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論文名稱(外文):A Comparison on the Behavior of Vertical Single Pile and Group Piles between in Submerged Sands and Dry Sands under Cyclic Lateral Load
外文關鍵詞:Cyclic Lateral LoadBending Moment on Pile ShaftSubmerged Sands
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In this proposed research project, a comparison of the pile behavior under cyclic lateral load in submerged sands and dry sands was to be performed by model pile test. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of water on the pile behavior as well as to propose suggestions for the design of pile foundation constructed on seabed. A well established model pile testing system was used for this project to perform tests. Comparison of bending moment along pile shaft and lateral displacement of pile head was made.
The test results show pile head lateral displacement in submerged sands is greater than that in dry sands, and the pile head lateral displacement are affected by several factors such as the size of pile, the different cyclic lateral load, the number of group piles, and the different alignment of pile groups; in most cases, the maximum bending moment along the pile shaft in submerged sands is usually greater than that in dry sands. In single pile study: in submerged sands and dry sands, the location of maximum bending moment on pile shaft occurred at the depth between 10 times to 15 times of pile outer side length or diameter. In group piles study: in submerged sands, the location of maximum bending moment on pile shaft occurred at the depth between 5 times to 25 times of pile outer side length or diameter; however, in dry sands, the location of maximum bending moment on pile shaft occurred at the depth between 10 times to 15 times of pile outer side length or diameter.
目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 L

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與方法 1
1-3 研究內容 2

第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 引言 4
2-2側向荷重基樁之基本探討 4
2-3單樁承受側向載重之行為 5
2-4 群樁受側向載重試驗 6
2-5 相關模型樁實驗研究 7

第三章 試驗設備及方法 17
3-1 引言 17
3-2 試驗材料 17
3-2-1 試驗砂 17
3-2-2 試驗用模型樁 18
3-3 試驗儀器及設備 18
3-3-1 試驗砂箱 18
3-3-2 數據量測及擷取系統 19
3-3-3 推進控制系統 21
3-4 試驗步驟 21
3-5 試驗內容 24
3-5-1 試驗設計 24
3-5-2 試驗數據計算 26

第四章 試驗結果及討論 42
4-1 前言 42
4-2模型樁試驗結果探討 42
4-2-1模型單樁受側向循環載重 42
4-2-2模型群樁受側向循環載重 43
4-2-2-1線狀群樁垂直於側向力作用方向排列 43
4-2-2-2線狀群樁沿著側向力作用線排列 45
4-2-2-3多行列組合的群樁 47

第五章 結論與建議 205
5-1 結論 205
5-2 建議 207

參考文獻 208
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