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研究生(外文):Yong-li Hu
論文名稱(外文):RFID Event Capturing Architecture Based on Complex Event Processing
指導教授(外文):Chua-Huang Huang
外文關鍵詞:EPCglobalenterprise applicationRFID middlewareRFID eventRFIDcomplex event processing
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在不同的RFID應用上,像是倉儲管理與物流管理,複合事件處理能有效地偵測到RFID事件及其相關的情境資訊。為了RFID實務上的應用,在本篇論文中,我們提出了適用於 EPCglobal架構的標準資訊系統的RFID事件定義與複合事件處理為基礎的事件處理架構。

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a non-contact technology, using radio waves to automatically identify persons or objects in the environment. RFID has been used on variety of applications, such as context awareness, supply chain management, healthcare, assert management, and so on. A large amount of data is created on RFID application and all of them are discrete so that users have a hard work to process and manage them.

RFID event, which is event streams occurred in an interest time with high logical relations and temporal constraint, is captured by readers observing tags in environment. For capturing business events with context information in business processes, enterprise application receives a large amount of event streams form RFID middleware and process their complex relations to detect RFID event. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a set of technology and tools to help us understand and control event-driven information systems. The goal of CEP is to analyze and extract the relations among event streams and detect their implied meaning in the environment. CEP has been researched and applied in many applications of pervasive computing, such as RFID and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).

In variety of RFID applications, such as warehouse management and logistic management, CEP can detect RFID events with context information efficiently. For practicing on RFID application, in this thesis, we propose the definition of RFID event and a CEP-based event processing architecture on EPCglobal infrastructure.

Keywords: RFID, RFID event, complex event processing, EPCglobal, RFID middleware, enterprise application.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文結構 3
第二章 文獻研討 4
2.1 複合事件處理 4
2.2 EPCglobal 架構 7
2.3 RFID 中介軟體 8
2.4 EPCIS 9
2.5 Capturing Application 11
第三章 RFID 事件與事件處理語言 13
3.1 RFID 事件應用的類型 13
3.2 RFID 事件型態 14
3.3 基本事件 15
3.4 事件週期與基本事件 16
3.5 複合事件 19
3.5.1 邏輯運算子 20
3.5.2 時間運算子 20
3.6 事件處理語言 21
3.6.1 時間函式 22
3.6.2 範例:冷凍食品包裝 23
第四章 事件處理架構設計 25
4.1 RFID 事件模型與實作 25
4.1.1 RFID 事件結構與偵測實作 26
4.1.2 邏輯運算子元件實作 26
4.1.3 時間運算子實作 27
4.1.4 情境資料實作 28
4.2 事件處理系統架構 29
4.2.1 事件偵測與事件驅動服務 30
4.2.2 EPCIS 事件擷取 31
第五章 結論與未來研究 34
參考文獻 36

圖2.1 NFA為基礎的事件處理模型 5
圖2.2 圖形結構為基礎的事件處理模型 6
圖2.3 EPCglobal 架構 7
圖2.4 標籤資料過濾與整合示意圖 8
圖2.5 EPCIS 事件範例 10
圖2.6 EPCIS 事件擷取示意圖 11
圖3.1 事件週期說明 17
圖3.2 ECReport範例 19
圖3.3 時間函式說明 23
圖4.1 RFID 事件模型 25
圖4.2 邏輯運算子元件生命週期範例 26
圖4.3 時間傳導範例 28
圖4.4 情境資料範例 29
圖4.5 事件處理系統架構 30
圖4.6 EPCIS 事件擷取之功能元件互動機制 32

表2.1 Event Field 語意說明 11
表3.1 事件週期任務類型 18
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