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研究生(外文):Teng-Wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Optoelectronic Pattern Recognition System Based on YUV Color Model with Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator
指導教授(外文):Chu-Lung Chen
外文關鍵詞:Chromatic pattern recognitionMach-Zehnder joint transform correlatorYUV color model
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In this thesis, we utilize two-channel Mach-Zehnder joint transform correlator based on YUV color model for chromatic pattern recognition. The multi-channel joint transform correlator was proposed to discriminate the chromatic pattern on three channels. However, it requires a larger liquid crystal spatial light modulator for chromatic pattern recognition. The property of YUV color model contributes to utilize only two chromatic aberration components on recognition. Then, we utilize the minimum average correlation energy to achieve the distortion invariant. In order to be more suitable for realizing the input plane of optical correlator, the multi-level quantized reference function is applied to design the filter. Subsequently, we estimate the effects for rotated distortion, quantized level, correlation between channels, noisy environment, distortion with scale and angle, and multiple targets pattern. Finally, the numerical results of simulation show that chromatic pattern based on two channels of YUV color model is successfully detected.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
Figure Captions vi
Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Optical Pattern Recognition 4
2.1 Multi-channel Mach-Zehnder joint transform correlator 4
2.2 YUV color model 7
2.3 Optical process 10
2.4 Multi-level quantized reference function 15
2.5 Performance evaluation 21
Chapter 3 Numerical Results 25
3.1 Multi-channel MZJTC with MACE filter 25
3.1.1 Noise-free pattern with MACE filter 25
3.1.2 Results for pattern recognition with multi-channel MZJTC 28
3.2 Two-channel MZJTC with MQRF filter 34
3.2.1 Noise-free pattern with MQRF filter 34
3.2.2 Results for pattern recpgnition with two-channel MZJTC 36
3.2.3 Results for different quantization parameters 39
3.2.4 Results for two-channel systems based on YUV and RGB color models 47
3.2.5 Results for noisy target patterns 50
3.2.6 Results for distortion with scaling factors and rotation angles 54
3.2.7 Results for multiple targets pattern 60
Chapter 4 Conclusions 65
References 68
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