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研究生(外文):Kao-Hsiung Lin
論文名稱(外文):A study of the product development key succeed factors in the Smart phone industry – The case of Android open resourse platform
指導教授(外文):Hung-Hsin Chen 陳弘信
外文關鍵詞:Key successful factorsSmart phonesAndroid development platformopen source codeNew product development process.
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智慧型手機產業不管在現在與未來都是電子明星產業,由於其多樣整合性功能集中於一身,可為使用者帶來其更多附加價值;因此,本研究就以目前最熱門Android開放式平台做為本研究目標,希望透過嚴謹及完整的研究理論基礎來探討Android智慧型手機產品開發關鍵成功因素,本研究依據關鍵成功因素分析法內的產業/企業專家訪談分析法、產業架構分析法、以及產業領導廠商分析法並且使用SPSS 12版本統計軟體將問卷調查之數據進行主軸成份因素分析,然後得到關鍵因素群組並進行因素命名,然後再以信度分析其所得到之因素變數之可信度,本研究所得到所有因素其信度Cronbach''s α 值都大於0.7一致性容許量,因此所得到所有關鍵因素可信度支持本研究。再將所得到之因素進行單、複迴歸分析法,以尋求各個因素間的相關顯著性,依據所得因素之間相關顯著性再以路徑分析法畫出因素架構模型;使得本研究得到一明確關鍵成功因素地圖與方針,最後對於所得到的因素架構圖、產業專家們的意見、與OHA聯盟間的相關因素、以及領先廠商的如何成功之模式;開始進行分析與歸納。
  本研究所得到之關鍵成功因素圖,共得到12個關鍵因素,其中含有原本假設七個關鍵因素另外再發現五個關鍵因素,這另外五個因素都與社群變數以及開放式平台有關。因此,這些因素關係路徑就是讓智慧型手機製造廠商在開發Android開放式平台時,可自行發展出一套完整且可行性高的Android手機產品開發流程做為參考依據;在本研究中評估原始程式碼所開發產品最主要先探討因素乃從是原始程式碼本身開始,由於它必須透過資訊共享的過程,才能夠讓新產品開發製造廠商、OHA聯盟、以及社群使用者才可以得到開放式平台所帶來資訊共享的價值;本研究也發現在此一關鍵因素圖中專案管理、知識管理、產品設計與品質功能、以及消費者需求等因素也有其相關性,而此一因素群組其含意就是一套內部產品開發流程,但專案管理與消費者需求相互關係由於為負相關;所以當產品設計考量到消費者需求之後,隨即透過一定程序管理,開始執行專案管理;但決定開案之後,消費者需求就必須要受到限制,因為當專案管理開始後。隨即開發完成時間固定、以及開發成本固定、與各部門單位跨部門溝通協調,固定專案小組工作配制等等;因此,假如讓消費者需求擅自更改原本產品功能定義,這會影響整個專案管理存在的價值以及相關開發成本,最主要影響還是時間成本,由於現階段開發最主要之要求在於Time to market,盡快讓產品能夠上市為最主要的目的。除了之前這些因素以外,再配合OHA聯盟與創新、公開開發套件、產品生命週期等外部因素關係,便成為一套完整Android產品開發流程。
Smart phone industry ,No matter at present or future were always a super star in the electronic industries, Because of its focus on the diverse functions of an integrated, In addition , The users can create more value-added from this device , Therefore, my research is focus on the most popular platform- Android open resource platform as the target of this study, I hope that the smartphone successful critical factors of product development was explored thoroughly by the theoretical basis in the rigorous and comprehensive study, this study was based on analysis of critical success factors within the industry / business analysis experts, industry structure analysis, as well as the industry leader analysis ,then, use to statistical software SPSS 12 for running the principal axis factoring procedure, then, the study will get key factors and definition the factors group name ,In addition, they get reliability analysis of the credibility of variable factors, all factors in this study the Cronbach''s α reliability values are greater than the permissible level of 0.7 Consistency , So I have been gotten all of key factors of the credibility and then was supported this study. Then, we are also ran the single, multiple regression analysis in all of the key factors , and looking for significant and correlation in all of the critical factors , According to we were getting the all of critical factors of the significant and correlation to draw the structure factor map from path analysis method , In order to make a clear critical successful factor vision and the principle map from this study ,Finally,we were proceeding a conculsion from u the structure factor map, the views of industry experts, the OHA alliance with the relevant factors, as well as the leader of the successful model.
  This study has been the key successful factors map, it is a total of 12 key factors, which contains the initial seven key factors of the simulation and also found five key factors , the extra five key factors are related with other variables in the community, as well as the open resource platform.Therefore, the key successful factors map is relationship between in the development of the Android open resource platform and smart phone manufacturers, it could develop a complete and high feasibility of development process at Android handset product as a reference for smart phone manufacturers; It is the important factors in beginning from initial source code that we would like to search the products which was made up by the initial source code in the present study, due to the initial source code must be passed through the process of information sharing in order to brought the value of information sharing for the development of new products manufacturers, OHA alliance, as well as the user community from the open source platform ,This study was also discovered the key factor map of this diagram in project management, knowledge management, product design and quality features, as well as consumer demand were relevance, this factor group is meaning a set of standard internal product development processes, The project management and consumer demand are negative correlation between their relationship , Therefore, when the product design needs to consider with consumers demand, then pass through a certain process management, it is beginning of the implementation at project management; but decided to implemented the case, The consumer demand must be limited, because after beginning of project management. Then,it needs a fixed development time and fixed development costs, also, the sector units of inter-departmental communication and coordination, the preparation of a fixed project team and so on, if we are followed the consumer demand for changing the original definition of product features anyway,it was impacted the whole existence of the valueable in project management and related development costs ,also the most important impact is the time cost actually,due to the most important requirement is Time to market at this stage, Therefore,The products can be listed on the market that is the most important purpose. In addition ,desides these above key factors , To collocate with the OHA alliance and innovation, opened software development kit as well as the product life cycle, such as these relationship between external factors, We would make up a complete product development process with Android platform.
審定書 II
授權書 III
中文摘要 IV
英文摘要 VI
誌 謝 VIII
目 錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
圖目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的與範圍 5
1.4 研究對象 6
1.5 研究架構與流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 新產品開發關鍵因素 12
2.1.1 新產品開發的驅動力 13
2.1.2 新產品開發步驟 14
2.2 智慧型手機介紹 15
2.2.1 智慧型手機作業系統 16
2.3 ANDROID背景介紹 20
2.3.1 Android 所面臨到的挑戰 24
2.4 知識管理 26
2.5 策略聯盟 30
2.5.1 在競合賽局中追求雙贏 31
2.5.2 競爭亦是合作 32
2.6 智慧型手機無線通訊能力 34
2.6.1 WCDMA 34
2.6.2 HSDPA 35
2.6.3 HSUPA 37
2.6.4 TD-SCDMA 38
2.7 開放原始碼之商業模式 40
2.8 開放原始碼之軟體授權模式 43
第三章 ANDROID平台智慧型手機產業架構分析 48
3.1 行動通訊產業價值網 48
3.2 手機開放作業系統(OHA)策略聯盟 51
3.2.1 手機產業界內吸引效應 53
3.2.2 聯盟間相互學習與資源分享 54
3.2.3 OHA聯盟參與廠商如何產品差異化為未來重點 54
3.3 晶片供應廠商選擇不同作業系統平台 56
3.4 ANDROID平台領導廠商分析 60
3.4.1 Android手機品牌廠-Google 60
3.4.2 Android代工廠-宏達電 66
3.5 ANDROID智慧型手機規格 71
第四章 研究方法 75
4.1 研究相關因素架構 76
4.2 研究對象 77
4.2.1 問卷調查部份 77
4.2.2 產業/專家訪談對象 77
4.3 研究假設架構 79
4.4 問卷設計 80
4.5 分析方法 81
4.6 資料分析工具 83
第五章 研究資料分析 84
5.1 基本資料樣本分析 84
5.2 主成份分析因子之萃取 86
5.2.1 產品功能因素之萃取 87
5.2.2 Android社群論壇因素之萃取 91
5.2.3 產品開發因素之萃取 96
5.3 相關分析 103
5.4 複迴歸分析與路徑分析 104
5.5 深度訪談分析 110
第六章 結論與建議 118
6.1 關鍵因素構面研究之結論 118
6.2 對企業界之建議 122
6.3 對後續研究之建議 128
6.4 研究限制 128
英文文獻 129
中文文獻 130
網路資訊 131
附屬一、問卷調查 132
附屬二、訪談大綱 139

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