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研究生(外文):Chin-chih Chen
論文名稱(外文):Determinants of Partner Selection in Bancassurance
指導教授(外文):Yu-min Kang
外文關鍵詞:Delphi MethodCompensation SystemTrustBancassuranceOrganization Special CharacteristicCooperation WillingnessChannel Conflict
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本研究結果發現,影響銀行選擇壽險公司為銀行保險合作對象考慮之因素包括:(一) 組織特質在合作意願呈現重要且高度一致性,其項目如下所述:1. 在企業規模方面以壽險公司規模愈大,在經營管理較為穩健。2. 在企業聲譽方面以商品與服務品質較值得信賴、形象好對銷售較有助益及理財專員較有興趣銷售企業形象好的壽險公司商品。3. 企業財務狀況方面都對目前合作的壽險公司財務狀況有信心。4. 壽險公司的評等愈高合作意願愈高。(二) 薪酬制度呈現重要且中度一致性,金錢報酬與非金錢報酬項目均無顯著影響。(三) 信任方面認為對合作的壽險公司會實現其承諾及與目前合作的壽險公司關係是相互依賴的。(四) 通路衝突方面銀行保險負責人一致認為壽險公司應給予銀行保險部門相當行政自主權。(五) 合作意願方面呈現重要性項目:銀行會與目前簽約的壽險公司繼續合作,也會尋求新的壽險公司發展新的合作關係,並與目前簽約的壽險公司共同合作創造雙贏績效及繼續與目前簽約的壽險公司建立長久的合作關係。
The Bancassurance is the insurance marketing channel which at present must not be over looked. In 2009, Taiwan''s life insurance industry had a new contract insurance premium income of NT$925 billion, including NT$584.2 billion from the bancassurance channel, which accounted for 63.15% of the total insurance premium income. This research discusses the determinants that affect bank to cooperate with a life insurance company, and uses insurance company''s organizational characteristics, salary system, trust and channel conflicts as variables to examine the willingness of cooperation. The research further discovers the significance and consistence of experts’ advices, and proposes how future cooperation between banks and the life insurance companies may be achieved.
This research studies 36 banks in Taiwan which operate bancassurance business, and focuses on the person in charge or the executive for the bancassurance. The research methodology employed is the Delphi method questionnaire survey, which combines the importance and consistent of expert advice, and analyses the empirical findings. Twenty-five bank insurance managers participated in the first survey, Twenty-two surveys are returned, and making the ratio of return is equal to 88%. Twenty-two managers participate in the second survey, and twenty surveys are returned, making the return ratio is equal to 90.9%.
The research discovered the following five results affect the factors that a bank will take into account for selecting a life insurance company:
1. In terms of organization characteristics, factors regarding cooperation willingness appear to be important and the results are consistent. These factors are as follows:
A. When the size of the life insurance company is bigger, the management and operation is steadier.
B. In terms of enterprise reputation, the products and services quality are more worthy of trust. A life insurance company with a good image is more able to sell goods and financial consultants are more interested in selling the products for that company.
C. As to the financial standing of an enterprise, the bank managers have confidence in the financial situation of the life insurance company that they are currently in cooperation with.
D. When the rating of a life insurance is higher, the cooperation aspiration is also higher.
2. The compensation system presents important and the moderate uniformity, and the monetary reward and the non-monetary reward items all are non-significant affect.
3. In the aspect of trust, bank assumes that the life insurance company they are in cooperation with will keep their promise and that the relationship between the two enterprises is interdependent.
4. In the channel conflict aspect, bancassurance managers believe that the life insurance companies should give the bancassurance department appropriate autonomy in administration.
5. Regarding the willingness to cooperate include: In addition to continue to cooperate with contracted life insurance companies, bank will also develop new relationship with other life insurance companies. Bank will work together with contracted life insurance companies to achieve win-win situations, and develop long-term relationship.
誌 謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 銀行與壽險公司就銀行保險合作現況 5
第三節 研究目的 10
第四節 研究範圍與對象 11
第五節 研究流程 13
第二章 文獻回顧 15
第一節 銀行保險與合作意願 15
第二節 相關文獻探討 26
第三節 德爾菲法簡介 29
第三章 研究方法 31
第一節 研究架構 31
第二節 研究假說 33
第三節 研究變數與操作性定義 35
第四節 研究方法與步驟 39
第五節 問卷設計與實施 41
第四章 資料分析與結果 50
第一節 銀行選擇壽險公司為銀行保險合作意願因素構面資料分析 50
第二節 組織特質因素之資料分析 54
第三節 信任與通路衝突之資料分析 65
第四節 本章小結 70
第五章 結論與建議 73
第一節 研究結論 73
第二節 建議 78
第三節 後續研究建議 80
參考文獻 81
附 件 85
附件一 第一次問卷 85
附件二 第二次問卷 90
附件三 合作推廣或共同行銷契約書範本 94

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