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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Shan Liao
論文名稱(外文):Mining Fuzzy Association Rules From Hierarchy Concept with Linguistic Variable
指導教授(外文):Chin-Tzong Pang
外文關鍵詞:Data MiningHierarchy ConceptLinguistic VariableFP-Growth
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本研究以FP-Growth為基礎,結合模糊理論與階層概念,提出了模糊多層資料探勘演算法(Fuzzy Multiple-level data Mining Algorithm,FMMA)。此演算法,運用語意變數解決最小支持度與最小信心水準找尋合適數值之難題;以階層分類為概念,子階層僅需考量父階層為頻繁項目集之節點,故可減少探勘所需的時間與空間。本研究提出之演算法,使用上更為人性化且對於探勘執行時間及所需儲存空間均有改善,而探勘出的關聯規則,以自然語言方式呈現,因而較貼近人類思維且簡單容易了解。
Database is the key technology for current enterprises to store their data. It is not only used for storing information but also mining the unknown information that hidden in the database. There are various kinds of data mining technologies, but the most common one is the association rule. The association rule is mainly used to discuss the association of the purchased products in order to provide reference information for the decision-maker. According to the current researches of the association rule, minimum support and minimum confidence generally use pre-determined value as their basic requirement. However, how to identify that the value is sufficient is very tough. Besides, in fact there are tons of goods on the market, the more goods the more complicated the goods sets will be. Thus, the association rule is very difficult to discover. To this end, we raise the hierarchy concept of the transaction items to assist us to find out the association rule. In addition, the administrator of each hierarchy needs different messages. Therefore, use the association rule founded by hierarchy concept, different messages can be sent to different hierarchy.

Based on the FP-Growth, this study associates the framework of fuzzy theory and hierarchy concept to propose an approach- FMMA, Fuzzy Multiple-level data Mining Algorithm. This algorithm uses linguistic variables to solve the problem of finding out the sufficient value by using minimum support and minimum confidence. Furthermore, according to the level taxonomy concept, the sub-level only needs to consider the nods of its parent level’s frequent itemset, thus the required mining time and space can be reduced to a certain extent. The algorithm raised in this study is more humanity and more effective in enhancing the required executive time and information storage space. The mined association rule is presented by natural language which is closer to the human thought and is easier to understand.
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機-------------------------------1
第二節 問題描述-------------------------------------1
第三節 研究目的-------------------------------------2
第四節 論文架構-------------------------------------3
第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------4
第一節 資料探勘-------------------------------------4
第二節 關聯規則-------------------------------------6
第三節 多階層關聯規則------------------------------23
第四節 模糊理論------------------------------------24
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------27
第一節 研究方法流程圖------------------------------28
第二節 演算法符號介紹------------------------------29
第三節 演算法--------------------------------------30
第四章 研究結果----------------------------------------33
第一節 範例介紹------------------------------------33
第二節 分析與討論----------------------------------49
第五章 結論與未來研究方向------------------------------50
第一節 結論----------------------------------------50
第二節 未來研究方向--------------------------------51
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