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研究生(外文):Yang Ching Yi
論文名稱(外文):Image in My Mind
外文關鍵詞:dynamic imageabsolutely silentpeaceful perspective
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Nature is taken as the main body of the creation, combined with the visual excitements in daily life. The image is constructed by the features of ink. The various landscapes of the external environment are explained by mind.
Chapter One: through the long-term observation on nature, I try to divide natural landscapes into natural scenes and artificial landscapes, understanding natural scenes generate multiple features according to ecological principles and the modeling and lines of the features are unreproducible. The ratio difference of the distribution of natural scenes and artificial landscapes between the urban and the rural can be taken as a natural and rhythmic phenomenon. The conflicts and paradoxes between both sides are combined into various meaning contents by painting strategies. It turns into one of the motives for the creation.
Chapter Two: the visual experience resulted from bicycle island tour is a constantly moving and changing of space. The transient vision at high speed has impacts on the explanation of the objects’ operational inertia in the creation. Such speedy visual experience looks like the sequent images in a movie, compressing time and space into single theme or image. It becomes one of the creation strategies. I try to find my artistic preference by observing the urban corners and by photography, and to understand how to deal with the incoordination in the image by the atmosphere constructed by the external light.
Chapter Three: the creation concepts are divided into two parts. I keep pursuing the lost visual images and remapping them into the image. I combine the present with the past repeatedly through painting strategies. Such creation process brings me new ideas about the time and space in the image. The multiple visual combinations construct the multiple spaces in the image, and the passing time is generated this way. The multiple displacements of spaces explain the same theme. The dynamic image leads vision to the rhythmic transformation in different spaces. When the visual balance is reached, the absolutely silent and peaceful perspective of time and space will be found in the eternal movement.
Chapter Four and five: the application of materials and techniques echoes the concepts and ideas in the previous three chapters. The features of ink are displayed and various creation motives are realized. I try to realize the accumulation of visual experiences leads to the changing explanation of external landscapes. The “new landscapes” are met all the time.
第一章 與大自然的對話 p.6
第一節 大自然與我的關係 p.7
第二節 探討原生自然景色 p.8
第三節 原生自然景色與人造景物的關係 p.8

第二章 時空迭變下的視覺經驗與畫面創作的構成
第一節 環島旅遊-穿梭城鄉之間的印象 p.10
第二節 觀看城市角落 p.11
第三節 影像與印象 p.13

第三章 創作理念
<一> 內心自然景觀的營造與風格表現
第一節 多重視像的時間觀 p.16
第二節 繪畫中多重空間與萬花筒的生命特質 p.17
第三節 繪畫中裝飾符號與現實裡生活物質情感的連結 p.19

<二> 恆靜意象與水墨精神
第一節 動勢中尋求絕對靜止 p.22
第二節 水墨繪畫性中的恆靜意象 p.23

第四章 創作方法與材質應用
第一節 對象物的選取 p.24
第二節 空間動勢的營造 p.27
第三節 裝飾符號的安排 p.28
第四節 裱褙應用 p.30
第五節 色彩運用 p.30

第五章 作品解析
作品一[拼湊出來的自然]170 x 110 cm,2006,水墨設色 p.31
作品二[室內的一棵樹]181 x 97 cm,2006,水墨設色 p.33
作品三[合歡道路五線譜]110 x 110 cm,2006,水墨設色 P.36作品四[處處皆是]220x100cm,2007,水墨設色 p.38
作品五[圍合]123x116cm,2007,水墨設色 p.40
作品六[逆光的山頭與電線桿] 207x135 cm,2007,水墨 p.42
作品七[揭開自然]123x109cm,2007,水墨設色 p.44
作品八[遠望的湖泊]97x180cm,2007,水墨設色 p.46
作品九[樹的聯想]124x234cm,2007,水墨設色 p.47
作品十[沿海景色]291x180cm,2008,水墨設色 p.48
作品十一[迷霧森林]96x180cm 2009 水墨設色 p.49
作品十二[日出・月昇]96x180cm 2009 水墨設色 p.50
作品十三[道路兩旁]96x210cm,2009,水墨設色 p.51

第六章 結論 p.52

參考文獻 p.53

圖版目錄 p.54
王秀雄著,《美術心理學》,台北﹕台北市立美術館,民國80年 。
中國歷代藝術編輯委員會編,《 中國歷代藝術繪畫編 》台灣﹕成易圖書公司,1995 。
北村哲郎編 《19世紀染織》,東京:大日本印刷株式會社 ,大下 敦,1990。
劉大悲翻譯,《禪與藝術 》,台北﹕天華出版事業股份有限公司,民國71年 。
By Skira Editore,《Dictionary of Today’s Landscape Designers》,in Italy,2003。
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