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研究生(外文):Guo-Ming Fang
論文名稱(外文):A Scripting Mechanism for Supporting Autonomy and Cooperation in Service-Oriented Multi-Agent Environment
指導教授(外文):Jim-Min Lin
外文關鍵詞:scripting languagemulti-agent frameworkagent-based workflowservice-oriented
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結合多代理人系統和服務導向架構被認為有益於用於發展自主性運算的系統,分散式的服務將可藉由建構以代理人為基礎的工作流程達到接合的目的。以代理人為基礎的工作流程通常由具備自主性和合作能力的軟體代理人支援工作流程的管理,然而,少有研究探討如何控制數個負責工作流程的代理人,達到以共同作業的方式完成整個工作流程。於本研究中,一個基於JADE代理人平台技術的多代理人軟體框架被提出,該框架主要用於提供一個符合服務導向計算的運行環境。基於此一框架,亦有相關的述句語言於本研究中被提出,主要用於描述工作流程中相關的自主性代理人所負責的工作內容,以及定義協同合作的代理人之間其所執行的工作項目之間的相依關係。本研究中所提出的述句機制將可支援利用所制定的述句以控制數個行動式代理人同時執行工作流程,具備自主能力的行動代理人將因此可支援同時地移動於多個網路節點之間,以存取於各電腦中,由代理人所管理和提供的服務。此外,本研究中,我們亦依據FIPA所制定的規格書所描述的概念,介紹如何將非代理人的軟體系統加入代理人環境之中,因此,非代理人系統所提供的服務和原生的代理人服務都將因此可被所提出的多代理人框架所支援並管理。並且服務導向環境下所存在相同功能的服務也可藉由所提出的述句語言所支援,以使得執行工作流程的軟體代理人可自動的選取適當的服務實體。為了驗證本研究的可行性,本研究已經依據此多代理人框架設計並且實作代理人工作流程執行環境,並應用至一個實驗性的整合電路設計流程輔助系統,此實驗系統主要是以結合ModelSim和Xilinx ISE等兩個電子設計自動化的工具所建構而成。此實作出的多代理人系統將可同時輔助多個IC設計人員進行各自的設計程序,且具有提供減少IC設計人員操作時間的便利性,和避免繁瑣的工具操作所造成的錯誤的特點。
Combining multi-agent systems and service-oriented architectures is considered profitable for developing autonomic computing systems. The gluing of distributed services can be achieved by constructing agent-based workflow. Agent-based workflow consists of autonomous and cooperative agents into the workflow management. Few researches discuss how to control separate workflow agents to co-work for accomplishing a workflow process.
In this thesis, a multi-agent framework based on JADE platform is proposed to provide the execution environment for service-oriented computing. A scripting language is also proposed to describe the responsible tasks of autonomous agents and the task dependency between cooperative agents. Our approach supports to script mobile agents to execute concurrent workflows. Mobile agents are allowed to autonomously and concurrently migrate among computers to access services. Moreover, according to the FIPA specifications, non-agent software system may also be added into an agent community for supporting useful services. Thus, we introduce how to integrate non-agent systems into an agent community. Both the non-agent services and native agent services will be able to be managed in the proposed framework. Additionally, the automatic service selection from identical services in the service-oriented environment is also appropriately supported by the scripting language.
To demonstrate the feasibility of our method, an agent-based workflow environment was implemented based on the proposed framework. The implemented platform was also applied to develop an Integrated Circuit Design Cycle Assistant System (ICDCAS) for simplifying the manual operations in IC design cycles. The experimental system is developed by combining two EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools: ModelSim and Xilinx ISE. The implemented system proves to have the features of time saving and being free of mistakes incurred by manually operating and configuring the sophisticated EDA tools.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations 2
1.2 Objectives 4
1.3 Organization 6
Chapter 2 Agent-Based Software Development 7
2.1 Agent-Based Workflow 11
2.2 Academic Literatures of Agent-Based Workflow 13
Chapter 3 Integration of Non-Agent Software into Agent Community 17
3.1 Academic Literatures of Software Encapsulation 19
3.2 Process for Encapsulating MS-Windows Applications 21
Chapter 4 A Scripting Approach for Agent Workflow 29
4.1 Proposed Service-Oriented Multi-Agent Framework 30
4.2 Functional Architecture 33
4.3 Execution Sequence for a Single Task 37
4.4 Implementation of Proposed Framework 38
Chapter 5 Scripting Language for Agent Workflow 41
5.1 Task Allocation 42
5.2 Agent Cooperation 48
5.3 Service Selection 56
Chapter 6 An Experimental System 59
6.1 Problem Definition 59
6.2 System Overview 60
6.3 Services Construction 61
6.4 System Deployment and Execution 68
6.5 Discussion 73
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works 77
References 80
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