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論文名稱(外文):The Relationships among eWOM, Website Reputation, Commitment, and Purchase Intention:The Moderation Effect of Involvement
外文關鍵詞:Internet word-of mouthWeb Reputationinvolvementcommitmentintention to purchase
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With population rapid increase in using Internet network, causing people lifestyle and consumption habits to progressively change, and through e-mail, discussion board, electronic bulletin board, discussion forum, blog and chat room communication channels, will make Internet word-of mouth can be spread easily, and influence on Internet word-of mouth will continue expand. The main purpose of this study is to discussion Internet word-of mouth and Web Reputation how to play a key factor in consumption decision- making.
This study is using Internet word-of mouth and Web Reputation to discussion their influence on commitment and intention to purchase, and investigate the role of consumer involvement in moderating effect. This study adopting the way of questionnaires, a total of 353 questionnaires are providing, delete 13 incomplete questionnaires, 340 questionnaires were valid questionnaires, we are using SPSS proceed descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis.
Before Internet shopping, consumers often and habitually search products Internet word-of mouth, for this reason, Internet word-of mouth is considered important reference factors in consumption decision- making, and influence their intention to purchase. These study results find that when the degree of consumer involvement in 3C Internet products is higher, indicate the degree of the importance of consumer’s mind in 3C products is greater, in addition, when consumer research products, they also reference the part of Web Reputation on 3C website, when 3C website can provide more service, can make consumer have a greater sense of trust, consumer satisfaction will greatly upgrade, therefore, consumer commitment relationship on 3C website will relatively upgrade. Consequently, Internet word-of mouth and Web Reputation will positive impact consumer commitment, consumer commitment will positive impact consumer intention to purchase, moreover, consumer involvement in Internet word-of mouth and commitment moderating effect is not support, but consumers involvement is positive regulation the relationship between reputation and commitment.

中文摘要 ...................................................................... I
目錄 ......................................................................... IV
圖目錄 ....................................................................... VI
表目錄 ...................................................................... VII
第一章 緒論 ................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ......................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 ................................................................ 4
第三節 研究流程 ................................................................ 5
第二章 文獻探討 ............................................................. 7
第一節 網路口碑 ................................................................ 7
一、 口碑 ................................................................. 7
二、 網路口碑 ............................................................ 14
第二節 網站聲望 ............................................................... 19
一、網路商店 ............................................................... 19
二、網站聲望 ............................................................... 20
三、網站聲望對於消費者承諾的影響 ........................................... 23
第三節 涉入 ................................................................... 25
一、 涉入的定義 ............................................................ 25
二、 涉入的分類 ............................................................ 28
三、 涉入的衡量 ............................................................ 31
第四節 承諾 ................................................................... 33
一、 承諾的定義 ............................................................ 34
二、 承諾的衡量 ............................................................ 36
第五節 購買意圖 ............................................................... 37
一、 購買意圖的定義 ........................................................ 37
二、 購買意圖的衡量方法 .................................................... 38
第三章 研究方法 ............................................................... 41
第一節 研究架構 ............................................................... 41
第二節 研究變項的定義與衡量 ................................................... 41
第三節 研究假說 ............................................................... 45
第四節 研究對象與範圍 ........................................................ 48
第五節 問卷設計 ............................................................... 48
一、 問卷結構 .............................................................. 48
二、 問卷前測與修正 ........................................................ 48
三、效度分析 ............................................................... 52
第四章 實證分析 ............................................................... 53
第一節 描述性統計分析 ......................................................... 54
一、 基本資料結構 .......................................................... 54
二、 網路使用習慣 ............................................................. 55
第二節 研究變項之信度分析 ..................................................... 56
第三節 相關分析 ............................................................... 56
第四節 迴歸分析 ............................................................... 57
第五章 結論與建議 ............................................................. 61
第一節 研究結論 ............................................................ 61
第二節 管理意涵 ............................................................... 61
一、 理論意涵 .............................................................. 61
二、 實務意涵 .............................................................. 62
第三節 研究限制與後續研究方向 ................................................. 63
參考文獻 ..................................................................... 65
附件 ......................................................................... 79
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