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研究生(外文):Liu, Tsung-Wei
論文名稱(外文):The integrated design and control application of character display using time triggered network
外文關鍵詞:LED display boardLight emitting diodeEmbedded controllerTime-triggered controller area network
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發光二極體點矩陣字幕機與圖形顯示器為現今發光二極體應用最好的產品,常見的有照明、顯示系統、交通號誌小綠人等類型,甚至出現全彩的圖形顯示器,在戶外應用時其顯示效果更勝於液晶顯示器。然而字幕機的設計與應用皆是屬客製化產品,因此限制了發光二極體顯示系統的應用範圍。為了解決將發光二極體點矩陣模組化自由擴充應用問題,本論文提出一個具有即時控制區域網路的嵌入式顯示模組設計與應用架構,藉由主控器與顯示模組的時間觸發控制與顯示驅動韌體程式設計,可輕易達成客制化點矩陣字幕顯示系統之文字、圖形與動態效果等特殊弁鈶野峞C最後經由109CM×36.5CM (144×48 LED控制點) 顯示系統驗證所提嵌入式顯示模組的性能。
LED character and graphic display boards are curently the better products for LED application, which include LED lighting, LED display board, traffic sign indication and so on. Those products can involve the full-color display system so that their outdoor applications are better than that of LCD display. However, the design and application of LED display board belong to the customized products such that the application field will be limited by its flexibility. Therefore, in order to provide a free assembly LED display module for increasing the extendable capability, this thesis proposes an embedded LED display module and application architecture using real-time controller area network. The customized LED character and graphic display board system can be easily achieved by the firmware design of the main control board and slave display module, based on timer trigged controller area network. Eventually, the proposed embedded display modules is verified by the practical testing of 109cm36.5cm (14448 LED point) display board system with encouraged performance.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 文獻回顧
1.3 內容大綱
第二章 發光二極體顯示面板架構與控制區域網路通訊協定
2.1 發光二極體顯示面版
2.1.1 顯示面版架構介紹
2.1.2 模組驅動架構介紹
2.2 控制區域網路通訊協定構
第三章 發光二極體顯示面板的硬體及軟體設計
3.1 系統開發架構
3.2 韌體設計方法
第四章 實驗結果
4.1 實驗測試方式
第五章 結論與未來展望
5.1 結論
5.2 未來展望
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