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論文名稱(外文):Game-based English Vocabulary Collaborative Learning
指導教授(外文):Chung-Jung Liao
外文關鍵詞:CSCLEnglish Vocabulary Learninge-LearningGame-base Learning
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This study proposes to combine graffiti game vocabulary and incentive mechanism to attract learners to participate collaborative vocabulary learning. Their learning environment adopt RIA, development of basic technology network of vocabulary learning environment .If also has function of evaluations learning environment, English vocabulary graffiti games, incentive mechanism and collaboration function, motivation for vocabulary learners .
Taiwan is a country that sees English as a foreign language, so there's a lack of English learning environment in Taiwan and if also lock the motivation of learning English learning will be less than ideal. E-learning can build a English learning environment, but the traditional e-Learning method can't interest learners. Because of that many English e-Learning, import teacher interaction, collaboration and other kinds of hybrid digital learning are some of the successful methods.
This study build a fun collaboration English learning environment, using vocabulary graffiti games to attract learners to participate in collaborative learning, though incentive mechanism to increase the will of vocabulary learning. The assessment objective of this research is the motivation of learners English .Using ARCS as assessment element AHP architecture as method, assess the satisfaction of the evaluator. The results showed that the learning environment proposed by the research mainly needs attention on motivation. Secondly success opportunities and natural consequences, English vocabulary graffiti games combined incentive mechanism and collaborative learning and between them some motivations has complementary characteristics. Mainly to provide positive consequences , followed by success opportunities, familiarity and inquiry arousal.

摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究問題 4
1.4 研究目的 4
1.5 研究架構 5
1.6 研究限制 6
第二章 相關研究 7
2.1 英文字彙學習 7
2.1.1 學習動機 7
2.1.2 雙重解碼說理論與概念構圖 8
2.2 悅趣化學習 10
2.3 協同合作學習 14
2.4 英文字彙悅趣化學習遊戲 18
2.5 豐富網際網路應用程式 20
第三章 系統架構 23
3.1 建構系統概念架構 23
3.2 發展系統架構 26
3.3 分析與設計系統 27
3.3.1 悅趣化學習 27
3.3.2 協同合作學習 29
3.3.3 獎勵機制 30
第四章 系統實作與評估 32
4.1 系統實作 32
4.1.1 系統流程 32
4.1.2 悅趣化學習 33
4.1.3 協同合作學習 34
4.1.4 獎勵機制 35
4.2 系統評估 36
4.2.1 ARCS 學習動機評估準則 36
4.2.2 AHP 評估方法 37
4.2.3 試用活動計畫 39
4.2.4 評估結果與分析 40
第五章 研究成果與未來研究建議 44
5.1 研究成果 44
5.2 未來研究建議 45
參考文獻 46
一、英文文獻 46
二 、網頁 49
附錄A 問卷調查內容 51
附錄 B 所有評估者成對比較值與整合後平均值 61

圖1-2 研究架構圖 6
圖2-1 雙重解碼說示意圖 9
圖2-2 Advanced model of motivation for educational games 13
圖2-3 Fosnot 建構學習模式 16
圖2-4 組合字母遊戲 19
圖2-5 圖文配對遊戲 19
圖2-6 RIA網頁非同步模型與一般網頁程式同步模型 21
圖2-7 Microsoft 與 Adobe RIA技術比較 22
圖3-1 系統發展法 23
圖3-2 悅趣化協同合作的英文學習環境建構概念圖 24
圖3-3 系統層次架構圖 24
圖3-4 RIA悅趣化協同合作學習建構系統概念圖 25
圖3-5 系統架構圖 26
圖3-6 Portal 功能選單 27
圖3-8 塗鴉猜英文字彙遊戲流程圖 28
圖3-9 RTMP路徑連接即時串流 30
圖3-10 獎勵機制 31
圖4-1 英文字彙悅趣化學習系統操作圖 33
圖4-2 悅趣化英文字彙遊戲畫面展示圖 34
圖4-3 協同合作學習畫面展示圖 35
圖4-4 獎勵機制畫面展示圖 36
圖4-5 ARCS為評估要素的AHP架構圖 39

表1-1 2008 網站類型排行榜 3
表2-2 學習類型與數位遊戲類型對應 12
表2-1 合作學習教學與傳統教學法 15
表4-1 Keller學習動機ARCS因素說明表 37
表4-2 各問卷成對矩陣 C.R 表 41
表4-3 整合後問卷成對矩陣C.R表 41
表4-4 學習動機比重與排序表 42
表4-5 各類功能之學習動機次要素得分表 43
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