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研究生(外文):Sheng-Jie Huang
論文名稱(外文):Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of Pure Aluminum Processed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion
指導教授(外文):Pei-Ling Sun
外文關鍵詞:Shear bandAnisotropicAluminumUltrafine-grainedEqual channel angular extrusion
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實驗結果顯示,經不同通道交角及不同擠製路徑進行等徑轉角擠形製程得到的超細晶鋁,具有不同的微結構:長條狀晶粒的比例以路徑A為最高;觀察晶粒尺寸可以發現:(a)使用90o模具擠製的晶粒尺寸小於120o模具擠製;(b)在90o及120o的模具中,皆是路徑C擠製的晶粒尺寸較大,各平面晶粒尺寸皆大於0.58 μm,路徑A與路徑BC類似;(c)在所有的路徑中,Z平面皆有較大的晶粒尺寸,皆大於0.66 μm;(d)最小的晶粒尺寸為0.44 μm,其落在A-8-90-Y及BC-8-90-X平面上。在壓縮測試中可以發現:(a)在90o及120o的模具中,路徑A的壓縮強度較高;(b)在90o及120o的模具中,各路徑的Y方向壓縮強度較高;(c)在路徑BC及路徑C中,使用120o的通道交角所得到的結果,其加工硬化率的表現較佳。
In this study, ultrafine-grained (UFG) aluminum was processed by equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) with 90o and 120o dies. The deformation routes are route A, route BC, and route C. The microstructure and anisotropic mechanical properties of UFG aluminum processed by different ECAE die angles and deformation routes were investigated in detail. Additionally, the 90o die deformed specimens were annealed at 523K for 1 hour and tested in compression. Shear bands were observed on the sample surfaces after compression tests. The relationship between shear bands and ECAE shear planes was investigated.
The experimental results indicate that different microstructures were observed in the UFG aluminum. In terms of grain shape, the elongated grain proportion in route A is much higher than the other routes. In terms of grain size: (a) the grain size of the 90o die is smaller than the 120o die; (b) in both dies, the grain size in route A is similar to route BC and it’s much larger in route C (larger than 0.58 μm); (c) in three routes, the grain size is largest on Z plane (larger than 0.66 μm), and (d) the smallest grain size is observed in A-8-90-Y and BC-8-90-X, both are 0.44 μm. In compression tests: (a) in both dies, the compression stress in route A is much higher than the other routes; (b) in both dies, the compression stress along Y-axis is the highest in three routes; (c) in route BC and route C, work hardening rate is higher when the sample was processed with the 120o die.
Compression tests were also performed on the samples annealed at 523K for 1 hour. The compression stress is higher in route A. Yield drop is observed on the stress-strain curves. Shear bands appear on the surface of samples. These shear bands intersect at an angle with compression axis, which indicates that shear plane of the last ECAE process does not influence the evolution of shear bands.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2-1 等徑轉角擠形 2
2-1-1 等徑轉角擠形介紹 2
2-1-2 等徑轉角擠形應變 2
2-1-3 等徑轉角擠形路徑 5
2-1-4 等徑轉角擠形之通道交角 5
2-1-5 等徑轉角擠形之微結構 8
2-2 細晶材料之機械性質 11
2-2-1低延展性 11
2-2-2 超細晶材料之降伏下降(yield drop)現象 17
2-2-3 Shear band 20
2-2-4 等徑轉角擠形材料之異向性 23
2-3 織構 27
第三章 實驗方法 35
3-1 實驗材料 35
3-2 等徑轉角擠形擠製 35
3-3 壓縮測試 35
3-4 退火處理 35
3-5 微硬度測量 36
3-6 微觀組織觀察 36
3-6-1 光學顯微鏡觀察 36
3-6-2 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡觀察 36
3-6-3 穿透式電子顯微鏡試片製備 37
3-7極圖分析 37
第四章 結果 40
4-1 等徑轉角擠形製程後之微結構 40
4-2 退火處理後之微結構 65
4-3細晶AA1050鋁合金之機械性質 79
4-3-1 壓縮測試 79
4-3-2 退火處理後之壓縮測試 85
4-4壓縮測試後之試片表面觀測 89
4-5 微硬度測定 101
4-6 織構分析 103
第五章 結論 111
第六章 參考文獻 113
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