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研究生(外文):Cheng-Tao Kang
論文名稱(外文):A Triangle-Based System to the Creation of Digital Tooth Models from Multi-View 3D Scanned Data
指導教授(外文):H. T. Yau
外文關鍵詞:surface reconstructionmulti-view registrationTooth Modeltriangle mesh compressiongraphics processing unit
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在多筆掃描點資料定位的演算法中,針對機械定位後的掃描點資料,採用Global ICP(Iterative Closest Point)演算法,改善傳統將多重掃描點資料以ICP演算法兩兩相定位所產生的累積誤差。而後在亂點資料重建網格模型中,則透過Hybrid的概念,結合因內插於取樣點而建構出較高精度網格模型的DBRG(Delaunay-Based Region-Growing)與僅考慮一次所有點資料而非分區域的計算,所以可有效處理雜訊的Poisson兩種演算法,此外更利用繪圖硬體加速計算Poisson來提升整體重建的效率。最後在網格模型資料壓縮的流程中,則透過Edgebreaker演算法,藉由移除網格,並記錄剩下的網格與其邊界拓撲關係來達成有效率的壓縮效果。
In this paper, a digital model reconstruction system is developed for the use in tooth model. This proposed system includes the multi-view registration, surface reconstruction and triangle mesh compression.
For the multi-view registration, the mechanical positioning scan data, the traditional method calculates a transformation for each view separately, but the diffusing errors are generated in the alignment. Therefore, the global iterative closet point (ICP) algorithm is used to improve the accumulative errors. For the surface reconstruction, The Delaunay-Based Region-Growing (DBRG) method interpolates sample points and thus easily meets the accuracy requirement of model representation. On the other hand, the Poisson method considers all the points at once, without resorting to heuristic spatial partitioning or blending, and is therefore highly resilient to data noise. Thus, a hybrid method which combines the DBRG method with the Poisson method is proposed in this paper. Moreover, the Poisson in hybrid method is accelerated using graphics processing unit (GPU). For the triangle mesh compression, the Edgebreaker algorithm is applied in this system. The algorithm can produce efficiently a compressed file describing the topological relation between the current triangle and the boundary of the remaining part of the mesh.
Therefore, the proposed system can’t only raise powerfully the accuracy for the multi-view registration but also reconstruct efficiently mesh model for the surface reconstruction. Moreover, the system provides a simple and effective compression which can decrease the memory used to store the mesh model. Finally, the system can’t reduce transmission time, but also improve the industrial competitiveness.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機 3
1-2研究目的 5
1-3文獻回顧 8
1-3-1多筆掃描點資料定位 8
1-3-2亂點資料重建網格模型 9
1-3-3網格模型資料壓縮 17
1-4研究方法 23
第二章 平行處理概論 26
2-1平行處理 26
2-2 GPGPU概念 32
2-3 CUDA程式架構 35
2-4 CUDA的記憶體模型 39
2-5 CUDA的優缺點 41
第三章 多筆掃描資料定位 44
3-1初始定位 45
3-2精確定位 47
第四章 重建數位模型 54
4-1 DBRG演算法 56
4-2 Poisson演算法 60
4-3指向函數(Indicator Function) 62
4-3-1指向函數的梯度場 62
4-3-2逼近梯度場 64
4-4實作演算法 66
4-4-1資料結構 66
4-4-2空間函數 68
4-4-3基底函數 69
4-4-4定義向量場 70
4-4-5計算指向函數 71
4-4-6網格萃取 72
4-4-7不均勻點資料 73
4-5硬體加速Poisson演算法 77
4-5-1八元樹資料結構 78
4-5-2節點陣列 80
4-5-3鄰居節點資訊 84
4-5-4計算向量場、Divergence 87
4-5-5解矩陣與隱函數值 90
4-5-6擷取等值面 92
4.6 Hybrid重建方式 95
第五章 網格壓縮 99
5-1模型拓撲 99
5-2半邊結構(Half-Edge) 102
5-3網格壓縮 104
5-4解壓縮 107
5-4-1前處理(Preprocessing) 107
5-4-2生成網格(Generation) 110
第六章 成果分析與展示 112
6-1精細定位(ICP) 113
6-2模型拓撲重建 116
6-3網格壓縮 123
6-4結果展示 126
第七章 結論與未來展望 131
7-1結論 131
7-2未來展望 134
參考文獻 138
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