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論文名稱:Rersveratrol甲基衍生物3,5,3'',4'',5''–pentamethoxystilbene (MR-5)抑制人類乳癌細胞MCF-7生長及細胞週期G1停滯之分子研究
論文名稱(外文):3,5,3,4,5’-pentamethoxystilbene (MR-5) , a Synthetically Methoxylated Analogue of Resveratrol, Inhibits Growth and Induces G1 Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Breast Carcinoma
指導教授(外文):Wei-Jen Chen
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Resveratrol,是一種trihydroxy trans-stilbene,來自於葡萄及其他植物中,本身具有很強的抗氧化及抗腫瘤活性之天然化合物。3,5,3’,4’,5’–pentamethoxystilbene (MR-5)為一種以化學方式合成的resveratrol甲基衍生物,藉由官能基的修飾,是否和Resveratrol一樣,具有相同生物活性。因此,本研究之目的為探討白藜蘆醇及其甲基衍生物PTER, MR-3, MR-5,在人類乳癌細胞株MCF-7細胞中,對抑制細胞增生之效應及其可能之作用機轉作進一步探討。
研究結果顯示,在比較resveratrol和其PTER, MR-3, MR-5甲基衍生物實驗中,MR-5最能有效抑制人類乳癌細胞株MCF-7之細胞生長,降低細胞癌化程度,且呈現劑量及處理時間依賴性的效果,並造成細胞週期停滯於G1期。由西方墨點分析之結果顯示MR-5的生長抑制作用可能是與減少細胞內cyclin D1、cyclin D3、cyclin E和Cdk2、Cdk4和Cdk6蛋白量的表現以及增加p15、p16、p21和p27的表現量有關。由於上述分子在蛋白質表現量上的變化使得 Cdk2 和 Cdk4 激酶活性降低並導致RB無法被磷酸化。除此之外,MR-5也會影響人類乳癌細胞MCF-7內AKT、mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK1/2)、p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK)和focal adhesion kinase (FAK)之活性,顯示MR-5抑制MCF-7增生與癌化的機轉,和這些訊息傳遞分子有關。
綜合上述, 本研究經由細胞模式結果顯示,MR-5活性具有抑制MCF-7乳癌增生之功效。本研究成果有助於了解resveratrol及其甲基衍生物對於抗乳癌活性上之保健功效,亦可提供未來開發結構相關新藥之重要參考。

3,5,3’,4’,5’-Pentamethoxystilbene (MR-5) is a synthetically met- hoxylated analogue of resveratrol and has been suggested to have
antitumor activity because of structural similarity to resveratrol. Herein, we investigate the antiproliferative effect of MR-5 in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells and demonstrate that MR-5 had a more potent inhibition on cell growth compared with resveratrol and other methoxylated derivatives. Exploring the growth-inhibitory mechanisms of MR-5, we found that it is accompanied by G1 cell cycle arrest, which coincides with a marked inhibition of G1 cell cycle regulatory proteins, including decreased cyclins (D1/D3/E) and cyclin dependent kinases (CDK2/4/6) and increased CDK inhibitors (CKIs) such as p15, p16, p21, and p27. Furthermore, the increase in CKI levels by MR-5 resulted in a concomitant increase in their interactions of CDK4 and CDK2, along with a strong inhibition in CDK4 kinase activity and the accumulation of hypophosphorylated Rb. MR-5 also modulated some critical kinase activities related to cell cycle regulation, including Akt, mitogen activated protein kinase (ERK1/2), p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in MCF-7 cells. In total, our results demonstrate that MR-5 affects multiple cellular targets that contribute to its antiproliferative activity in MCF-7 cells and provide novel information for synthetic chemists to design new antitumor agents with introduction of methoxylated group(s) in the basic compound.

圖三、MR-5對人類周邊血管單核球細胞 (PBMCs)之細胞存活率及人
類乳癌細胞株MCF-7 LDH之釋放情形..............................................57
圖五、Time-dependent和Dos-dependent 結果顯示MR-5誘使MCF-7細胞發生細胞週期 G1 時期停滯現象..............................................59
圖六、MR-5誘發MCF-7細胞G1 時期停滯的條件下,以西方墨點法觀察 G1 時期之相關蛋白表現情形..............................................60
圖七、MR-5誘發MCF-7細胞 G1 時期停滯的條件下,以西方墨點法及RT-PCR分析CDKIs相關蛋白和mRNA的表現量...........61

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