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研究生(外文):Shih-Chi Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis of Multi-Cycle Datapath for Variable-latency Processor
指導教授(外文):Tien-Fu Chen
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Lowering supply voltages is the most straightforward and effective way to reduce power consumption. However, design variations of CMOS circuits become much more significant under low supply voltage, which makes conventional worst-case designs very inefficient. Therefore, variable-latency designs were proposed, of which the slower but infrequent cases are executed with longer latencies. In this thesis, a multi-mode and multi-cycle datapath has been introduced for variable-latency processors, which changes the execution cycles under the variations on the process technology (P), the supply voltage (V), the temperature (T), and even the data patterns (D). Moreover, the automatic synthesis of multi-cycle datapaths has been proposed, which transforms a single-cycle RTL description into a multi-cycle one depending on different control words and various working conditions. By the way, the mode change is accomplished with the error rate collected from Razor-like detectors. A variable-latency RISC core with 5-stage pipelined datapath (Uni-RISC) has been implemented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methodology.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Main contribution
1.3 Thesis organization
Chapter 2 Background
2.1 Variations
2.2 Related works
Chapter 3 Synthesis of Multi-Cycle Datapaths
3.1 Variable-latency processors
3.2 Multi-cycle datapaths design
3.3 Optimization and control generation
Chapter 4 Experimental Results
4.1 Experiment setup
4.2 Performance evaluation
4.3 Cost estimation
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Works
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