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研究生(外文):Zen-Der Shyu
論文名稱(外文):Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Fault-Tolerance over Broadband Ethernet Passive Optical Networks
指導教授(外文):I-Shyan Hwang
外文關鍵詞:PONDBAFault Tolerance
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本篇論文的研究重點在被動式光纖網路(passive optical networks, PON)動態頻寬分配(dynamic bandwidth assignment, DBA)及容錯(fault tolerance)議題的解決方案。由於被動式光纖網路具有低成本、高傳輸率、長距離等優點,因此,迅速成為學術界研究的重點之ㄧ。被動式光纖網路的用戶由於共享一條光纖與局端相連,形成多點對單點的接取網路,因此需要頻寬分配機制以防止碰撞和因排程競爭所導致饑渴等問題。如何有效率的分配各用戶可上傳的頻寬,並減少壅塞現象以提供用戶端服務品質保證,是被動式光纖網路導入寬頻接取網路關鍵核心技術之一。而光通訊網路中的主要介質-光纖,經常會受到外力的影響,如溫度、應力、甚至於天災人禍而彎曲受損或斷裂。在如此高傳輸容量的光纖通訊中,一旦光纖斷裂或是節點發生錯誤將導致無法估計的損失。許多先前的研究皆提出專屬保護的架構,導致佈建成本過於昂貴。為了達成高信賴度與低佈建成本,本篇論文提出一新穎的高效率被動式光纖網路容錯系統,利用分享保護的概念以節省網路營運業者佈建線路的成本,並確保系統在發生故障時亦能提供優異的效能。本篇論文提出之高效率動態頻寬分配演算法可以改善被動式光纖網路整體效能,而所設計容錯架構以及故障復原機制可以提高網路傳輸的安全性。本論文研究成果可提供未來建立優質被動式光纖網路的重要技術,以滿足下一世代寬頻網路的需求。
The research issues of this thesis focus on dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) and fault tolerance over broadband passive optical networks. Compared with the currently well-deployed broadband access technologies, the passive optical network (PON) possesses many critical advantages such as low cost, high rate, long distance, high efficiency and flexibility. For these reasons, PONs becomes the critical issues in the “last mile” problem.
The PON can be regarded as a multipoint-to-point (MP2P) network in the upstream direction. Multiple optical network units (ONUs) share the same transmission channel and transmit data to the central office (CO); only a single ONU may transmit data in its time slots to avoid data collision. Hence, a robust mechanism is needed for allocating time slots and upstream bandwidth for each ONU to transmit data.
In order to prevent data collisions and to fully utilize the network potential in the sense of centralized communication control in the CO, this thesis proposes some comprehensive and efficient DBA algorithms to enhance the performance on PON. In addition, this thesis also extends the research result to enhance the differentiated services for WDM-EPON.
Furthermore, fault tolerance is also one of the important issues on PON. In the PON, any failure of OLT or feeder fiber can halt the whole system. Many previous studies proposed dedicated protection architectures for critical components and the redundancy results in high cost for deployment. To achieve high reliability and low cost, this article proposes a novel fault-tolerance system with cost-effective shared protection through Bridge ONUs. Under the failures, the Bridge ONU controls the faulty PON, plays the role of OLT and the transmission of faulty PON is restored by relayed to other interconnected adjacent PON.
On the whole, this thesis proposes efficient DBA algorithm to enhance the performance on PON. Additionally, this thesis also designs a fault-tolerance architecture and fault recovery mechanism to improve the reliability of data transmission. The research results can be valuable for establishing the high quality next-generation broadband subscriber access networks.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.1.1 Principles of Passive Optical Networks 4
1.1.2 Types of Passive Optical Networks 7
1.1.3 Wavelength-Division Multiple Access on Passive Optical Networks 9
1.1.4 Fault Tolerance Issue on Passive Optical Networks 10
1.2 Scope of the Work 10
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 11
Chapter 2 Ethernet Passive Optical Networks 12
2.1 Multi-Point Control Protocol 13
2.2 Bandwidth Allocation 14
2.2.1 Principles of Grant Sizing 15
2.2.2 Principles of Grant Scheduling 19
2.3 Migration to Wavelength Division Multiple Access from Ethernet Passive Optical Networks 20
2.4 Fault Protection Architectures on Passive Optical Networks 21
Chapter 3 Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation over Ethernet Passive Optical Networks 25
3.1 Grant-scheduling Design 26
3.1.1 Early DBA Mechanism 26
3.1.2 Unstable Degree List Control 28
3.1.3 QoS-based DBA Mechanism 30
3.2 Grant-sizing Design 31
3.2.1 PFEBA Scheme in Early DBA Mechanism 32
3.2.2 Advanced PFEBA Scheme 38
3.2.3 Two Phase Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism 42
3.3 Performance Evaluation 49
3.3.1 Comparison and Analytical of Simulation Results 50
3.3.2 Performance Evaluation for QoS Support 54
3.4 Summary 56
Chapter 4 Applications of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in Wavelength-Division Multiple Access PON 58
4.1 Previous Wavelength and Bandwidth Allocation Schemes in WDM-EPON 61
4.2 Cost-Based Fault-tolerance WDM-EPON Architecture 65
4.2.1 Normal Situation 66
4.2.2 Fault Situation 66
4.3 Dynamic Wavelength and Bandwidth Allocation Design 67
4.4 Performance Evaluation 70
4.4.1 ONU with an Infinite Buffer Situation 71
4.4.2 ONU with 10 MB Buffer Situation 80
4.5 Summary 87
Chapter 5 Fault-Tolerance Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Design on Multi-EPON System 88
5.1 Fault-Tolerance Embedded Multi-EPON System 88
5.1.1 Fault-Tolerance Architecture Interconnected through Bridge ONUs 89
5.1.2 Minimum Hop Count Relay Path Algorithm 91
5.1.3 Relay Mechanism and Local DBA 96
5.2 Performance Evaluation 104
5.3 Summary 111
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 112
6.1 Conclusions 112
6.2 Future Works 115
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