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研究生(外文):Yao-Te Wang
論文名稱(外文):Establishment of a magnetron sputter system for depositing Ti-W nanocomposite oxide thin films and their photo-catalytic properties
指導教授(外文):G.S Chen
外文關鍵詞:RutileThin filmAnatasTiO2WO3
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本研究在超高真空的背景下,以固定的總壓(PO/Ar = 3)下共濺鍍沉積Ti-W複合氧化物(Ti-W-O)薄膜,利用沉積速率與濺鍍功率曲線,控制薄膜組成,以分別康寧玻璃為基材,沉積具有光誘發親水性、防霧、自潔效果之Ti-W複合氧化物薄膜。
第二部份,使用無鹼的康寧玻璃(型號:7059)基板,以共濺鍍(co-sputter)沉積Ti-W複合氧化物(Ti-W-O)薄膜,利用濺鍍功率調控經過熱處理得到各種組成之Ti-W-O薄膜,並採用國家同步幅射研究中心光源束線(Beam Lines)17B1做X光繞射分析與光束線16A1、、17C1及20A1等設施等分析方法以探討微結構的變化。
In this research, Ti-W composite oxide(Ti-W-O) thin-films were fabricated through a co-sputter deposition in a ultra-high vacuum system under a constant total pressure (PO2/Ar = 3.0). Utilizing the relative curves of deposition rates and sputtering power, we could control the compositions of the thin-films. Using the corning glasses (7075) as substrates, we deposited Ti-W composite oxide thin films with characteristics of photo-induced hydrophility, anti-fogging, and self-cleaning effects.
In the first part, we established a three target magnetron co-sputtering machine and inducted previous set-up methodology in our laboratory, including target disposition, construction and composition regulation of films, plasma surface modification and in-situ film growth technique etc..., to derive a highly tolerance of climate change and persistence of anti-fogging effect titanium dioxide film.
In the second part, we utilized co-sputtering on the base-free Corning glass to growth Ti-W (Ti-W-O)composite oxide thin films .Via altering the sputtering output power and sequence thermal treatment to obtain different compositions of Ti-W-O thin films. Using the beam line 17B1 for XRD and the 16A1, 17C1 beam line for microstructure analysis in the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC).
圖目錄................................................................................................. VII
1.1 前言................................................................................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的.....................................................................4
2.1 三氧化鎢的基本結構與特性...........................................6
2.2 金屬半導體氧化物之自潔防霧機制...........................................7
2.2.1 光觸媒材料簡介.................................................................7
2.2.2 光誘發觸媒機制.............................................................8
2.3 WO3-TiO2複合薄膜之自潔防霧..................................12
2.4 同步幅射光譜與二氧化鈦薄膜吸收光譜特徵..........................15
2.5 光觸媒及超親水性TiO2薄膜之應用..........................19
3.1 實驗流程(Procedures)指引.........................................................34
3.2 濺鍍系統設備…………………..................................................35
3.3 薄膜製備與薄膜沉積原理說明...............................................37
3.4 薄膜特性檢測分析....................................................40
4.1 待改裝感應耦合電漿離子束濺鍍系統......................51
4.2 三靶源磁控濺鍍實驗專用機台改裝…………................55
4.3 三靶源磁控濺鍍機台系統改裝…………..................... 64
4.4 三靶源磁控濺鍍機台系統性能測試………………….........65

5.2 XRD繞射分析及相分布探討.............................................93
5.3 XAS分析.......................................................................................97
附錄A JCPDS, Card No.21-1272, 21-1276, 27-1452, 53-0678.....127
附錄B TiO2(與Ti)的X光吸收近緣結構......................................128

表2.1 WO3薄膜多形態同素異形體及其穩定相之存在溫度範圍……22
表2.2 A-TiO2及R-TiO2多形態結構之相關物性比較...............................23
表2.4 光觸媒材料應用與產品.........................................................................25
表4.1 TriScrollTM 300 乾式渦卷幫浦之詳細規格一覽表..............................67
表4.2 ANSI GA-12A冷凍幫浦之詳細規格一覽表..................................68

圖 2.1 WO3晶體結構示意圖…………………………..…………...…….26
圖2.7 TiO2與WO3之多層膜(a)為SEM影像,(b)為能帶關係圖形,TiO2與WO3電子電荷傳遞情況..................................................31
圖2.8 同步幅射光與鄉關光線/能量、物體大小之對照圖……………....32
圖3.1 本研究之實驗流程圖...................................................................44
圖3.2 本研究所使用之超高真空多靶源磁控濺鍍系統實體照片...........45
圖3.4 熱傳導型真空計與電容式真空計之壓力對應曲………..…...…..47
圖3.5 TiO2薄膜使用(a)DC直流和(b)RF射頻磁控濺鍍之光學顯微鏡平面圖…………………………………………..……………..…..48
圖 4.1 TriScrollTM 300 乾式渦卷幫浦之外觀.......................……69
圖 4.2 冷凍幫浦配備簡圖….........................................………….70
圖 4.3冷凍幫浦之內部構造……………………..………..……………71
圖4.4 ANSI GA-12A冷凍幫浦外觀……………………………………71
圖 4.5氣體分子進入多孔性材料的特性……………………………….....72
圖 4.7所改建之TiO2鍍層製備實驗機台...........................................73
圖 4.8 改建之TiO2鍍層製備機台PERT圖................................................74
圖4.9 離子束鍍膜機台改裝前六面圖.........................................................75
圖4.10 (a)改裝前上視圖、(b)預計改裝之上板.................................76
圖4.15 (a) 旋轉加熱基座完成上視圖、(b)加熱器放置圖、(c)加熱器設計圖、(d)組裝完成側視圖. .............................................81
圖5.1 WO3薄膜之沉積速率對應直流濺鍍功率(Wdc)的變化曲線.....103
圖5.2 TiO2薄膜之沉積速率對應直流濺鍍功率(Wrf)的變化曲線......103
圖5.3 由WO3(a)及TiO2(450 Wrf)單獨生長之沉積速率(0.7 nm/min)數據所預測之Ti-W-O薄膜沉積速率曲線(b)及實際共生濺鍍之曲線(c)。................................................................104
圖5.4 不同功率比例所生長在石英玻璃之薄膜退火前的RBS組成分佈實驗與模擬能譜圖,其(B)、(D)、(F)、(G)依照Ti含量由低至高的順序排列,且化學式列於圖內.....................105
圖5.8 剛沉積於康寧玻璃的(A)WO3、(B) Ti1.2W24.1O74.7、(C) Ti2.3W23.0O73.6、(D) Ti9.7W17.7O72.6、(E) Ti21.2W9.05O69.7、(F) Ti22.5W7.75O68.2、(G) Ti27.7W4.3O68、(H)TiO2薄膜試片的XRD圖....109
圖5.9沉積於康寧玻璃(7059),經550℃空氣熱處理30分鐘以後的(A)WO3、(C) Ti2.3W23.0O73.6、(D) Ti9.7W17.7O72.6、(E) Ti21.2W9.05O69.7、(F) Ti22.5W7.75O68.2、(G) Ti27.7W4.3O68、(H)TiO2薄膜試片的XRD圖(入射角1°)。其中,(a1)WO3之波峰繞射資料見圖4.10....................................................................…110
圖5.10 (a)WO3(c)Ti2.3W23.0O73.6薄膜沉積於康寧玻璃經550℃之空氣退火30分鐘後之XRD圖繞射圖.........………………………..111
圖5.13 經過空氣(550℃/1h)退火處理以後的(A)WO3、(C) Ti2.3W23.0O73.6、(D) Ti9.7W17.7O72.6、(E) Ti21.2W9.05O69.7、(F) Ti22.5W7.75O68.2、(G) Ti27.7W4.3O68、(H)TiO2;(I)標準A相(J)標準R相代表性Ti K-edge吸收光譜(NSRRC 16A光束線)...............................…114
圖5.14經過空氣(550℃/30min)退火處理以後的(A)WO3、(C) Ti2.3W23.0O73.6、(D) Ti9.7W17.7O72.6、(E) Ti21.2W9.05O69.7、(F) Ti22.5W7.75O68.2、(G) Ti27.7W4.3O68、(H)TiO2Ti K-edge近緣吸收光譜(NSRRC 16A光束線)...........................................................…115
圖5.15經過空氣(550℃/30 min)退火處理以後的(A)WO3、(C) Ti2.3W23.0O73.6、(D) Ti9.7W17.7O72.6、(E) Ti21.2W9.05O69.7、(F) Ti22.5W7.75O68.2、(G) Ti27.7W4.3O68、(H)TiO2;(I)標準A相(J)標準R相代表性Ti L2,3-edge吸收光譜(NSRRC 20A光束線)....................…………………………………………………...116
圖5.16 經過空氣(550℃/30min)退火處理以後的(A)WO3、(C) Ti2.3W23.0O73.6、(D) Ti9.7W17.7O72.6、(E) Ti21.2W9.05O69.7、(F) Ti22.5W7.75O68.2、(G) Ti27.7W4.3O68、(H)TiO2;(I)標準A相(J)標準R相代表性Ti K-edge吸收光譜(NSRRC 16A光束線)............................………………………………………117
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