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研究生(外文):Cheng-Yu Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Nanoslit Surface Plasmon in Aqueous Phase and It’s Biosensing Application
指導教授(外文):Arthur ChiouPei-Kuen Wei
外文關鍵詞:biosensorSurface Plasmon
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因此吾人更進一步的在蛋白質微陣列的檢測實驗中,使用7nM的BSA與 2.5nM的anti-BSA進行蛋白質與蛋白質交互作用動力學測量
,並以波長(846nm)的LED燈源當入射光,利用一CCD相機(SBIG, ST-10XME)來記錄影像,最後利用程式分析影像中週期性奈米金屬狹縫陣列光強度的變化,在此實驗中,我們可以同時得到三個狹縫陣列中的蛋白質動力學反應。假設光源的穩定度為0.2%,此原件可以偵測到anti-BSA的濃度極限為35pM。
Surface Plasmon Resonance has got lots of attention in last few years. It provides label-free and high surface sensitivity. However, decreasing the cost, high-throughput detection, and improving sensitivity are the main trends for everyone wants to achieve.
In this the thesis, I fabricate the period nanostructure on silicon subtract by E-beam lithography and RIE etching and then using the nanoinprint technology to replcate the nanostructure to glass subtract. In this way, it can not only decrease the time for fabricating the nanostructure sample but also the cost. The sensitivity of nanostructure base chip is done by glycerol solution in diffirent concentration. The result shows the sensitivity has no significant different performance between wavelength detection (3.1×10-5) and intensity detection (8.5×10-5) ,however, the intensity detection has the potential for high-throughput sensing development.
In the protein array sensing experiment, BSA and anti-BSA as the demonstration of molecular interaction dynamic detection, the BSA concentration is 7 nM and anti-BSA is 2.5 nM. The wavelength in 846 nm of LED as the light source in this experiment setup. The CCD records the image and analysising the image to get the intensity changing during the experiment. In the end, I perform the three slit array detection result. The anti-BSA detecting limitation is 35pM in assuming the light stability is 0.2%.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 3
1-2.1表面電漿子共振作用在生物感測器之發展 3
1-2.2奈米壓印技術發展[18] 5
1-2.3表面電漿子共振生物感測器之量測方式 7
1-3研究動機 9
1-4論文架構 10
第二章 金屬表面電漿子共振與激發 11
2-1簡介表面電漿子 11
2-2金屬介面與介質間表面電漿共振關係 11
2-3侷域性表面電漿共振關係[23] 18
2-4激發表面電漿的方式 21
2-4.1稜鏡耦合(prism coupling) 21
2-4.2光柵耦合(grating coupling) 23
2-5表面電漿耦合共振模型 24
第三章 奈米金屬狹縫製程與光學特性 26
3-1電子束微影技術簡介 26
3-2反應式離子蝕刻技術簡介 29
3-3母模奈米結構之製作 31
3-4紫外光固化奈米壓印 37
第四章 奈米金屬狹縫在生醫感測之應用 48
4-1奈米金屬狹縫表面電漿子共振生物感測器 48
4-2量測系統 49
4-3週期性奈米金屬狹縫環境折射率之靈敏度 53
4-4 週期性奈米金屬狹縫生物感測器 60
第五章 總結與未來展望 66
參考文獻 68
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