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研究生(外文):Po-nan Wan
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of micro-nanometer structures on glass using femtosecond laser processing technology
外文關鍵詞:photosensitive glassfemtosecond lasermicrostructure
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本論文的研究目標是利用低能量之飛秒雷射對光敏玻璃進行改質,透過高溫退火與酸蝕刻製程在光敏玻璃表面製作U型微陣列結構。由於這些製程製作U型微陣列結構製程簡單,在對光敏玻璃進行加工時,可減少其不同製程所產生的問題,也可降低其製作成本和製程時間。此外,利用二次退火機制,改善U型微陣列結構表面粗糙度,並經由UV curing製程將U型微陣列結構翻模出來,翻模後之U型微陣列結構未來可應用在光路元件中的Homogenizer元件。
本研究中在光敏玻璃表面以雷射(120fs、1KHz、800nm)能量1.5-2mw,掃描速度0.05mm/s、高溫500℃退火、蝕刻(HF8%)時間40分鐘下,製作兩組U型微陣列結構,其寬度分別為100um、101um,深度為20.21um、33.79um,此外,利用二次退火(560℃高溫退火維持5小時)改善U型微結構的表面粗糙度,其表面粗糙度若與第一次退火相比,較一次退火改善許多,之後利用UV curing翻印U型微陣列結構,本實驗UV光照射時間為300秒,壓印壓力1kg/cm2,兩模仁翻印後結構寬度分別為99um、99um,深度為19.57um,31.87um,且邊緣處形狀清楚明顯,並沒有因翻模而造成破壞,翻印後之U型微陣列結構深度填充率分別為96.8%、94.3%。
The main focus of this study is utilizing low-energy femtosecond laser to fabricate the Foturan glass. By the process of annealing and acid etching, it is easy to fabricate the U array microstructure on the surface of Foturan glass, and because of its easiness to process, it can reduce the issues produced by different fabrications, shorten the time and lower the cost of processing. Besides, the second time of annealing U-structure can help to improve the issue of surface roughness. Furthermore, this study focuses on using femtosecond laser to fabricate U array structure and then using UV curing to replicate it. After replication, the U array structure can be applied in Homogenizer in Optical components in the future.
In this study, U array microstructure, which fabricated on the surface of the Foturan glass, is about 100um width and 20-35um depth. In the process of fabrication, “the energy of the laser” and “the time of the etching” are the two significant factors influenced on the size of the U array microstructure. If these two factors are controlled properly, the different kind of width and depth of the U array microstructures can be fabricated on the surface of the glass. In addition, after annealing twice, the roughness of U-structure become much smoother. Furthermore, this U array microstructure can be replicated by using UV curing. In this process, the time of exposure under the UV light is the important factor to affect the replication. If there was insufficient time to let the U array microstructure expose under the UV light, it would result in the partial solidification of the UV glue and fail to form the mold. In the experiment of this study, there was a clear shape around the rim of the replication, and the stuff percentage of U array microstructure was up to 90%.
Finally, this study also focuses on using femtosecond laser to induce the periodically structure on the surface of the Foturan glass. The energy of the laser to induce periodically structure on the surface of the glass is around the same as to strip off it. The periodically structure is about 600nm width and the period is between 140-160nm. Besides, the result discovered in the experiment of defocus inducing periodically structure by femtosecond laser shows that the less number of effective pulses is easier to induce the periodically structure on the surface of the Foturan glass
摘要 I
Abstract V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
第一章緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3文獻回顧 5
1.3.1 飛秒雷射加工機制 5
1.3.2 光敏玻璃吸收反應機制 7
1.3.3 光敏玻璃退火機制 11
1.3.4 光敏玻璃蝕刻反應與機制 13
1.3.5 玻璃相關加工探討 16
第二章 理論基礎 25
2.1 雷射加工機制 25
2.2 光敏玻璃特性 27
2.3 UV固化原理 29
2.4 實驗原理 30
2.5 飛秒雷射規格 33
2.6 UV curing製程使用儀器介紹 35
第三章 實驗規劃 37
3.1 實驗流程 37
3.2 光敏玻璃吸收特性測試 38
3.3 非結晶和結晶區蝕刻時間速率測試 41
3.4 U型微結構一次退火&二次退火比較實驗 43
3.5 U型陣列微結構製作與翻模測試 46
3.6 U型陣列微結構製作與翻模實驗 49
3.7 飛秒雷射在光敏玻璃表面induce週期性結構實驗 58
第四章 結果討論與未來方向 64
4.1 玻璃模仁和UV curing翻模後結構討論 64
4.2 飛秒雷射在玻璃表面誘發週期性結構實結果討論 69
4.3 結論 71
4.4 未來方向 74
參考文獻 75
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