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研究生(外文):Jian-Da Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Development of Keyword-prompt-based Consultation Support Tool for Non-IT Health Professional in the Case of Technical Support for School Nurses
指導教授(外文):Polun Chang
外文關鍵詞:consulting support systemschool nursekeyword
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本研究利用非同步資料傳輸 (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML,AJAX)做關鍵字搜尋結果提示,及個人網頁程式(Personal Home Page,PHP)做為程式開發語言,並以Visual C++做為程式編寫工具,參考中研院分詞語料庫與斷詞演算法中的長詞優先,為斷詞的依據,將輸入搜尋之關鍵字自動斷詞做多詞搜尋,尋找符合關鍵字的文章,並呈現常被點閱的文章與常被搜尋的關鍵字,讓搜尋者參考。研究評估以各縣市91位種子校護為對象。
The goal of this study is to provide a user-prompted searching tool for school nurses, who searches the school health management system’s forums and the forums of school health management system. This web forum provided searching function for discussion posts, however lacking of the information technology made school nurses is not sufficient to utilize it effectively. The forum searching tool required keyword for searching relative articles and employment of the Boolean search algorithm approach. This is inconvenient to school nurses. Therefore, in this study a user prompted Q&A search tool is designed to provide an information pipeline to facilitate school nurses’ searching skill.
This study used Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX as a keyword of searching result prompt, and Personal Homepage Program(PHP),PHP in cooperated with Visual C++ are build the program. There also utilized the fragmented word bank from Academia Sinica and a fragmented word algorithm which giving priority to longer words. In terms of word fragments, while inputting a keyword for searching, a multi-word search is automatically initiated to search for the relevant of articles and present those that have been browsed often and frequently searched by users. In the end of the study, representative school nurses in 91 counties were given an inclinable questionnaire, after received the permission of 23(91) school nurses the questionnaire results of using this tool is analysis.
As a conclusion, more than 60 percent of the school nurses recalled that the searching tool was easy to use and able to search a satisfy result efficiently. 30 percent of of school nurse declared no difference, and 10 percent of them still remain negative attitude. It did assist school nurses to find satisfied searching results, but in order to search for articles in better quality. Forums still require school nurses devote more ideas and answers.
致謝....................... i
中文摘要................... ii
英文摘要................... iv
目錄....................... v
圖目錄..................... viii
表目錄..................... x
第一章 緒論...... .........1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的...... 3
第二章 文獻探討............4
2.1 資訊諮詢模式.......... 4
2.1.1 網路諮詢工具........ 5
2.2 搜尋引擎資訊解答模式.. 10
2.2.1 搜尋引擎分類... 11
2.2.2 搜尋技巧....... 15
2.2.3 常見網路資訊搜尋策略.... 16
2.2.4 資訊搜尋關鍵字提示...... 17
2.3 電腦桌面領域用之小工具 .........20
2.3.1 使用端搜尋工具.......... 20
2.4 校護使用「學生健康資訊系統」諮詢情況.... 23
2.4.1 學生健康資訊系統論壇.... 26
2.4.2 論壇重覆發問的問題...... 27
第三章 系統設計.................... 29
3.1 諮詢需求....................... 29
3.2 系統實作環境................... 30
3.2.1 學生健康資訊系統討論區環境....... 31
3.3 系統設計與架構................. 32
3.4 搜尋介面模組................... 34
3.4.1 Zend cache模組.......... 35
3.4.2 AJAX技術................ 36
3.5 關鍵字擷取模組................. 41
3.6 搜尋頁面呈現................... 43
3.7 斷詞演算方法.................... 44
3.7.1 結構性斷詞法............ 44
3.7.2 統計式斷詞法............ 44
3.8 系統評估........................ 45
3.8.1 評估方法................ 45
3.8.2 問卷設計依據及參考來源.. 46
第四章 結果........................ 50
4.1 安裝過程............... 50
4.2 系統功能............... 52
4.3 搜尋結果............... 54
4.4 程式移除............... 60
4.5 系統評估結果........... 61
第五章 討論........................ 66
5.1 系統評估............... 66
5.2 系統開發............... 67
5.3 系統限制............... 69
5.4 未來發展............... 69
第六章 結論........................ 71
文獻................................ 72
附件一.............................. 76
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