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研究生(外文):Ayu Kusumaningtyas
指導教授(外文):Tsai Ting-Jung
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Naturalization is a very important process to become a citizen. Thus, a proper naturalization system is essentially needed to be established in order to ensure that people becoming citizens understand what it means to be a citizen.
Using Indonesia’s and Taiwan’s naturalization system as the main object, this study will compare and analyze of both countries’ naturalization systems in order to help improve them. The approach of this study is based on literature studies as well as comparative studies on Indonesia’s and Taiwan’s naturalization systems.
Both Indonesia’s and Taiwan’s naturalization systems are regulated in the citizenship or nationality law. However, it has been revealed that Indonesia’s naturalization system has not yet developed a proper naturalization system compared to Taiwan. Indonesia’s naturalization system lacks of the enforcement rules as well as detailed qualifications of the naturalization’s requirements. As for Taiwan, it has developed a proper naturalization system with very specific qualifications and requirements so that the naturalization system is considered to be strict.
with regards to this result, Indonesia’s naturalization system needs to be improved on a legal basis, specifically the enforcement rules of the regulations and a specific naturalization requirements and qualifications are needed. Taiwan’s naturalization system is considered to be strict and because of that Taiwan needS to consider either dropping or relaxing some of the naturalization requirements.

Key word: naturalization, jus sanguinis, jus soli, nationality, citizenship, citizenship law, nationality act.
Table of Contents Page
Acknowledgements I
Abstract III
Table of Contents V
List of Tables IX
Abbreviation X
Chapter I: Introduction
1.1.1. Background and Significance 1
1.1.2. Backgound 1
1.1.3. Significance 5
1.2. Objectives and Issues 6
1.2.1. Objectives 6
1.2.2. Issues 7
1.3. Research Methods 8
1.4. Scope of Research and Limitations 8
1.4.1. Scope of Research 8
1.4.2. Limitations 8
Chapter II: Nationality and Naturalization
2.1. Definitions 9
2.1.1. Definition of the Nation-state 9
2.1.2. Definition of Nationality 13
2.1.3. Definition of Citizenship 15
2.1.4. Definition of Naturalization 18
2.2. Nationality and Citizenship 20
2.3. Nationality Law 22
2.3.1. Nationality by Birth 22 Jus Soli 22 Jus Sangunis 23 Dual Nationality and Statelessness 24
2.3.2. Nationality by Naturalization 25 Basic Requirements 25 Naturalization for Unauthorized Immigrants. 25
2.3.3. Loss of Nationality 26 Denaturalization 26 Expatriation 27
Chapter III: Indonesia’s and Taiwan’s Naturalization System
3.1. Indonesia’s Law and Regulations Concerning Citizenship and Naturalization 29
3.1.1. Historical Background 29
3.1.2. Requirements for Naturalization 37 Basic Requirements 37 Additional Requirements 45
3.1.3. Naturalization Procedures 48
3.1.4. Naturalization Authority 56
3.2. Taiwan’s Law and Regulations Concerning Citizenship and Naturalization 57
3.2.1. Historical Background 57
3.2.2. Requirements for Naturalization 65 Basic Requirements 65 Additional Requirements 72
3.2.3. Naturalization Procedures 77
3.2.4. Naturalization Authority 82

Chapter IV: Comparative Analysis of Naturalization Requirements Between Indonesia and Taiwan
4.1. Analysis83
4.1.1. Legal Basis 83
4.1.2. Basic Requirements 87
4.1.3. Naturalization Procedures 97
4.1.4. Naturalization Authority 101
4.1.5. Analysis of Rights and Obligations Between Native-born Citizen and Naturalized Person 102
4.2. Tables of Comparative Study 107
Chapter V: Conclusions and Suggestions
5.1. Conclusion 111
5.2. Suggestion 115
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