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研究生(外文):Ling-Chen Liou
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Colour Design Based onColour Naming System
指導教授(外文):Chih-Yuan LoWen-Yuan Lee
外文關鍵詞:colour emotioncolour name
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在設計業界,色票(color patch) 被廣泛地運用於色彩計畫當中。相同地,色票也被使用於色彩情感與色彩喜好相關的學術研究中。其主要原因,不外乎是因為色票提供了快速且價格低廉的溝通方式。但對設計者而言,單色色票的情感感受與形、色一體的產品之情感感受是否一致,以及色彩與情感之間的關係,是設計者所關注著的。所以本研究利用色名系統進行色彩情感之研究,希望瞭解不同表現型式之色彩情感差異和各種色名之色彩情感。
In design business, color patches are commonly used in color plans. Similarly, they are also adopted in researches about colour affection and color preference. The main reason is that colour patches provide a fast and low-cost way of communication. However, designers are more concerned about the consistent affections between single-colour patch and the final product, and about the relations between colours and affections. As a result, this study investigates colour affections using the system of names of colour. It aims to explore the difference of colour affections for display manners and colour names.
First, to understand the difference of colour affections for display manners, this study takes single-coloured magnetic exercise bike as a sample and experiments on colour preference and aesthetics for three different display manners: colour patches, two-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional graphics. The results show that three display manners remain consistent order in colour preference and aesthetics.
The results are contradictory to other research conclusions. Thus, this study conducts another experiment on colour affection, using a large number of colour patches with colour names. The results show that characteristics of a colour and affections for the colour are certainly related. In addition, this study also builds a colour affection model by using data collected from the experiment.
Finally, this study continues to examine the function of the colour affection model. After test from real product, it shows that this model can provide a good estimation and can be used by designers in real cases.
第 一 章 諸 論1
1.1 研究背景與動機1
1.2 研究目的2
1.3 研究架構與流程3
第 二 章 文獻探討4
2.1 基本色彩知識4
2.1.1 CIE4
2.1.2 Munsell 色彩系統5
2.2 色名系統6
2.2.1 Berlin和Kay (1969) 6
2.2.2 Lin et al. (2001a.b.c) 7
2.3 陳妍青等 (2008) 11
2.4 劉映辰與李文淵(2008) 12
第 三 章 表現型式對色彩喜好與美感的影響13
3.1 實驗計畫13
3.1.1 選色與實驗樣本製作13
3.1.2 實驗受測者與實驗環境15
3.1.3 實驗方法與步驟16
3.1.4 受測者正確性與重複性17
3.2 不同光源的差異性18
3.2 色彩喜好度與美感表現20
3.3 小結21
3.4 討論22
第 四 章 色彩情感24
4.1 實驗計畫24
4.1.1 選色與實驗樣本製作24
4.1.2 實驗受測者與實驗環境29
4.1.3 實驗方法與步驟30
4.1.4 受測者正確性與重複性31
4.1.5 正確性與情感量尺之散佈圖
4.2 色彩與情感量尺之關係39
4.2.1 躍動的—消沉的39
4.2.2 輕的—重的39
4.2.3 昂貴的—便宜的40
4.2.4 複雜的—簡單的41
4.2.5 喜歡的—討厭的41
4.2.6 放鬆的—緊張的42
4.2.7 冷的—熱的42
4.2.8 男性的—女性的43
4.2.9 美的—醜的44
4.2.10 軟的—硬的44
4.3 色彩情感在色彩空間裡的分佈情形45
4.3.1 躍動的—消沉的45
4.3.2 輕的—重的46
4.3.3 昂貴的—便宜的47
4.3.4 複雜的—簡單的48
4.3.5 喜歡的—討厭的49
4.3.6 放鬆的—緊張的50
4.3.7 冷的—熱的52
4.3.8 男性的—女性的53
4.3.9 美的—醜的54
4.3.10 軟的—硬的55
4.4 建構色彩情感模型56
第 五 章 色彩情感結果之驗證59
5.1 實驗計畫59
5.1.1 實驗樣本59
5.1.2 實驗受測者60
5.1.3 實驗方法與步驟60
5.2 驗證61
5.2.1 投票數統計61
5.2.2 產品與色彩對照表61
5.2.3 結果62
第 六 章 結論與討論64
6.1 結論64
6.1.1 應用64
6.1.2 結論66
6.2 討論68

附錄一 表現型式對色彩喜好與美感的影響--受測者使用說明書72
附錄二 表現型式對色彩喜好與美感的影響--受測者問卷記錄表73
附錄三 表現型式對色彩喜好與美感的影響--受測者與實驗環境資料74
附錄四 色彩情感--受測者使用說明書75
附錄五 色彩情感--受測者問卷調查表76
附錄六 色彩情感--受測者與實驗環境資料77
附錄七 驗證--受測者使用說明書78
附錄八 驗證--受測資料填寫表79
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