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研究生(外文):Pei-Yuan Chung
論文名稱(外文):Rapid Interaction Specification in DHM-Included Virtual Environment to Support Virtual Design Ergonomic Evaluation
指導教授(外文):Tien-Lung Sun
外文關鍵詞:Virtual realityergonomic evaluationPetri Netvirtual humaninteraction
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近年來在代工大國有如世界工廠的中國大陸崛起衝擊下,過去純粹以代工為主的台灣製造業基於整體成本考量,紛紛將製造工廠移出台灣,根留台灣的製造業,選擇附加價值高的專利技術來發展,因此「產品設計」對台灣的產業非常重要。近年來以人為本的社會,人因的考量對產品設計是很重要的一環。又因虛擬場景具有造價低廉、製做快速、可即時修改與即時互動等優點,尤其在產品設計的人因評估方面,虛擬場景可提供可互動的環境,讓產品設計的人因評估專家在場景中進行實驗,但過去大多數的研究虛擬人模僅能與物件有碰觸、觸發等簡單的互動,並沒有討論若人因專家想要自行修改設計但互動設計卻很複雜,需要VR人員協助的問題。為了提供領域專家可以快速修改互動設計的方法,本研究利用含人模的虛擬場景,以動作捕捉器Moven驅動人模,並針對場景中每一個物件VOi,其互動姿勢擷取的邏輯以兩個類型的派翠網設計,第一種類型的派翠網(PNl)表示每一個物件的互動擷取姿勢邏輯;第二個類型的派翠網表示與監控雙手或單手是否正確碰到物件的狀態並且抓取或放開物件。藉由這兩類型的Petri Net設計一個參數設定的界面,讓領域專家可自行修改參數,包含選擇雙手或單手抓取、運動限制式、擷取頻率、擷取目標、接觸點的座標與範圍等。讓派翠網取代複雜的互動設計邏輯,讓非VR的領域專家能夠輕易的改變互動設計。
Virtual design ergonomic evaluation is useful at early design stage where the physical design mock up is not available but human-centred design must be considered. The interactive virtual ergonomics evaluation approach integrates a digital human model (DHM) with a product’s digital mock up to form a DHM-included virtual environment (VE). The DHM is interactively puppeteered by a human player who wears motion capture devices. Posture data recorded by the motion capture devices are sent to ergonomics programs for evaluation. The DHM-included VE developed by previous research suffers from two problems. First, the DHM can only touch or reach the virtual objects but cannot grab nor manipulate them. As such the range of posture data that could be acquired is limited. Secondly, the domain experts, who are usually non VR experts, have to resort to VR engineers to specify the interactions between DHM and virtual objects, which make the virtual evaluation process inconvenient and inefficient. This paper discusses an interactive VE in which the DHM could grab objects and manipulate them. A two-type Petri-net (PN) is proposed as a high-level, graphical representation that allows domain experts to quickly and easily define the interactions between the DHM and the virtual object. The first-type PN template monitors the object-grabbing status whereas the second-type PN template monitors the hand-grabbing status and hand coordination. If the object-grabbing status or the hand-grabbing status is wrong, the PN will stop the posture data recording process, reset the object to its original position, and notice the human player to re-do the operation so that correct posture data could be acquired. A case study is presented in which the proposed method is applied to generate an interactive VE to acquire posture data for evaluating ergonomics problems associated in operating and maintaining a control console in a ship control room.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機 2
1.3. 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1. 含人模之虛擬場景應用於產品設計之人因評估 4
2.2. 以Petri Net控制互動之設計 8
第三章 互動虛擬人因評估場景 13
3.1. 互動虛擬人因評估場景之建構步驟 13
第四章 支援抓取動作之含人模虛擬人因評估場景 18
4.1. 數位人模與場景物件互動設計 18
4.2. 互動程式的姿勢擷取限制條件 21
第五章 可由領域專家快速設定互動之含人模虛擬人因評估場景 22
5.1. 派翠網(Petri Net)介紹 24
5.2. 控制物件互動與姿勢擷取之派翠網設計 25
5.3. 物件抓取與未抓取控制派翠網設計 28
5.4. 領域專家快速建構場景物件互動與姿勢擷取條件 31
第六章 結論 35
參考文獻 37
附錄 40
附錄一 Case1:雙手打開螢光幕 40
附錄二 Case2:單手抓螢光幕打開 44
附錄三 Case3:雙手拆開電線 47
附錄四 Case4:單手打開抽屜 52
附錄五 Case5:一手扶機台邊,一手拉電線 55
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