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論文名稱(外文):The hypoglycemic effect of leave essential oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. on STZ-DM rats
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Tzu Liu
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本研究目的為觀察台灣本土之土肉桂抗糖尿病作用。利用雄性Wistar大鼠,以尾靜脈注射STZ (65 mg/kg BW)誘發糖尿病,誘發後三天,分別以口胃管灌低、中或高劑量土肉桂葉精油、肉桂醛 (40mg/kg Bw)、口服降血糖藥(glybenclamide; 1.2 mg/kg BW)或載劑玉米油(corn oil,CO;2 ml/kg BW),並分別標示DM-TC L、DM-TC M、DM-TC H、DM-C40、DM-CO組;未施打STZ僅灌食玉米油則為CO組,採隔日灌食共計八次。糖尿病誘發後第10天進行胰島素耐受試驗(ITT),誘發後第17天進行口服葡萄糖耐受測試(OGTT),於第21天隔夜空腹後犧牲,然後取其臟器、骨骼肌紀錄重量,收集血液進行生化分析。結果發現,灌食土肉桂葉精油可改善糖尿病大鼠的代謝狀況及骨骼肌流失,逆轉STZ誘發之空腹高血糖、降低血中果糖胺濃度,並增加空腹血漿中的胰島素含量及胰臟中的胰島素含量,效果與口服降血糖藥效果相當。灌食土肉桂葉精油可顯著減少糖尿病大鼠在OGTT期間血糖累積量,低劑量的土肉桂葉精油可顯著增加血漿中胰島素,經過土肉桂葉精油灌食後,均能顯著增加GLP-1、GIP濃度。胰島素耐受試驗及HOMA-IR的計算值均顯示,土肉桂葉精油油可增加胰島素敏感性且部分原因與降低周邊血中游離脂肪酸有關。此外,土肉桂葉精油可逆轉糖尿病大鼠腎臟代償性肥大且部分原因可能與改善糖尿病大鼠之血尿酸濃度有關。上述結果顯示土肉桂葉精油具有抗糖尿病作用。

The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-diabetic effect of Leave essential oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. Male Wistar rats were induced to be diabetes with STZ (65 mg / kg BW, iv). At three days after the induction of diabetes, rats received every other day for 8 times by gavage low, medium or high dose of leave essential oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. , Cinnamaldehyde (40mg/kg Bw), glybenclamide(1.2 mg/kg Bw) or vehicle (corn oil, 2 ml/kg Bw). Control rats received corn oil only. ITT or OGTT was carried out at 10 or 17 days after the induction of DM, respectively. At 21 days after the induction of DM, rats were killed with CO2 after overnight starvation, followed by the collection of biological samples from rats. It showed that leave essential oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. improved the metabolic status and muscle loss, ameliorated fasting blood sugar, lowered blood fructosamine concentration, and elevated both fasting plasma insulin and pancreas insulin levels in diabetic rats. These effects are comparable to that of oral hypoglycemic agents. Leave essential oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. also significantly improved oral glucose tolerance and the increment of plasma levels of insulin, GLP-1, and GIP during OGTT period. In the other hand, data from ITT and the calculated values of HOMA-IR showed that the hypoglycemic effect of leave essential oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. was partly due to ameliorated insulin sensitivity. The reduced peripheral level of free fatty acids by the tested essential oil suggested its indirect beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity. In addition, leave essential oil of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. reversed renal hypertrophy in diabetic rats and reduced peripheral uric acid concentration in diabetic rats. The results of the present study suggest that leave essential oil of Cinnamomum
osmophloeum Kaneh. possesses anti-diabetic effect and such effect is at
least partly performed by cinnamaldehyde in this preparation.

圖表次................................................ I
中英文專有名詞及縮寫對照表............................ III
摘要................................................ IV
前言................................................ VI

第一章、 文獻探討
一、糖尿病的概況與定義.............................. 1
二、胰臟及β細胞..................................... 4
三、胰島素分泌及其對血糖恆定所扮演的角色............ 6
四、糖尿病的慢性併發症發展機制...................... 10
五、糖尿病的慢性併發症.............................. 12
六、STZ誘發之糖尿病之動物模式....................... 16
七、肉桂及其功能.................................... 17
八、研究目的........................................ 20

第二章、 實驗材料與方法
壹、 實驗材料與儀器設備........................ 21
一、化學試藥....................................... 21
二、分析套組....................................... 21
三、儀器設備....................................... 22
四、土肉桂葉精油................................... 22
五、實驗動物....................................... 23

貳、實驗方法....................................... 23
一、糖尿病動物模式及其處理......................... 23
二、胰島素耐受試驗 ................................. 24
三、口服葡萄糖耐受試驗............................. 25
四、樣品收集....................................... 25
五、實驗分析項目................................... 26
六、統計分析....................................... 33

第三章、 結果

三、灌食不同土肉桂葉精油對於STZ誘發糖尿病大鼠之臟器、骨骼肌 重量之影響..................................... 36
四、灌食不同土肉桂葉精油對於STZ誘發糖尿病大鼠之空腹血漿胰島素濃度與胰臟胰島素含量之影響........................ 37
五、灌食不同土肉桂葉精油對於STZ誘發糖尿病大鼠之胰島素耐受測試影響.............................................. 38
六、灌食不同土肉桂葉精油對於STZ誘發糖尿病大鼠之口服葡萄糖耐受性影響............................................ 38
七、灌食不同土肉桂葉精油對於STZ誘發糖尿病大鼠之葡萄糖刺激後腸道荷爾蒙分泌影響.................................. 39
八、灌食不同土肉桂葉精油對於STZ誘發糖尿病大鼠之血液生化值影響.................................................. 40

第四章、 討論....................................... 51
第五章、 結論....................................... 58
第六章、 參考文獻................................... 59

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1. 土肉桂葉精油對糖尿病大鼠之抗氧化及抗發炎作用
2. 利用 STZ誘發之糖尿病大鼠及C2C12細胞株探討土肉桂葉精油之抗糖尿病作用機制
3. 土肉桂葉精油於第2型糖尿病小鼠模式胰島素增敏及腎臟保護作用之探討
4. 土肉桂葉精油對於STZ誘發之糖尿病大鼠發炎體相關蛋白質表現及腎臟病變發展之影響
5. 台灣土肉桂葉精油與其活性成分枷羅木醇及肉桂醛對於potassium oxonate和uric acid誘發高血尿酸小鼠血糖及血壓調控因子之影響
6. 土肉桂葉子熱水抽出物對動物降血脂之功效及其成分解析
7. 土肉桂葉精油對於LPS誘發大鼠腸黏膜嗜中性球浸潤及發炎作用之影響
8. 台灣土肉桂葉精油及其活性成分枷羅木醇及肉桂醛在小鼠之抗高尿酸血症作用
9. 土肉桂萃取物對於胃幽門螺旋桿菌與受感染人類胃上皮細胞之抗微生物與抗發炎效應
10. 台灣土肉桂抑菌性及抗氧化性之研究
11. 台灣土肉桂葉精油與其活性成分枷羅木醇及肉桂醛對potassium oxonate和尿酸誘發高血尿酸小鼠之肝、腎保護作用探討
12. 台灣土肉桂水萃取物之功效分析
13. 土肉桂葉精油對於內毒素誘發小鼠全身性發炎反應症候群中腸黏膜損傷之影響
14. 臺灣原生種土肉桂 ( Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. ) 樹葉精油中的肉桂醛於活體內的細胞激素調節作用
15. 臺灣原生種土肉桂葉之調節血糖功效評估與產品試量產