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研究生(外文):Ting, Yu-Ting
論文名稱:探討使用PAC SoC 在Android 上進行2D 及3D 繪圖
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Android 3D Graphics on the PAC SoC
指導教授(外文):Lo, Shi-Wu
口試委員(外文):Chang, Rong-GueyChen, Jing
中文關鍵詞:DSP3DDynamic Code GenerationParallel
外文關鍵詞:DSP3DDynamic Code GenerationParallel
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智慧型系統以及系統上的軟體在近幾年有大幅度的需求以及成長,而user experience為軟體的一大指標。好的user experience除了系統架構外,往往還需要有好的使用者介面來增加系統操作的便利性。為了讓使用者介面能更直覺化以及美觀,非常多的設計導入了3D元件,使得界面更為便利、美觀以及為自家產品樹立了個人風格以和競爭對手做一個區隔。然而,並非所有的智慧型裝置都擁有能夠順暢運行3D計算的硬體平台。許多較為低階或者低功耗的平台在硬體上的缺乏或不足( 無GPU以及使用較低時脈的CPU )造成3D運算為系統帶來龐大的負擔。此論文提出利用DSP來輔助進行3D運算。雖然DSP相較於GPU不利於3D運算,可是低階平台並不著重於高負載的3D運算,例如遊戲。使用DSP來進行運算一來可降低CPU負載,使系統運行更順暢。二來DSP運算更省電,如此一來可延長系統待命時間。為了使DSP能達到最好的運算效能,本論文使用了以下兩個方法:1、Dynamic Code Generation的方法於run-time時產生最佳化後的DSP binary來進行3D計算。2、Parallel execution讓ARM與DSP同時進行來獲取最大效益。本論文實作展現了利用DSP輔助3D運算的可行性。

There has been a great expansion on the use and requirement of intelligent systems on mobile/multi-media devices. End users takes a great concern on how good is the user experience for the product. Not only does well designed system architecture contribute to good user experience, a user-friendly UI is also important. In recent designs, lots of 3D elements ( ex : Open GL ) has been merged into the UI systems. With these designs, UI has become more pleasant, easy to use for users, and to make distinctions between products. Smooth execution of 3D graphic needs base amount of computing resources, which might not be enough in low-end or low-power devices. Low end/power devices usually doesn't have GPU or fast CPU to perform 3D computation. Based on this reason, this paper propose a method which use digital signal processor ( DSP ) to accelerate 3D computation. Although DSP can't reach the level of GPU in graphic computation, our main target is not computing complex 3D scene but simple model ( ex : UI, light-weight AP ). Using DSP instead of GPU could benefit platform power consumption and hardware cost. On the other hand, DSP could share computation loading from CPU on GPU-lacked platform.This paper proposed two approaches for using DSP to accelerate 3D computation. 1 : Dynamic Code Generation. System generate binary code for DSP at run-time, which the binary code is highly optimized. 2 : Parallel execution of ARM and DSP. On low end/power devices, single unit could have limited resource. Combining two unit could produce better resource.

1.簡介 1
2.動機 3
3.相關研究 6
3.1二進制碼轉譯(Binary Translation) 6
3.1.1 IA-32 Execution Layer 7
3.1.2 Transmeta Crusoe 9
3.2 3D繪圖硬體與軟體介紹 11
3.2.1圖形處理器( GPU )架構 11
3.2.2 3D軟體繪圖函式庫 14
3.3 數位信號處理器( DSP ) 14
3.3.1 DSP架構與相關應用 14
3.3.2 PAC DSP 16
4. 系統架構與設計 19
4.1 平台簡介 19
4.1.1 Android平台簡介 19
4.1.2 Open GL|ES繪圖流程 20
4.1.3 PAC DSP平台特性與相關功能 21
4.2 繪圖函式庫效能測量 23
4.3 Android上Open GL|ES最佳化方法 25
4.4 PAC架構下之動態二進制碼產生器設計 33
4.4.2 PAC-RISC Scheduler 36
4.4.3 Virtual Register生命週期 42
4.5 ARM與PAC之平行化執行 42
5. 實驗 44
6. 結論 47
參考文獻 48

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