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論文名稱(外文):Analysis of the Performance of Grinding Tools
外文關鍵詞:diamond cutters、finite element analysis software
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現今工業產品生命週期短暫,產業必須發展機械精密加工,注重產品之精密度、表面形狀、製程穩定性等品質項目,機械加工在工業界是機械製造的基礎,機械加工中磨輪刀具是使用多刃刀具的組合,而磨輪刀具所使用之鑽石刀具中,刀刃方位並非規則排列,如何瞭解不同方位之鑽石刀具於切削時之性能,對磨輪刀具之分析更有助益,本研究採用單晶鑽石製成點、線及面三種方位的鑽石刀具,來探討點、線及面三種方位的鑽石刀具的切削特性分析及對切削金屬材料鋁質試塊形成的表面形貌、表面粗糙度及移除體積的影響,同時由有限元素分析法模擬點方位鑽石刀具的切削實驗,建立點方位鑽石刀具對鋁質試塊切削製程之模型,由工件材料表面產生的應力、應變值來估算出表面材料移除體積變化量,達到輔助實際實驗的結果,經實驗結果分析來看,點、線及面三種方位的鑽石刀具皆在刺入深度為70 μm時,切削後形成寬度及深度為較佳,表面粗糙度以點方位鑽石刀具切削形
The short life cycle of industrial products leads to development of precision machining. Multi-blade combination grinding tools are
commonly used in machining .The abrasives of grinding tool are not regularly oriented. The knowledge of different performance in
different oriented abrasives is helpful to analyze the diamond grinding tools. This study proposed the analysis of cutting characteristics of diamond tool produced with single crystal diamond in point, line and surface directions and also discussed the morphology, surface roughness and material removal rate in cutting aluminum sample with the simulation of finite element analysis in point direction of diamond tool. The material removal rate is estimated by the induced stress and strain at the workpiece surface to achieve the assisted actual experimental results. According to experimental results, the width and depth after cutting is better when the penetrating depth of diamond tool is 70 μm in point, line and surface directions. The point direction can obtain the good surface roughness. The line direction can obtain the good cutting morphology. Thus, cutting method which is appropriate to three directions of diamond tool is proposed by the observation of cutting characteristics of metals and morphology after cutting.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 xii
1.緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法 4
2. 文獻回顧 5
2.1 切削歷史 5
2.2 材料移除機制 12
3. 實驗設備與方法 16
3.1 實驗設備 16
3.2 實驗方法 22
3.2.1 鑽石刀具切削實驗方法 23
3.2.2 有限元素分析方法 24
4. 實驗結果與討論 28
4.1 不同鑽石刀具形貌對切削形貌之影響 28
4.1.1 點方位鑽石刀具切削形貌之影響 29
4.1.2 線方位鑽石刀具切削形貌之影響 36
4.1.3 面方位鑽石刀具切削形貌之影響 43
4.1.4不同鑽石刀具對切削形貌之綜合分析 50
4.2 不同鑽石刀具形貌對切削形貌表面粗糙度之影響 50
4.2.1 不同鑽石刀具對直線往復切削形貌表面粗糙度之影響 51
4.2.2 不同鑽石刀具對旋轉往復切削形貌表面粗糙度之影響 52
4.2.3不同鑽石刀具形貌對切削形貌表面粗糙度之綜合分析 54
4.3 不同鑽石刀具形貌對切削形貌移除體積之影響 54
4.3.1 點方位鑽石刀具對切削形貌移除體積之影響 54
4.3.2 線方位鑽石刀具對切削形貌移除體積之影響 55
4.3.3 面方位鑽石刀具對切削形貌移除體積之影響 56
4.3.4 鑽石刀具對切削形貌移除體積之綜合分析 57
4.4有限元素分析法研究 58
4.4.1有限元素分析法格點測試 58
4.4.2有限元素分析法結果分析 63
5. 結論與未來展望 68
5.1結論 68
5.2未來展望 69
參考文獻 70
自傳 72
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