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論文名稱:白色念珠菌DBF4 gene扮演菌絲負調控者的角色並具有兩條異質性且可被URA3-blaster誘導複製的對偶基因
論文名稱(外文):Candida albicans DBF4 gene with two heterologous alleles is involved in hyphae-suppression and is inducibly duplicated by URA3-blaster
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白色念珠菌 (Candida albicans)是一種伺機性的真菌病原體,正常存在於人類口腔、消化道以及泌尿生殖道的黏膜表皮上。當免疫系統不足或發生缺陷時,白色念珠菌有能力去造成一些宿主的損傷以及疾病,例如念珠菌症 (candidiasis)和念珠菌菌血症 (candidaemia)。由於白色念珠菌為雙倍體的真核生物,且缺乏完整的有性生殖週期,加上其獨特的密碼子使用,CUG密碼子會去編碼成serine而非leucine,因此增加一些分子遺傳試驗上分析的困難度。白色念珠菌另一個顯著的生物特性是能夠轉變成三種不同的生長形態,主要分為酵母菌、真性菌絲和假性菌絲生長形態;且形態”轉換”的能力對於其致病力是非常重要的,每種不同的形態利用不同的方式與宿主互相影響,目的皆
DNA複製的機制在物種之間都是高度保留的。在真核生物中,起始 (initiation)為最重要的一個控制步驟。Dbf4-dependent kinase (DDK)由催化次單元Cdc7和調節次單元Dbf4所構成,對於真核生物DNA複製起始扮演著非常重要的角色。近年來,除了促進複製起始的功能之外,也發現了DDK扮演著和DNA損壞的檢查點控制
(DNA-damage checkpoint control)相關的角色。

在白色念珠菌中Dbf4存在三個在大部分真核生物Dbf4都高度保留的motif,從N端到C端分別命名為Dbf4-motif-N、Dbf4-motif-M和Dbf4-motif-C。在許多物種的研究發現中motif-M和motif-C和激酶的活化以及有絲分裂的功能有關,且Dbf4會利用motif-M及motif-C結合於Cdc7達到活化激酶的目的;而motif-N跟BRCT motif (BRCA C-terminal region)相似,但對於激酶的活化以及有絲分裂的功能則不是必須的,但motif-N對於DNA修復以及DNA複製的檢查則有著一定程度的影響。且由胺基酸序列的相似性預期白色念珠菌Dbf4具有和其他真核生物一樣促使DNA複製起始的功能,且為一必
然而,令人意外的是在實驗室先前的研究發現當白色念珠菌的Cdc7在細胞內耗盡時,白色念珠菌會由原本的酵母菌生長形態轉變為菌絲生長形態,因此可以初步判定白色念珠菌的CDC7扮演著菌絲形成的負調控者角色。假設白色念珠菌的DDK功能也是屬於高度保留,白色念珠菌的Dbf4功能也是活化Cdc7,那麼白色念珠菌中的DBF4可能也是扮演著菌絲形成的負調控者角色。因此我將白色念珠菌DBF4置於可調控式的啟動子下游,藉由關閉啟動子將白色念珠菌中的Dbf4耗盡,結果發現形態出現和Cdc7耗盡時一樣的轉變,且當Dbf4耗盡,同時藉由ACT1啟動子讓白色念珠菌持續表現外源性的DBF4,結果發現因Dbf4耗盡所造成的菌絲形態回復成酵母菌形態,顯示白色念珠菌DBF4確實扮演著菌絲形成的負調控者角色,另外 Dbf4耗盡並不會影響其生長,因此由此推測白色念珠菌DBF4很可能為非必要基因;但是利用條件式剔除DBF4,卻未能得到homozygous null的突變株,顯示DBF4對於白色念珠菌還是具有某種程度的必要性。此外當Dbf4耗盡時,同時藉由ACT1啟動子讓白色念珠菌持續表現外源性的CDC7,並沒有辦法將Dbf4耗盡所造成的菌絲形態回復成酵母菌形態,加上實驗室利用yeast two-hybrid的方式確認白色念珠菌Cdc7和Dbf4有著強烈的交互作用,因此顯示白色念珠菌DBF4應該還是扮演著活化CDC7激酶的角色。另外,在建構能夠使白色念珠菌Dbf4耗盡之品系的過程中,發現兩個DBF4對偶基因具有異質性,而此種對偶基因的異質性,並非唯一存在於白色念珠菌的基因組中;同時也意外發現利用URA3-blaster剔除DBF4會

Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that causes both superficial and systemic infections in immunocompromised patients. Study of C. albicans has been hampered because it is a natural diploid without complete sexual cycle and possesses an unconventional codon usage. Candida albicans is a polymorphic fungus with three major growth forms, termed yeast, pseudohyphae and hyphae. The ability to change morphology from the yeast form to a filamentous form is thought to be important for the pathogenicity of C. albicans. We have been interested in studying C. albicans genes involved in the G1-S transition of the cell cycle for their being important in morphogenesis that is associated with pathogenicity. Among those, genes encoding C. albicans equivalence of Cdc7-Dbf4 kinase complex (the Dbf4-dependent kinase, DDK), originally identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are evolutionarily conserved and regulate the initiation and progression of DNA replication at least partly through phosphorylation of minichromosomal maintenance (MCM) proteins in all eukaryotes being studied. In recent studies, the DDK is thought to be an essential target inactivated by the S-phase checkpoint machinery that inhibits DNA replication. Structurally, Dbf4 protein of C. albicans is highly homologous to that of S. cerevisiae. Three small stretches of protein motifs, named Dbf4-motif-N, Dbf4-motif-M and Dbf4-motif-C, are present in all the known Dbf4 molecules from various eukaryotes. Dbf4-motif -N shows some similarity to the domain I of BRCT, which has been shown to be present in wide varieties of repair and DNA damage/replication checkpoint protein. Dbf4-motif-M and Dbf4-motif-C are shown to be sufficient for interaction and activation with catalytic subunit.
Previously, we have found that depletion of C. albicans CDC7 leads to cells with filaments. To establish the function relationship between C. albicans CDC7 (CaCDC7) and DBF4 (CaDBF4), we made a C. albicans strain, CaDBF4-02, with one CaDBF4 allele deleted and the other controlled by MET3 promoter that is methionine and cysteine repressible. Unexpectedly, CaDBF4 depleted strain remained in yeast form. Staggeringly, Southern blotting analysis of strain CaDBF4-02 revealed presence of three copies of CaDBF4 in C. albicans genome. Therefore, we constructed another C. albicans strain CaDBF4-0 from strain CaDBF4-02 in which the third DBF4 copy was knocked out. Similar to that of CaCDC7 depleted strain, we observed that the strain emerged hyphal form when the MET3 promoter was repressed. However, we were unable to obtain homozygous CaDBF4 null mutant. Hence, it is likely that CaDBF4 might be an essential gene. In addition, we constructed another C. albicans strain CaDBF4-05, with a plasmid integrated into the RP10 locus of the genome of strain CaDBF4-04 possessing an endogenous CaDBF4 whose expression is repressible by the control of MET3 promoter, which carries a copy of exogenous DBF4 capable of being expressed constitutively under the ACT1 promoter. We observed that cells of the strain CaDBF4-05 grew from yeast to the hyphal form by the expression of exogenous CaDBF4 when the endogenous CaDBF4 was repressed. Furthermore, constitutively expressing CaCDC7 in the strain CaDBF4-04 repressing CaDBF4 expression could not suppress hyphal growth. Therefore, we confirmed that CaDBF4, together with CaCDC7, is a negative regulator of hyphal formation.
From the above observations, we suggested presence of interaction between CaDBF4 and CaCDC7 in C. albicans, although functionally divergent from other eukaryotes. Interestingly, during the experimental process, we noted that C. albicans DBF4 gene with two heterologous alleles and the other allelic heterogeneity also exists in the C. albicans genome. Importantly, we determined that the third copy of DBF4 is inducibly duplicated by URA3-blaster.

1. 序論----------------------------------------------------------------------------P.7
1.1. 白色念珠菌與人類疾病-----------------------------------------------------P.7
1.2. 白色念珠菌的生物特性-----------------------------------------------------P.8
1.3. 白色念珠菌的生長形態-----------------------------------------------------P.9
1.3.1. 白色念珠菌的形態轉變-------------------------------------------------P.11
1.3.2. 白色念珠菌的形態轉變與細胞週期的關係-------------------------P.13
1.3.3. 形態轉變與致病力的關係----------------------------------------------P.14
1.4. DNA複製的起始------------------------------------------------------------P.16
1.4.1. Dbf4-dependent kinase複合體-------------------------------------------P.17
1.4.2. DDK的調節次單位DBF4 (Dumbbell Former 4)---------------------P.19 Dbf4-Motif-N Related to BRCT--------------------------------------P.20 Dbf4-Motif-M, a Proline-Rich Motif, Involved in
Protein-Protein Interaction-------------------------------------------------------P.20 Dbf4-Motif-C, a CCHH-Type Zinc Finger-like Motif-------------P.21
1.5. 研究動機---------------------------------------------------------------------P.23
2. 材料與方法---------------------------------------------------------------P.26
2.1. 大腸桿菌及白色念珠菌品系---------------------------------------------P.26
2.1.1. 大腸桿菌品系-------------------------------------------------------------P.26
2.1.2. 白色念珠菌品系----------------------------------------------------------P.26
2.2. 質體的建構------------------------------------------------------------------P.26
2.2.1. 載體(Vector)的製備------------------------------------------------------P.26
2.2.2. 插入DNA (Insert) 的製備----------------------------------------------P.27
2.2.3. 聚合酶連鎖反應 (Polymerase Chain Reaction)----------------------P.28
2.2.4. TA選殖----------------------------------------------------------------------P.29
2.2.5. 限制酶切割反應----------------------------------------------------------P.30
2.2.6. CIP的處理------------------------------------------------------------------P.31
2.2.7. 接合反應-------------------------------------------------------------------P.32
2.2.8. 以氯化鈣化學方法製備勝任細胞-------------------------------------P.32
2.2.9. 轉型作用(Transformation)----------------------------------------------P.33
2.2.10. 利用限制酶檢測質體的建構是否正確-----------------------------P.33
2.2.11. DNA定序------------------------------------------------------------------P.34
2.3. 白色念珠菌基因組的改造------------------------------------------------P.34
2.3.1. 白色念珠菌醋酸鋰轉殖法---------------------------------------------P.34 DNA片段的製備-------------------------------------------------------P.34 醋酸鋰勝任細胞的製備----------------------------------------------P.34 醋酸鋰轉殖法----------------------------------------------------------P.35
2.3.2. 白色念珠菌電穿孔轉殖法----------------------------------------------P.36 DNA片段的製備--------------------------------------------------------P.36 電穿孔勝任細胞的製備----------------------------------------------P.36 電穿孔轉殖法----------------------------------------------------------P.37
2.3.3. 5-Fluoroorotic Acid (5-FOA)的使用-----------------------------------P.37
2.3.4. Yeast colony PCR----------------------------------------------------------P.38
2.4. 南方點墨法------------------------------------------------------------------P.39
2.5. RT-PCR------------------------------------------------------------------------P.46
2.5.1. Total RNA的抽取---------------------------------------------------------P.46
2.5.2. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR-----------------------------------------------P.48
2.6. 蛋白質的萃取及定量------------------------------------------------------P.48
2.6.1. 蛋白質的萃取-------------------------------------------------------------P.48
2.6.2. 蛋白質的定量-------------------------------------------------------------P.49
2.7. 西方點墨法------------------------------------------------------------------P.50
2.7.1. SDS聚丙烯醯胺膠體電泳 (SDS-PAGE)-----------------------------P.50
2.7.2. 西方點墨法----------------------------------------------------------------P.51
2.8. 實驗中所使用的質體------------------------------------------------------P.53
2.8.1. pCR 2.1-TOPO-------------------------------------------------------------P.53
2.8.2. pFA-CaHIS-MET3p-------------------------------------------------------P.54
2.8.3. pbluescript (pBSII)--------------------------------------------------------P.54
2.8.4. pSFS1A---------------------------------------------------------------------P.54
2.8.5. p6HF-Act1------------------------------------------------------------------P.55
3. 結果--------------------------------------------------------------------------P.56
3.1. CaDbf4的胺基酸序列比對------------------------------------------------P.56
3.2. 白色念珠菌DBF4 DNA序列的比對------------------------------------P.56
3.3. 確認CaDBF4是否為必要基因以及CaDbf4耗盡時對白色念珠菌所
3.3.1. 利用調控式的啟動子確認CaDBF4是否為必要基因--------------P.57 CaDBF4 URA3/+ (CaDBF4-01)的建構-----------------------------P.57 CaDBF4 MET3p/URA3 (CaDBF4-02)的建構---------------------P.58 以yeast colony PCR 確認CaDBF4 URA3/+和CaDBF4
MET3p/URA3的基因組結構---------------------------------------------------P.60 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-01和CaDBF4-02基因組結構
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.61 確認CaDBF4是否為必要基因---------------------------------------P.62 CaDBF4-02的形態觀察-----------------------------------------------P.62
3.3.2. 確認白色念珠菌DBF4有兩條對偶基因或兩條以上對偶基因--P.64
3.3.3. CaDBF4 MET3p/URA3/ARG4 (CaDBF4-03)的建構---------------P.66 建構pBSII-DBF4-ARG4並送入CaDBF4-02-----------------------P.67 以yeast colony PCR確認CaDBF4 MET3p/URA3/ARG4的基因組
結構---------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.68 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-03的基因組結構--------------P.69 確認DBF4是否為必要基因------------------------------------------P.70 CaDBF4-03的形態觀察-----------------------------------------------P.70
3.3.4. 確認白色念珠菌DBF4含有三條對偶基因--------------------------P.71
3.4. 建構CaDBF4 homozygous null 突變株--------------------------------P.72
3.4.1. CaDBF4 URA3/ARG4/+ (CaDBF4-10)的建構-----------------------P.72
3.4.2. CaDBF4 dpl200/ARG4/+ (CaDBF4-11)的建構----------------------P.73
3.4.3. CaDBF4 dpl200/AGR4/HIS1的建構-----------------------------------P.73
3.4.4. 以yeast colony PCR確認CaDBF4 URA3/ARG4/+和CaDBF4
3.4.5. 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-10和CaDBF4-11的基因組結構
3.5. 以RT-PCR確認各strain的DBF4 mRNA表現量------------------------P.76
3.6. 確認CaDBF-03在抑制MET3啟動子的環境中所導致的形態變化為
3.6.1. CaDBF4 MET3p/dpl200/ARG4 (CaDBF4-04)的建構--------------P.78 5-FOA篩選--------------------------------------------------------------P.78 以yeast colony PCR確認CaDBF4 MET3p/dpl200/ARG4的基因
組結構------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.78 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-04的基因組結構--------------P.79
3.6.2. 利用持續性表現的ACT1啟動子將外源性CaDBF4於CaDBF4-04中
持續表現---------------------------------------------------------------------------P.79 建構p6HF-Act1-DBF4並送入CaDBF4-04-------------------------P.79 以yeast colony PCR確認p6HF-Act1-DBF4是否送入CaDBF4-04
的RP10基因座--------------------------------------------------------------------P.80 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-05的基因組結構--------------P.81
3.6.3. 觀察CaDBF4-05持續表現外源性CaDBF4是否對形態轉變造成影
3.7. 將一些與形態調控有關的基因在CaDBF4-04中持續表現,觀察是否
3.7.1. 利用持續性表現的ACT1啟動子將外源性CaCDC7於CaDBF4-04中
3.7.2. 利用持續性表現的ACT1啟動子將外源性CaCDC4於CaDBF4-04
3.7.3. 以yeast colony PCR確認p6HF-Act1、p6HF-Act1-CDC7和
3.7.4. 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-06、CaDBF4-07和CaDBF4-09的基

3.7.5. 觀察CaDBF4-04中持續表現外源性CaCDC7、CaCDC4是否對形態
3.8. 利用螢光顯微鏡確認白色念珠菌各品系的形態---------------------P.86
3.8.1. 表現融合蛋白質CaCdc11-GFP於白色念珠菌中-------------------P.86 建構p6HF-Act1-CDC11-GFP並送入CaDBF4-04----------------P.86 以yeast colony PCR確認p6HF-Act1-CDC11-GFP是否送入
Ca-DBF4-04的RP10基因座-----------------------------------------------------P.87 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-08的基因組結構是否正確
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.87 以western blotting確認融合蛋白質Cdc11-GFP有表現----------P.88 以螢光顯微鏡觀察CaDBF4-08中Cdc11-GFP的表現------------P.88
3.9. 以SAT1 flipper系統剔除白色念珠菌的DBF4--------------------------P.89
3.9.1. CaDBF4 SAT1/+ (CaDBF4-12)的建構--------------------------------P.89 建構pSFS1A-DBF4-UR-DR2並送入SC5314---------------------P.90 利用yeast colony PCR確認CaDBF4 SAT1/+的基因組結構----P.91 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-12的基因組結構--------------P.92
3.9.2. CaDBF4 FRT/+ (CaDBF4-13)的建構----------------------------------P.92 剔除SAT1 marker-------------------------------------------------------P.92 利用yeast colony PCR確認CaDBF4 FRT/+的基因組結構------P.93 以Southern blotting確認CaDBF4-13的基因組結構--------------P.94
3.9.3. CaDBF4 SAT1/FRT的建構----------------------------------------------P.94 建構pSFS1A-DBF4-UR2-DR並送入CaDBF4 SAT1/+----------P.94
3.10. 利用條件是剔除的方式建構白色念珠菌DBF4 homozygous null
mutation 的品系------------------------------------------------------------------P.96
3.10.1. 建構pSFS1A-DBF4-UR2-DR-ACT1P-DBF4並送入CaDBF4-13---
3.10.2. 以yeast colony PCR確認CaDBF4-14的基因組結構-------------P.97
3.10.3. 外源性DBF4的剔除----------------------------------------------------P.98
3.11. 利用HIS1-blaster以及ARG4-blaster確認白色念珠菌BWP17的
3.11.1. 確認DBF4-URA3 (URA3-blaster)確實會使白色念珠菌DBF4對
3.11.2. 確認DBF4-HIS1 (HIS1-blaster)是否會使白色念珠菌DBF4對
3.11.3. 確認DBF4-ARG4 (ARG4-blaster)是否會使白色念珠菌DBF4對
4. 討論-------------------------------------------------------------------------P.101
4.1. Dbf4胺基酸序列比對----------------------------------------------------P.101
4.2. 三個DBF4對偶基因------------------------------------------------------P.102
4.3. Dbf4耗盡所造成之影響--------------------------------------------------P.104
4.4. DDK的原始功能-----------------------------------------------------------P.105
4.5. 細胞週期與形態轉變的關係--------------------------------------------P.107
4.6. 持續表現外源性CaCDC7與CaCDC4的影響------------------------P.109
4.7. 得不到DBF4 homozygous null突變株的討論-----------------------P.110

Table 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------P.113
Table 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------P.115

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