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研究生(外文):Ya-Lei Hsiung
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Course of Motherhood of and the Social Support for Elderly Primiparae
外文關鍵詞:elderly primiparaefertility motivationcourse of motherhoodsocial supports
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This study investigates the causes behind a delayed reproductive activity of the advanced maternal age and their fertility motivation. It also analyzes, on one hand, the difficulties elderly primiparae encounter during pregnancy, reproduction and child-raising and, on the other, social support they receive that have helped them to build up motherhood during the course. Based on qualitative research methodology, the author interviews totally 16 career women who are also elderly primiparae from the north in depth and collects significant data from these interactions.
The study may be concluded as followed. First, a late marriage is the main cause behind an advanced maternal age, while other causes include personal life planning, challenging impregnation, psychological decision-making, family, finance and career. Second, positive fertility motivation drives women to bear children even after the age of 34; nevertheless, factors such as age and physical strength make the advanced maternal age fail to meet the ideal standard of giving birth to two children. Third, during the course of motherhood, elderly primiparae worry about the following six problems: her own age (whether she is too old to bear a child), the baby’s health, numerous prenatal examinations, the physical weakness during pregnancy, the huge age-gap between the mother and the child, and physical strength demanded for raising a child. Fourth, also during the course of motherhood, elderly primiparae enjoy the following advantages including greater patience and maturity for the role of a mother, a secured finance situation, fully-prepared mindset and rich life experiences, and they also value more a life with children and the practical opinions given by age-like experienced friends. Fifth, both formal and informal social supports provide elderly primiparae with emotional, physical and information assistance, which help them to build up a solid motherhood during the entire course as members of the advanced maternal age. Sixth, although the advanced maternal age may also enjoy the course of motherhood as responsible mothers, it is still advisable for women to be married and bear children before the most appropriate age of thirty. Based on abovementioned conclusions, the author suggests that women should marry and reproduce before the age of 30 so as to avoid the worries of elderly primiparae. Likewise, the government should also promote the idea of an appropriate marriageable and reproductive age and provide pregnant women with more social welfare in order to encourage the public to grow a stronger fertility motivation.
目 錄
書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書 ii
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vii
目錄 viii
表次 x
圖次 xi
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 5
第三節 研究目的 6
第四節 名詞釋義 6
第五節 章節安排 7
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 台灣高齡產婦生育現況分析 11
第二節 高齡產婦之相關研究 14
第三節 生育動機 21
第四節 母職角色之探討 32
第五節 高齡產婦之社會支持 37
第三章 研究方法與架構 43
第一節 研究方法 43
第二節 研究對象 45
第三節 研究倫理 48
第四節 研究概念 50
第四章 研究資料分析 52
第一節 高齡初產婦生育動機與抉擇 52
第二節 懷孕與生產的經驗 78
第三節 新手媽媽的母職歷程 96
第四節 生命歷程的回顧 110
第五章 研究發現與討論 123
第一節 與生育動機理論對話 123
第二節 與母職角色理論對話 129
第三節 與社會支持理論對話 134
第四節 建立高齡初產婦母職歷程 143
第六章 結論與建議 149
第一節 結論 149
第二節 研究建議 151
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 154
參考文獻. 157
附錄1-1 高齡初產婦相關文獻整理 169
附錄1-2 生育動機相關文獻整理 172
附錄1-3 母職相關文獻整理 176
附錄2 訪談大綱 178
附錄3 訪談同意書 180

表 次
表 1 育齡婦女生育率 4
表 2 歷年生母平均年齡與初產婦平均年齡別 12
表 3 台灣地區1985 至2007 各種生育率之變化 13
表 4 台灣地區1985 至2007 各種生育率之相對變化 13
表 5 高齡產婦與腹中胎兒在懷孕與生產過程中可能發生之問題 17
表 6 透過社會因素影響生育率之中介變項 25
表 7 訪談樣本資料表 46
表 8 高齡初產婦社會支持系統 141
表 9 高齡初產婦延遲生育之主要原因 144

圖 次
圖 1 章節安排 10
圖 2 歷年結婚平均年齡 11
圖 3 研究概念架構圖 51
圖 4 高齡初產婦生育動機之影響因素 128
圖 5 高齡初產婦母職角色的建立過程 134
圖 6 高齡初產婦社會支持之遠近親疏關係 142
圖 7 高齡初產婦母職歷程模型 148
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