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研究生(外文):Yu-peng Hung
論文名稱(外文):A differential evolution algorithm for optimizing cutting conditions and tool replacements for a CNC turning center
指導教授(外文):Yi-chi Wang
外文關鍵詞:Differential EvolutionTool ReplacementsCutting ConditionsCNC Turning Center
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過去學者主要藉由三種主要評估指標探討單一加工作業,求解最佳切削參數,鮮少學者探討多種加工作業並考慮換刀策略所造成成本影響之議題,當多種作業在同一機台加工時,不同作業因加工型態的差異,所適用之切削參數與各自之刀具壽命各不相同,當刀具磨損至一定程度時機台則必須停機換刀,因此如何制定合適之換刀策略降低停機浪費與刀具浪費是一重要議題。Yip-Hoi and Dutta (2000) 推導一數學模型,考量刀具分組後,以同組中最小之刀具壽命建構共同換刀策略,因而導致原能繼續加工之刀具未繼續使用造成刀具浪費。本研究提出自適應換刀檢視策略,應用於多種不同車削作業於一多功能CNC車床,並以最小成本指標考量下,並提出一套差分演算法求解最小單位成本下之最佳切削參數考量換刀週期之探討。
Most of the literatures for the machining economics problems had focused on single cutting operation. However, in reality completing a single product usually requires more than one operation. More importantly, the technology of the machine tools has been well developed so that a single computer numerical control (CNC) machining center is capable of performing multiple operations, even simultaneously with multiple spindles and cutting tools. When several operations are performed in a CNC turning center, various tools are used for the cutting operations. Determining the tool lives for the cutting tools under different machining conditions is arduous for the shop-floor operators. The operators usually replace the tools by their experiences or the cutting tool handbooks. Frequent tool replacements may cause some waste on tool utilization, while seldom tool replacements may risk of making parts with poor quality. In this study, a complicated mathematical model in which different turning-related operations (turning, drilling, and cutting off) with proper constraints are considered is presented. A differential evolution approach is proposed to optimize the cutting conditions of these operations considering the economical tool replacement strategies.
謝誌 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4研究架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 切削模型常用指標 7
2.2 最小生產成本指標 9
2.2.1 外圓車削作業 9
2.2.2 綜合車削作業 10
2.2.3 非車削作業 11
2.3 最小生產時間或最大生產效率指標 13
2.4 最大獲利率指標 14
2.5 多目標指標 14
2.6 刀具更換策略 15
2.7差分演算法(Differential Evolution) 18
2.7.1差分演算法之運作機制 19
2.7.2差分演算法之類型與應用 21
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 金屬切削成本模型 26
3.2 差分演算法應用於金屬切削成本模型 35
3.2.1應用於金屬切削成本模型之演算機制 35
3.2.2 差分演算法流程圖 39
3.3 差分演算法應用於金屬切削成本模型之換刀檢視週期 40
4.1 切削工件數據與問題說明 42
4.2.1 差分演算法突變機制與參數設定之探討 46
4.2.2 不同換刀策略下各作業成本之比較與刀具壽命之變化 49 議題1數據探討(範例一) 50 議題1數據探討(範例二) 55
4.2.3 高刀具成本是否影響換刀機制之選取與刀具壽命之變化 60 議題2數據探討(範例二採用高單價鑽頭2) 60
4.2.4 刀具更換時間是否影響換刀機制之選取與刀具壽命之變化 64 議題3數據探討(範例一變動刀具更換時間) 64 議題3數據探討(範例二變動刀具更換時間) 67
第五章 結果與討論 72
5.1 研究成果與討論 72
5.2 未來研究方向 73
參考文獻 74
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