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研究生(外文):Chun-Chih Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Influence on Advertising Effectiveness and Purchase Intention of Animated Spokes-Character Characteristics
指導教授(外文):Wen-Shin Huang
外文關鍵詞:Advertising EffectivenessAnimated Spokes-CharacterPurchase Intention
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Typical advertisements (advertisement with endorsers) spokesmen are generally experts, entrepreneurs, typical consumers, and celebrities—the most common one among the four types. The risk of celebrity endorsement, however, has become one of the main reasons why many industries choose animated spoke-characters as an alternative medium for communication. Hence, how to create a well-liked animated spoke-character to deliver the entrepreneurship has become a new challenge for the industries. What kind of features an animated spoke-character should be equipped with to catch the attention of consumers? Do these features actually stimulate their purchase intention? This research is motivated to find the answers.
The core of the research is the study of the influence of animated spoke-character features on advertising effectiveness and the influence of advertising effectiveness on purchase intention. Factors such as generation diversity, involvement degree and types of animated spoke-character will be covered in the discussion as well. The pre-survey questionnaire selected four types of animated spoke-character in accordance with high and low involvement degrees; fictitious human, animal, mythical, and product personification, thus the design of questionnaire for the eight animated spoke-characters is completed. The data collected will be studied by analysis of variance and multiple regression to explore the connection between the animated spoke-characters and the variables.
The results show that the persuasiveness of a low-involvement product is better than the high one and that no matter what involvement degree the product is, the human-typed animated spoke-character is the best consumer-attention getter, especially when it makes the consumers in the mood of retrospection. Moreover, ad acceptance of the female is higher than that of the male, and indeed, animated spoke-characters attract the consumers. Nevertheless, better ad performance does not create better purchase intention. Purchase of a product hinges on the brand and the product itself, after all.
摘要 ......................I
謝誌 ....................III
目錄 .....................IV
表目次 ...................VI
圖目次 .................VIII
第壹章 緒論 ...............1
第一節 研究背景 ...........1
第二節 研究動機與目的 .....2
第三節 研究流程 ...........4
第貳章 文獻探討 ...........6
第一節 代言人 .............6
第二節 廣告效果 ...........9
第三節 涉入理論 ..........12
第四節 世代...............15
第五節 購買意願 ..........20
第參章 研究方法 ..........23
第一節 研究架構 ..........23
第二節 假說建立 ..........24
第三節 前測問卷設計 ......28
第四節 正式問卷設計 ......30
第五節 抽樣對象與方法 ....34
第六節 資料處理與分析方法 36
第肆章 實證結果分析 ......38
第一節 樣本基本資料分析 ..38
第二節 信度分析 ..........41
第三節 人口統計變數分析與世代、代言人類型、涉入程度對各構面之變異數分析..42
第四節 虛擬代言人特性對廣告溝通效果及廣告溝通效果對購買意願之複迴歸分析 .61
第五節 假說驗證結果 ......84
第伍章 緒論與建議 ........90
第一節 研究結果 ..........90
第二節 研究建議 ..........94
第三節 研究限制與建議 ....96
參考文獻 .................98
一、 中文部份 ............98
二、 英文部份 ...........100
附錄 ....................105
附錄1 前測問卷虛擬代言人圖像海報 .105
附錄2 前測問卷 ..........107
附錄3 正式問卷(高涉入) 108
附錄4 正式問卷(低涉入) 113
表2-1-1 AMOP分類法 ............................................................................... 8
表2-4-1 國內外學者對於不同世代之界定彙整表 ................................... 17
表3-3-1 正式問卷之虛擬代言人選 .......................................................... 30
表3-4-1 衡量指標 ..................................................................................... 31
表3-4-2 自變數構面 ................................................................................. 32
表3-4-3 中介變數構面 ............................................................................. 33
表3-4-4 應變數構面 ................................................................................. 34
表3-4-5 人口統計變數構面 ...................................................................... 34
表4-1-1 人口統計變項分布表 .................................................................. 40
表4-2-1 高涉入產品各構面之信度分析 .................................................. 41
表4-2-2 低涉入產品各構面之信度分析 .................................................. 42
表4-3-1 性別對各構面之T檢定 ............................................................. 44
表4-3-2 合併後之樣本職業別統計 .......................................................... 46
表4-3-3 高涉入產品之職業與各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................... 47
表4-3-4 低涉入產品之職業與各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................... 48
表4-3-5 教育程度與各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................................... 50
表4-3-6 世代與各構面之單因子變異數分析 .......................................... 53
表4-3-7 高涉入虛擬代言人對各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................... 55
表4-3-8 高涉入虛擬代言人類型之Scheffe法多重比較 ......................... 56
表4-3-9 低涉入虛擬代言人對各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................... 58
表4-3-10 低涉入虛擬代言人類型之Scheffe法多重比較 ......................... 58
表4-3-11 涉入程度對廣告效果與購買意願構面之T檢定變異數分析 ... 60
表4-4-1 大同寶寶虛擬代言人特性對廣告溝通效果之複迴歸分析 ....... 63
表2-1-1 AMOP分類法 ............................................................................... 8
表2-4-1 國內外學者對於不同世代之界定彙整表 ................................... 17
表3-3-1 正式問卷之虛擬代言人選 .......................................................... 30
表3-4-1 衡量指標 ..................................................................................... 31
表3-4-2 自變數構面 ................................................................................. 32
表3-4-3 中介變數構面 ............................................................................. 33
表3-4-4 應變數構面 ................................................................................. 34
表3-4-5 人口統計變數構面 ...................................................................... 34
表4-1-1 人口統計變項分布表 .................................................................. 40
表4-2-1 高涉入產品各構面之信度分析 .................................................. 41
表4-2-2 低涉入產品各構面之信度分析 .................................................. 42
表4-3-1 性別對各構面之T檢定 ............................................................. 44
表4-3-2 合併後之樣本職業別統計 .......................................................... 46
表4-3-3 高涉入產品之職業與各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................... 47
表4-3-4 低涉入產品之職業與各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................... 48
表4-3-5 教育程度與各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................................... 50
表4-3-6 世代與各構面之單因子變異數分析 .......................................... 53
表4-3-7 高涉入虛擬代言人對各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................... 55
表4-3-8 高涉入虛擬代言人類型之Scheffe法多重比較 ......................... 56
表4-3-9 低涉入虛擬代言人對各構面之單因子變異數分析 ................... 58
表4-3-10 低涉入虛擬代言人類型之Scheffe法多重比較 ......................... 58
表4-3-11 涉入程度對廣告效果與購買意願構面之T檢定變異數分析 ... 60
表4-4-1 大同寶寶虛擬代言人特性對廣告溝通效果之複迴歸分析 ....... 63
圖1-1-1 研究流程圖 ................................................................................... 5
圖2-2-1 廣告效果產生過程 ...................................................................... 11
圖2-2-2 層級效果模式 ............................................................................. 12
圖2-3-1 推敲可能性模式 ......................................................................... 14
圖3-1-1 研究架構圖 ................................................................................. 24
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