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研究生(外文):Chia-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Application of Transcutaneous Electrical Plantar Stimulation to Improve Posture Control Ability for Subjects with Diabetic Neuropathy
指導教授(外文):Sai-Wei Yang
外文關鍵詞:NeuropathyTENSSensory enhancementPosture control
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Somatosensory function declines with diabetic neuropathy (DN) resulting in diminished balance performance and higher risk of falling. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of plantar transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on improving the postural control ability for subjects with DN in both static posture and dynamic perturbations.
19 healthy adults (mean age 55.4 years) and 19 subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (mean age 59.1 years) were evaluated in the eye-closed conditions of quiet and Romberg stance trials. A six-axis Steward platform with force plate and pressure platform was used to evaluate the postural control ability in response to an unexpected forward translation with and without the intervention of subthreshold electrical stimulation (ES) randomly applied on the plantar areas (first MTH, fifth MTH, heel and ankle). The measured variables of center of pressure (COP) as well as the EMG activity of the leg and trunk muscles were used as the assessment standard.
After the ES intervention, anteroposterior COP maximal excursion and standard deviation decreased significantly in quiet stance trials (both p< 0.01). Although the average sway velocity increased, the application of ES resulted in 10.9% and 9.2% reductions of sway areas in quiet and Romberg stance trials, respectively. In addition, the DN subjects showed a shorter COP response latency (p< 0.01), a shorter time to re-stabilization (p= 0.04) and a smaller sway area after balance recovery (p< 0.01) in comparison between before and after intervention. The effect on postural stability was profound for subjects with higher level of sensory loss. This study showed the promising effect of using plantar TENS for improving postural stability in people with peripheral sensory loss.
Acknowledgements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Chinese Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
English Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
List of Figures --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
List of Tables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix
Chapter 1 Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-1 Motivation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-2 Classification and clinical aspects of diabetic neuropathy ------------------------- 2
1-3 Epidemiology of diabetic neuropathy ------------------------------------------------- 5
1-4 Pathogenic mechanisms of diabetic neuropathy ------------------------------------- 5
1-5 Risk factors, diagnosis and clinical scoring systems of diabetic neuropathy ---- 6
1-6 Postural control and somatosensory system ---------------------------------------- 12
1-7 Diabetes mellitus, falls, and fall-related risk factors ------------------------------ 16
1-8 Postural control and balance performance in subjects with diabetic neuropathy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
1-9 Sensory-enhancing techniques and devices ---------------------------------------- 24
1-10 Physiological effects and possible mechanisms of electrical stimulation ------ 27
1-11 Purpose of this study ------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
1-12 Hypotheses of this study -------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Chapter 2 Material and Method --------------------------------------------------------- 30
2-1 Subjects ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
2-2 Clinical testing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
2-3 Assessment of motor function -------------------------------------------------------- 32
2-4 Instrumentation and Procedure ------------------------------------------------------- 34
2-5 Data analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
2-6 Statistical analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Chapter 3 Results --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
3-1 Basic data and clinical testing -------------------------------------------------------- 48
3-2 Motor function test --------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
3-3 Static balance control ------------------------------------------------------------------ 52
3-4 Reaction time --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
3-5 Dynamic balance control -------------------------------------------------------------- 55
3-6 Relationship between improvement of COP measured variables and sensory threshold --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
Chapter 4 Discussion ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
4-1 Clinical testing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
4-2 Motor function test --------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
4-3 Static balance control ------------------------------------------------------------------ 71
4-4 Reaction time --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
4-5 Dynamic balance control -------------------------------------------------------------- 73
4-6 Relationship between improvement of COP measured variables and sensory threshold --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
4-7 Limitations and perspectives of the study ------------------------------------------ 82
Chapter 5 Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 83
References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 84
Appendix A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
Appendix B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
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