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研究生(外文):Ren-Jen Hwang
論文名稱(外文):The Central Mechanisms of Self Regulation for Negative Emotional Event during Female Menstrual Cycle
指導教授(外文):Jen-Chuen Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:emotionfearmenstrual cyclefrontal asymmetryMagnetoencephalographyestrogenanxietyparietal-occipitalbrain
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在探討人類高等認知功能時,關於女性賀爾蒙在調控情緒/動機行為的中樞腦神經機制之相關研究相對是少的,人腦前額葉主要負責調整左右腦協調功能,掌管思考、計劃、同時對於情緒的控制,人類與動物的研究指出月經周期(特別是雌激素)會調變女性表現出正負向情感動機行為,而左右額葉分別主控了正負向情感動機的神經迴路。實驗的第一部份利用腦磁波 (MEG)測量女性休息狀態下在不同月經週下左右額葉之活性,第二個部份是調查女性對對正負向人臉情緒的辨識與月經週期的關係。我們看到女性在休息狀態下左右半球活化、情緒(mood)、正負向人臉情緒辨識 (recognition)之行為表現上,並沒有因月經週期之不同而有顯著差異,然而其左右不對稱型態(asymmetry pattern)在排卵前後(periovulatory phase; OV)偏向右半球,而月經期(Menstrating phase: MC) 活化偏向左半球卻達到顯著之交互作用(interaction)。第三個實驗我們以fear emotional Go/NoGo作業,分析女性在不同月經週期下,前額葉在對負向情緒刺激之誘發磁場強度,結果發現MC 期女性於刺激後200-300ms表現出左半球顯著活化,而OV 期女性在刺激後300-450ms 時出現右半球側化,且相關性分析指出MC 時左額葉的活化強度與焦慮指數呈現正相關,此左右半球間動態的轉變表徵出健康女性/荷爾蒙維繫恆定情緒、自我調節的自動化能力。第四個實驗中運用sLORETA 延續之前的fear NoGo誘發磁場進行訊號重建,我們發現負向情緒刺激在視覺-頂葉皮質(parietal-occipital lobe)分區活化表現上,會因為不同的月經週期而有異,這些過去被認為與焦慮-注意力偏向有關的腦區在MC期較為活化,反而在OV 期相對是較被抑制的;這些結果指出女性在不同的月經週期中,對於負向刺激會有不同半球的神經迴路管控,此自動化情緒調節策略,認為與荷爾蒙調控女性生活適應與健康息息相關。
Self-regulating negative emotions associated with distress improves mental and physical well-being. Loss of the capacity creates psychopathological risk. Gonadotropic hormones play an important role in the regulation emotion connects women health and stress regulation base on the gondola hormones regulate the affective arousal response via hypothalamic-pituitary–adrenal (HPA) circuitry. The left and right anterior regions of the brain comprise two separate neural systems underlying dealing with approach and withdrawal (promotion vs. prevention) motivation, respectively. The EEG/MEG frontal asymmetry pattern appears in response to positive and negative stimuli and also fulfills regulatory functions, as well as representing the aspects of emotion. First, the study examined the interrelationship between resting frontal alpha asymmetry and human menstrual cycle. Second, the study documents behavioral evidence from the facial emotional recognition investigation. This study found that the trait/baseline alteration of frontal alpha asymmetry pattern can serve a sub-clinical correlation (or signature) for the hormonal modulation effect on dynamic brain organization across the menstrual cycle.

The shift of asymmetric lateralization of PFC baseline activity pinpoints a possible emotional regulation of negative affection (Kline, Blackhart, and Williams, 2007). By using the emotional Go/NoGo task, sections 3 of this study examed the state PFC responses of different menstrual phases during fear facial stimulation. Our results identified the evoked magnetic field activity in the time window 200-300ms (M1) and 300-450ms (M2) after stimulus onset demonstrated significant interactions between hemispheric side and menstrual phase. Notably, a significant association between the anxiety score and the left PFC activation was observed in MC phase. The region of the brain used for coping with stress shifts to the opposite side during a woman's period. This change may help women cope with the hormonal maelstrom occuring in their bodies without experiecning major behavioral changes.

Section 4 of this study utilized the standardized low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography method (sLORETA) to reconstruct brain activity for analytical emotional precessing related to the fear NoGo task. The entire signaling in brain is complicated. This study displayed the subregions of PFC that are significantly related to menstruation related anxiety; including the left superior frontal/temporal gyrus (BA 6/38), left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47) and right occipital cuneus (BA 18). The study also found that females have a wide variety of emotion-regulation strategies that involving contrasting activation of the parietal-occipital/attention neuronal network across menstrual cycle. Previous studies indicated that the attention is primarily determined by the motivational significance of stimuli and refined link a probability modulation with different menstrual cycle in this current study. Our study revealed a plastic resilience of functional organization of human brain and a dynamic automaticity of inter-hemispheric synergism for possible adaptive regulation under the aversive confrontation in accordance with hormonal fluctuation during the menstrual cycle.

I. LIST OF FIGURE…………………………………7
II. LIST OF TABLE………………………………8
III. Abbraviation.................................9
1. 中文摘要.....................................10
2. 英文摘要(abstract).......................12
3. INTRODUCTION...................................14
4.1. Female menstrual cycle and affective processing.....16
4.2. Neurostructural System Underlying the BIS/BAS: Gray’s Model...17
4.3. Frontal Lobe Control and Emotional Regulation Neuroimageing review...........................20
4.3.1. Approach and Avoidance Motivations and frontal asymmetry............................20
4.3.2. Self regulation focus theory neural process.....22
4.4. Menstrual cycle modulated PFC network for stress responses...25
4.5. Threat-related attention bias in anxious situation.....27
4.6. Research Overview/ Aims and Hypothesis.............29
5. EXPERIMENTS.....................................31
5.1. Study I:The resting frontal alpha asymmetry across the menstrual cycle: A magnetoencephalographic study....................................31
5.1.1 Background...............................31
5.1.2 Method and Material.................34
5.1.3 Results............................37
5.1.4 Discussion.....................39

5.2. Study II:Recognition of Facial Emotional Expressions across Menstrual Cycle..............44
5.2.1 Background.......................................44
5.2.2 Method and Material...........46
5.2.3 Results...........................47
5.2.4 Discussion.......................................49

5.3. Study III:Female menstrual phases modulate human prefrontalasymmetry during negative emotion processing....51
5.3.1 Background..........51
5.3.2 Method and Material........53
5.3.3 Results..............57
5.3.4 Discussions.............................59
5.4. Study IV:Female menstrual phases modulate human prefrontal asymmetry during negative emotion processing: Current density reconstruction...................66
5.4.1 Background................66
5.4.2 Method and Material...................67
5.4.3 Results.....................69
5.4.4 Discussion..................73

6. SUMMERY.....................................88

7. FUTURE WORKs....................89

8. REFERENCE.................90
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