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研究生(外文):Hsin-Yi Shih
論文名稱(外文):Detection and Eradication of Emerging Pathogens in a Laboratory Animal Facility
指導教授(外文):Ching-Fong Liao
外文關鍵詞:Mouse pathogensMouse parvovirusMouse norovirusHelicobacter sppCross fosterHypochlorous acidLaboratory animal facility
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2007 年國家實驗動物中心北區將 Mouse parvovirus (MPV) 列入 Specific pathogens free (SPF) list 及健康監測服務項目。衛兵鼠送檢結果顯示動物房有 MPV 感染,在 2007 年底即以淘汰方式去除MPV 感染小鼠,至今未再感染。2009 年國家實驗動物中心的南科中心將 MNV (Murine norovirus) 與 Helicobacter spp. 列入 SPF list 中,並且開始提供高品質實驗小鼠,而 MNV 與 Helicobacter 尚未列在北區國家實驗動物中心的 SPF list 以及健康監測服務的項目中。故我們建立 MNV 及 Helicobacter 偵測方法後,開始監測檢疫房以及抽檢代養區的動物,確認了本動物房這兩種病原存在。
我們使用交叉撫養的方式來清除病原:使用確定沒有感染 MNV 及 Helicobacter 的乾淨母鼠作為奶媽,將來自感染母鼠的仔鼠在出生 24 小時內,交與奶媽哺育。施行交叉撫養前,仔鼠先短暫浸泡過 Hypochloric acid (HOCl 50ppm) 消毒液數次,去除體表可能沾有的病原後,再交由奶媽哺育。本動物房內設置有 HOCl 消毒系統,代養房內年平均環境落菌量小於 1,故清除病原的過程嘗試在同一個代養房內完成,感染母鼠與乾淨母鼠放置同一個代養房內的不同層架上。小鼠斷奶後,分別使用糞便 PCR 及 RT-PCR,鑑定小鼠 Helicobacter 與 MNV 的感染情形。目前已完成7次代養清除 MNV,以及 11 次清除 Helicobacter,其中有 6 次是同時清除 MNV與 Helicobacter。
本動物房中 MPV 與 MNV 之基因體序列全長,皆與目前已經發表的序列不同。將 MPV命名為 MPV-1f;而 MNV 基因體序列則與Norovirus mouse/TW2006/TWN 與 Norovirus mouse/TW2007/TWN 相近,命名為 MNV/Taipei/2009/TWN。
The purpose of this investigation was to establish a non-invasive, simple and efficient method to detect mouse pathogens, and to eliminate pathogens without interrupting users’ experiments.
In 2007, the mouse parvovirus (MPV) was included in the specific pathogen free (SPF) list and health monitoring services by the National Laboratory Animal Center (NLAC). The MPV infection in the animal facility was first detected in the sentinel mice by our routine health monitoring program in May, 2007. The infected mice were then identified cage by cage by ourselves by ELISA and then depopulated at the end of 2007. In 2009, the NLAC Tainan began to provide high quality laboratory mice which are MNV and Helicobacter free. However, the SPF list and health monitoring services of NLAC Taipei still did not comprise MNV and Helicobacter. Therefore, we established a fecal PCR-based method to monitor the MNV and Helicobacter in the animal facility. We found that some strains of mice in the quarantine room and holding room were infected with Helicobacter and some mice were infected with MNV in the holding room.
We used neonatal transfer in the same room for rederivation. The cages for foster dams and the infectious dams were kept on different shelves during the cleaning procedure. Within 24 hours of birth, the contaminated litters were rinsed with hypochloric acid solution (HOCl 50 ppm) several times and then transferred to the foster dams. After 3 weeks of fostering, the mice were tested for the presence of Helicobacter spp. and MNV by fecal PCR and fecal RT-PCR, respectively. Until now, neonatal transfer cleaned MNV in 7 successful transfers, and eliminated Helicobacter infection in 11 transfers, and 5 of neonatal transfer cleaned both MNV and Helicobacter at the same time.
The MPV and MNV genomic sequence are different from these being the published. The MPV is named MPV-1f and the MNV murine nororvirus Taipei/2009/TWN.
中文摘要 ................................................. i
英文摘要 ................................................ ii
目錄 .................................................... iv
表目錄 .................................................. vi
圖目錄 .................................................. vi
第一章、文獻回顧 ......................................... 1
第一節、緒論 ............................................ 1
第二節、Mouse parvovirus 簡介 ........................... 1
第三節、Mouse Norovirus 簡介 ............................ 3
第四節、Helicobacter 簡介 ............................... 5
第五節、常見的病源清除方法............................... 5
第六節、次氯酸水溶液 (Hypochlorous acid,HOCl) 簡介...... 6
第二章、研究動機與實驗設計 ............................... 7
第三章、材料與方法 ...................................... 10
第一節、動物飼養環境與健康狀況 ......................... 10
1. 動物房飼養環境 ..................................... 10
2. HOCl 給水系統 ...................................... 10
3. 動物健康狀況 ....................................... 11
第二節、方法 ........................................... 11
1. 引子設計 ........................................... 11
2. 交叉撫養操作 ....................................... 12
3. 小鼠體表細菌之培養.................................. 13
4. 單一菌落的 Helicobacter之培養 ...................... 13
5. 組織 DNA之製備 ..................................... 14
6. 總量組織 RNA 之製備................................. 14
7. 糞便DNA 之製備...................................... 15
8. 糞便總量RNA 之製備.................................. 15
9. 反轉錄-聚合酶連鎖反應 (RT-PCR) ......................16
10.聚合酶連鎖反應 (PCR) ............................... 17
11. DNA 膠體回收 (DNA extraction) ..................... 18
12. 質體接合 (T-A cloning) ............................ 19
13. 質體轉型 (Transformation) ......................... 19
14. DNA 序列分析 ...................................... 20
15. 胺基酸序列分析 .................................... 20
16. 親緣關係樹狀圖分析方法 ............................ 20
第四章、結果............................................. 22
第一節、動物房感染情形.................................. 22
1. Mouse parvovirus ................................... 22
2. Mouse norovisus .................................... 22
3. Helicobacter ....................................... 22
第二節、偵測新進動物 Helicobacter 感染情形.............. 23
第三節、清除小鼠體表細菌................................ 23
第四節、交互撫養結果.................................... 24
第五節、病原菌分子特徵.................................. 25
1. Mouse parvovirus ................................... 25
2. Mouse norovisus .................................... 26
第五章、討論 ............................................ 28
第一節、無特定病原菌清單 (SPF list) .................... 28
第二節、病原偵測與交互撫養 ............................. 28

參考文獻 ................................................ 29


表一、引子序列 ...........................................35
表二、交叉撫養紀錄 .......................................37
表三、新生小鼠由感染母鼠移往代養母鼠之紀錄 ...............38
表四、比較MPV的核苷酸及胺基酸序列 ........................39


圖一、動物房小鼠感染 MPV、MNV 與Helicobacter之證據....... 40
圖二、糞便 PCR 膠圖結果證明交叉撫養可有效的清除Helicobacter .. 42
圖三、糞便RT-PCR 結果證明將交叉撫養可有效的清除MNV ...... 43
圖四、比較 HOCl 與碘液清除小鼠體表細菌之效力 ............ 44
圖五、MPV-1f 定序的策略以及其基因體結構 ................. 45
圖六、MPV 基因體全長之親緣關係樹狀圖 .................... 46
圖七、MPV-1f 核苷酸序列與 MVMi 及 MPV-1a 之比較 ......... 47
圖八、MNV/2009/Taipei/TWN 定序策略以及基因體結構 ........ 51
圖九、MNV/2009/Taipei/TWN 預測的胺基酸序列與 MNV-1 序列的不同處.. 52
圖十、MNV 的親緣關係樹狀圖 .............................. 53

附錄一、小鼠無特定病原清單比較 .......................... 54
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