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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Ju Jen
論文名稱(外文):The effect of no antibiotic prophylaxis to Surgical site infection after thyroidectomy
指導教授(外文):Yin-Yin Chen Ph.D.Kai-Wei Wang, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:antibiotic prophylaxisSurgical site infection
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This study investigates the non-utilization of prophylactic antibiotics on patients who underwent thyroid surgery in comparison with prophylactic antibiotic use. In order to know the difference between non-utilization and utilization of prophylactic antibiotics with regards to signs and symptoms of thyroidectomy infection, post-operative use of antibiotics, average length of stay in the hospital and average hospital expenses, cohort method was used.
Participants were from academic medical center’s general surgery ward patients who underwent thyroidectomy. The first phase of study used retrospective method by reviewing the hospital charts. 160 patients received prophylactic antibiotics 30 minutes prior to thyroidectomy. The second phase of the study enrolled 150 patients who were not given prophylactic antibiotics before thyroidectomy.
Results showed that non-utilization of prophylactic antibiotics prior to surgery and use of antibiotics after surgery for clean surgical wound showed no significant difference. However if there are risks like diabetic patients, more than 2 hours of surgery, insertion of draining tube and presence of drain for more than 2 days, use of antibiotics after thyroidectomy resulted in significant associations.
There is significant relationship between non-prophylactic antibiotic use prior to surgery with shortened hospital stay or lesser drug cost. Although hospital expenditures showed no significant findings, when hospital stay is longer than 4 days, drug cost increased to NT$5850 while using antibiotics after surgery, comparable figure for hospital expenses is from NT$ 32436 up to NT$ 63895. On the other hand, shorter hospital stay of less than 4 days did not show any significant findings for use of antibiotics after thyroidectomy in relation to drug cost or hospital expenses.
When antibiotics are used after thyroidectomy, the duration of hospital stay is prolonged, hospital bills are increased, and overall, the negative effect on hospital’s operational system is certain. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to assess patients before surgery and to care for them thoroughly after surgery.
The risk of infection on surgical sites can be decreased by interventions such as education, changing the habit of antibiotic use by senior health care staff. In addition, understanding types of surgical wound, evaluation of infection risks for surgical sites, and execution of proper care before, during or after surgery by clinical hospital staff can lower rate of infection.
第一章 前言………………………………………………………………………......................... ......1
第一節 .問題背景與研究動機 ………………………………........……………........................1
第二節 研究目的 ………………………………………………........……………….................2
第三節 研究問題 ………………………………………………...........………………..............3
第四節 研究假說 ………………………………………………..........………………...............3

第二章 文獻查證 ……………………………………………………...............………………...........4
第一節 手術傷口分類與感染……………...…………..................……...………………….......4
第二節 預防性抗生素在手術部位感染之應用….………….........................……..……...........7
第三節 預防手術部位感染實證策略……………………………....................………….........10
第四節 文獻查證總結….............................................................................................................17
第五節 操作性定義….................................................................................................................18
第六節 研究概念架構….............................................................................................................19

第三章 研究方法…..............................................................................................................................21
第一節 研究設計.........................................................................................................................21
第二節 研究對象….....................................................................................................................22
第三節 研究工具….....................................................................................................................22
第四節 資料收集過程….............................................................................................................23
第五節 資料分析與統計方法….................................................................................................24
第六節 研究對象的權益保護….................................................................................................25

第四章 研究結果…..............................................................................................................................26
第一節 甲狀腺手術病人基本屬性與特性….............................................................................26
第二節 兩階段投予預防性抗生素甲狀腺手術病人基本屬性與特性比.................................26
第三節 甲狀腺手術後服用抗生素治療病人基本屬性與特性.................................................28
第四節 兩階段投予預防性抗生素對甲狀腺手術病人住院天數及醫療費用影響….............28
第五節 甲狀腺手術後服用抗生素治療對住院天數及醫療成本影響….................................29
第六節 甲狀腺手術後服用抗生素治療相關之危險因子邏輯迴歸….....................................30

第五章 討論…......................................................................................................................................32
第一節 手術前不投予預防性抗生素對甲狀腺手術之影響….................................................32
第二節 不投予預防性抗生素對甲狀腺術後服用抗生素治療之影響….................................33
第三節 甲狀腺術後服用抗生素治療對住院天數及醫療費用影響…….................................34

第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………………………………………......36
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………………………………….36
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………………..……………........36
第三節 研究限制……………………………………………………………………..…….......38


表一 甲狀腺手術病人基本屬性與特性…...............................................................................44
表二 兩階段投予預防性抗生素甲狀腺手術病人基本屬性與特性比………..……….........46
表三 甲狀腺手術後服用抗生素治療病人基本屬性與特性…...............................................48
表四 兩階段投予預防性抗生素對甲狀腺手術病人住院天數及醫療費用影響……….......50
表五 甲狀腺手術後服用抗生素治療對住院天數及醫療成本影響…...................................51
表六 甲狀腺手術後服用抗生素治療相關之危險因子邏輯迴歸…………………...............51

附錄一 手術部位感染臨床評估紀錄表….................................................................................52
附錄二 專家效度評量表.............................................................................................................55
附錄三 受試者參與研究同意書….............................................................................................59
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