件示意圖(案例二) 83
圖4-12 直線打擊決策圖(一) 85
圖4-13 直線打擊過程(一) 86
圖4-14 直線打擊決策圖(二) 87
圖4-15 直線打擊過程(二) 88
圖4-16 直線打擊決策圖(三) 89
圖4-17 直線打擊過程(三) 90
圖4-18 跳球攻擊決策圖(一) 92
圖4-19 跳球打擊過程(一) 93
圖4-20 跳球攻擊決策圖(二) 95
圖4-21 跳球打擊過程(二) 96
圖4-22 跳球攻擊決策圖(三) 98
圖4-23 跳球打擊過程(三) 99
圖4-24 顆星攻擊決策圖(一) 101
圖4-25 顆星攻擊過程(一) 102
圖4-26 顆星攻擊決策圖(二) 104
圖4-27 顆星攻擊過程(二) 105
圖4-28 顆星攻擊決策圖(三) 106
圖4-29 顆星攻擊過程(三) 108
圖4-30 顆星防守決策圖(一) 110
圖4-31 顆星防守過程(一) 111
圖4-32 顆星防守結果圖(一) 112
圖4-33 顆星防守決策圖(二) 113
圖4-34 顆星防守過程(二) 114
圖4-35 顆星防守結果圖(二) 115
圖4-36 顆星防守決策圖(三) 117
圖4-37 顆星防守過程(三) 118
圖4-38 顆星防守結果圖(三) 119
圖A-1 撞球術語示意圖 137

表1-1 相關文獻成果比較表 4
表3-1 力道與位置對應表[18, 21] 42
表4-1 攻守決策之模糊控制器規則表 69
表4-2 跳球攻擊結果紀錄表 76
表4-3 顆星攻擊結果紀錄表 81
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