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研究生(外文):Yung-Hsiang Yi
論文名稱(外文):Membrane targeting and interaction of NHE1 and NCX1 with integrinaIIbb3 by lipid microdomain induce a calcium influx that triggers calcium oscillation
指導教授(外文):Chi-Hung Lin
外文關鍵詞:calcium oscillationintegrinNHENCXlipid raftFLIM/FRET
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在細胞內鈣離子波動中,一般認為”鈣離子誘發鈣離子釋放”(CICR)的作用機轉是促成細胞質中鈣離子循環且不斷的釋放及回收的重要基礎。即便如此,其中的細節至今仍舊混沌不明,特別是在非興奮性細胞中引發”鈣離子誘發鈣離子釋放”(CICR)作用機轉上起始的鈣離子流動是如何產生?至今仍不清楚。有別於傳統藉由calcium channels or phospholipase C-inositol trisphosphate所觸發的細胞內鈣離子波動,我們發現另一個能經由人類整合蛋白(integrin脉IIb刍3)下游訊息觸發細胞內鈣離子波動之全新機轉。在我們的研究中,發現表現人類整合蛋白(integrin脉IIb刍3)之中國倉鼠卵巢癌細胞株(CHOαIIbβ3)經fibrinogen或蛇毒蛋白rhodostomin基質結合刺激後,誘發Na+-H+交換體(NHE1)及Ca2+-Na+交換體(NCX1)在細胞內囊泡上分別與整合蛋白(integrin脉IIb刍3)進行結合並進一步送達至細胞膜上產生功能性之協同作用,造成鈣離子湧入細胞內引發細胞內鈣離子波動的現象。我們亦發現細胞膜上之Na+-H+交換體(NHE1)及Ca2+-Na+交換體(NCX1)再進行功能性之協同作用過程中會先藉由Na+-H+交換體(NHE1)產生一個細胞內鈉離子上升,並藉此進一步促使Ca2+-Na+交換體(NCX1)在移除細胞內過多的鈉離子的同時產造成鈣離子自細胞外流入,進而引發細胞內鈣離子誘發鈣離子釋放”(CICR)的作用機轉,藉此成為人類整合蛋白(integrin脉IIb刍3)下游訊息所觸發細胞內鈣離子波動中的一個起始機轉。在這些在細胞內囊泡上結合的過程,由於彼此間結合力薄弱或是過程短暫及其他未知因素,導致無法以傳統生化方式研究,為克服此一困難,本論文導入先進的光學技術(FLIM-FRET)並於活細胞觀測這些在細胞內囊泡上結合的過程。並在進一步的研究中發現這些囊泡上結合與送達至細胞膜的過程是藉細胞中”lipid microdomain”相關機制的參與所完成。因此,我們的研究對非興奮性細胞中”鈣離子誘發鈣離子釋放”(CICR)作用機轉提供一份全新且明確的分子作用機轉。
The cyclic calcium release-and-uptake during calcium oscillation is thought to result from calcium-induced calcium release (CICR); however, it is unclear, especially in non-excitable cells, how the initial calcium mobilization occurs that triggers CICR. We report here a novel mechanism, other than conventional calcium channels or phospholipase C-inositol trisphosphate system, for initiating calcium oscillation downstream of integrin signaling. Upon integrinαIIbβ3’s binding to fibrinogen ligand or the disintegrin rhodostomin, sodium-proton exchanger NHE1 and sodium-calcium exchanger NCX1 are actively transported to the plasma membrane and they become physically coupled to integrinαIIbβ3. Lipid raft-dependent mechanisms modulate the membrane targeting and formation of NHE1/integrinαIIbβ3/NCX1 protein complex. NHE1 and NCX1 within such protein complex are functionally coupled, such that a local increase of sodium concentration caused by NHE1 can drive NCX1 to generate sodium efflux in exchange for calcium influx. The resulting calcium increase inside the cell can then trigger CICR, as a prelude to calcium oscillation downstream of integrinαIIbβ3 signaling. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer based on fluorescence lifetime measurements is employed here to monitor the intermolecular interactions among NHE1/integrinαIIbβ3/NCX1, which could not be properly detected using conventional biochemical assays.
Introduction ……………………………………………………………4
1. Intracellular calcium signaling
a. Functions of intracellular calcium signaling
b.CICR (Calcium Induced Calcium Release) mechanism
c.CICR in excitable cell
d.CICR in non-excitable cell
2. Integrin protein family
a. Structure and classification of integrin protein family
b. Functions of integrin protein family
c. Integrin脉IIb刍3
3. Ligands of integrin脉IIb刍3
a. Fibrinogen
b. Rhodostomin
4. Thrombosis
a. Functions and significant of thrombosis
b. Calcium signaling in thrombosis
5. Sodium-proton exchanger (NHE) protein family
a. Structure of NHE protein family
b. Sodium-proton exchanger 1 (NHE1)
(1) Localization of NHE1
(2) Functions of NHE1
(3) Regulation mechanisms of NHE1 activity
(4) Roles of NHE1 in thrombosis
6. Sodium-calcium exchanger protein family
a. Structure of NCX protein family
b. Sodium-calcium exchanger 1 (NCX1)
(1) Localization of NCX1
(2) Functions of NCX1
(3) Regulation mechanisms of NCX1 activity
(4) Roles of NCX1 in thrombosis
7. Coupling effect of NHE1 and NCX1
8. Lipid raft microdomain
a. Function of lipid raft
b. Roles of lipid raft in thrombosis
c. Integrin脉IIb刍3, NHE1 and NCX1 present in lipid raft
9. Specific aims
Material and method…………………………………………………22
Material ………………………………..……………………………….22
1. Chemical
2. Detergent
3. Organic solvent
4. Kit
5. Bacterial strains
6. Cell
7. Platelet
8. Plasmid
9. Antibody
9.1 Primary antibody
9.2 Secondary antibody
10. Solution
a. Bacteria culture and transformation
b. DNA purification
c. GST fusion protein purification
d. Cell culture
e. Platelet preparation
Stock B
Stock C
Tyrode's buffer(Ca2+-free)
Tyrode's buffer(Ca2+-containing)50ml
f. Immunofluorescence staining
Fix solution
Blocking solution
Mounting solution
g. Cell lysis buffer
2X Sample buffer(reducing loading buffer)
7.5% Separation gel
15% Separation gel
Stacking gel
Running buffer 5 liter,pH8.3
Semi-dry transfer buffer
10X washing solution pH7.4
Blocking solution
Striipping solution
1. DNA preparation
a. Competent cell preparation
b. Transformation
c. DNA purification
2. GST fusion protein purification
3. Ligand coating
4. Platelet preparation
5. Cell culture
6. Transfection
7. Cell attachment assay
8. Cell spreading assay
9. Calcium and sodium image
10. Immunofluorescence staining
11. Light microscopy
a. Live cell image in differential interference contrast (DIC) image or fluorescence microcopy
b. Time-lapse image in confocal fluorescence microscopy
c. Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM)
d. Fluorescence Lifetime Image microscopy-Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FLIM-FRET)
12. Whole cell lysate preparation
13. Isolation of detergent-resistance membrane
14. Cholesterol concentration measurement
15. Western Blot Assay
a. SDS-PAGE;SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
b. Western blotting
1. Net calcium influxes generated by combined NHE1-NCX1 effects induced calcium oscillations in CHO脉IIb刍3 cells grown on Fg/rhodostomin substrates.
a. CHO脉IIb刍3 cell grown on Fg/rhodosotomin substrates and exhibited calcium oscillation.
b. Fibrinogen/rhodosotomin-induced calcium oscillation in CHO脉IIb刍3 and platelet dependent on extracellular calcium and intracellular calcium store
c. Phospholypase C (PLC) and IP3 receptor inhibitors partially inhibited fibrinogen/rhodostomin-induced calcium oscillation in CHO脉IIb刍3 and platelet
d. Fg/rhodosotomin-induced calcium oscillation in CHO脉IIb刍3 and platelet could be blocked by sodium-proton exchanger-1 (NHE1) and sodium-calcium exchanger-1 (NCX1) inhibitors.
e. NCX1 inhibitor caused an NHE1-mediated [Na+]i increase and cell swelling when CHO脉IIb刍3 cell were grown on rhodostomin substrate.
2. Targeting and transient presence of NHE1/NCX1 on the plasma membrane in CHO脉IIb刍3 cells interacts with fibrinogen/rhodostomin substrates.
a. NHE1 and NCX1 present in CHO脉IIb刍3 cells.
b. Fibrinogen/rhodostomin substrates cause NHE1 targeted to plasma membrane from intracellular vesicle.
c. Fg/rhodostomin substrates cause NCX1 targeted to plasma membrane from intracellular vesicle.
d. NHE1-RFP containing vesicle transport to plasma membrane were monitored by confocal microscopy
e. NHE1-GFP containing vesicle fused into plasma membrane visualized by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM)
f. Internalization of NHE1/NCX1 through calveolar endocytosis.
g. Signalling processes involved in protein targeting of NHE1/NCX1 were investigated using pharmacological approaches.
3. FLIM-FRET measurements revealed direct molecular interactions between the integrins and the ion exchangers
a. Molecular interaction between integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1 or NCX1
b. Molecular interaction between NHE1 and NCX1
c. Photo-bleaching of the acceptor fluorochromes prevent FRET occurred
4. Molecular interactions between the integrin and ion exchangers may be through serine-threonine kinase related signalling pathway.
a. Molecular interaction between integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1 occurred in intracellular vesicle.
b. Molecular interaction between integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1 occurred in intracellular vesicle could be inhibited by staurosporine.
c. Signalling processes involved in functional coupling between the integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1/NCX1 were investigated using pharmacological approaches.
i. Serine/threonine kinase probably involved in molecular interaction between integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1 occurred in intracellular vesicle.
ii. Intracellular calcium store involved in molecular interaction between integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1 occurred in intracellular vesicle.
iii. Microtubule did not involve in molecular interaction between integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1 occurring in intracellular vesicle.
iv. Lipid raft integrity was involved in molecular interaction between integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1 occurring in intracellular vesicle.
5. Role of lipid microdomains in mediating the recruitment of NHE1 and NCX1 to the membrane.
1. Lipid raft colocalized with NHE1 and NCX1 in plasma membrane when CHO脉IIb刍3 grown on fibrinogen/rhodostomin substrates.
2. The recruitment of NHE1 and NCX1 to plasma membrane dependent on lipid raft integrity.
3. NHE1 and NCX1 present in lipid raft microdomain (DRM, Detergent Resistance Membrane)
4. NHE1/NCX1 interacted with lipid raft marker but not with non-lipid raft marker
The novel mechanism of the combined effect of the NHE1 and NCX1 in integrin-mediated calcium oscillation
The physical binding between integrin and exchangers were demonstrated using FLIM-FRET
The novel finding in NHE1/NCX1 targeting and reinternalized through lipid rafts mechanism
Integrin脉IIb刍3 induced the intermolecular binding between integrin脉IIb刍3 and NHE1/NCX1 through kinase dependent signalling.
Significance of the combined effect of NHE1 and NCX1 in various cellular activities
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