一、英文書目與論文 C.J.G Turner. Time and Temporal Structure in Chekhov, Birmingham: Slavonic Monographs, 1994. de Man, Paul: “Anthropomorphism and Trope in the Lyric”, The Rhetoric of Romanticism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1984. Fosse, Jon. Plays One. Trans. Gregory Motton and Louis Muinzer. London: Oberon Books, 2002. ---. Plays Two : A Summer''s Day/Dream of Autumn/Winter. Trans. Louis Muinzer and Kim Dambaek. London: Oberon Books, 2004. ---. Plays Three : Mother and Child/Sleep My Baby Sleep/Afternoon/Beautiful/Death Variations. Trans. May-Brit Akerholt. London: Oberon Books, 2004. ---. Plays Four : And We''ll Never Be Parted/the Son/Visits/Meanwhile he Lights Go down and Everything Becomes Black. Trans. Louis Muinzer and May-Brit Akerholt. London: Oberon Books, 2005. ---. The girl on the sofa. Trans. David Harrower. London: Oberon books, 2002 ---. The night is singing it’s songs. Trans. Gregory Motton. London: Oberon Books, 2002. Hubbs, Clayton A : “Repetition in the Plays of Chekhov”, in Modern Drama, Vol. ⅩⅩⅡ, Number 4, December, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1979. Hubbs, Clayton A. ”The function of Repetition in the plays of Chekhov”, in Modern Drama, Vol.?, Number 4, 1979. Karolina Stehlikova:“ Language Used in Drama at the End of the Twentieth Century (A Textual Analysis of Works by Jon Fosse and their Place in the Scandinavian Context)“. Brno: Masaryk University, 2006. Kari Mjaaland Heggstad: “A Limited Space-A Limited Span of Time Presenting Jon Fosse-A Contemporary Norwegian Dramatist”. A manuscript, undated. Lukacs, Georg. The Theory of the Novel. A historico-philosophical essay on the forms of great epic literature, transl. Anna Bostock. Lpndon: Menlin Press, 1971. Ricoeur, Paul. Time and Narrative. Trans. Kathleen McLaughlin and David Pellauer. New York: University of Chicago P, 1984.(V.Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ) Szondi, Peter: Theory of the Modern Drama (1880-1950). A critical edition, ed. And transl. Michael Hays, forew. Jochen Schulte-Sasse, ( Theory and History of literature: 29), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987). (Theorie des modernen Dramas (1880~1950), orig. 1956, Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1965. ) Saetre, Lars: ”Dramatic Meaning - And Beyond: Jon Fosse''s Late Modernity in Autumn Dream", i Gunnar Foss (red.), I skriftas lys og teatersalens morke. Ein antologi om Ibsen og Fosse, Kristiansand: Hogskoleforlaget/Norwegian Academic Press, 2005, ss. 177-198. ---. "On the Terms of Words: Masks of a Christian Life" (on Jon Fosse), in Scandinavica, Vol. 40 No. 2 (November 2001), Norwich: Norvik Press, 2001, ss. 285-299. Vesaas, Tarjei. Through Naked Branches - Selected Poems of Tarjei Vesaas. Ed. Roger Greenwald. Trans. Roger Greenwald. New Jersey: Princeton UP, 2000.
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三、網路資源 劇作家相關 http://www.literature2000.org/bergen/eng/jon/om_fosse.htm http://www.osloelsewhere.org/Jon-Fosse-Biography.html http://www.norway.org/ibsen/events/IbsenFosse+2006.htm http://www.samlaget.no/forfattar.cfm?id=1717 http://www.dagbladet.no/kontekst/3952.html http://www.thebrooklynrail.org/theater/june04/fosse.html http://www.literature2000.org/bergen/eng/jon/bokmeld.htm http://www.dramadirectory.com/presentationer.php?authorlist=40523 http://nn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Fosse http://arts.bdnews24.com/?p=978 世界演出 http://articles.latimes.com/2008/aug/12/entertainment/et-winter12 http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/US_Premiere_of_Sa_Ka_La_To_Debut_At_Green_Room_98_20080815 http://www.samtidsfestivalen.no/Samtidsfestivalenno/International/filestore/EngelskSamtidspdf220607ENGsiste02.pdf http://4change.artsblogs.com/blog/blog.asp?entryId=72778 http://www.m-l-p.com/nightsings/index.htm 挪威文學相關 http://icla.byu.edu/www/sasslink/pdf/newsNotes/32_1.pdf http://dramatiker.no/index.php?name=English http://www.norway.org.cn/ 挪威劇場相關 http://www.culturalprofiles.net/Norway/Directories/Norway_Cultural_Profile/-2313.html http://www.dns.no/default.asp?kat=10 http://www.detnorsketeateret.no/netuser/repertoire/presentation.asp?pid=261 http://www.nationaltheatret.no/Nationaltheateret/ 研究者網站 http://www.hf.uib.no/i/LiLi/ansatte/Lars.htm 工具網站 http://easybib.com/cite/ http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/07/